- Let's keep it professional

**Naomi's point of view**

After having dinner with Peter, he drove me home. I felt awful and hopeless. The whole drive home, Peter assured me several times, that we'd find her. But even though I knew he was certain, I wasn't. I had a terrible feeling in my gut, and a horrible image of Adrena tied to a chair, with tape around her mouth.

''Get some sleep, Naomi. I'll go home and investigate further, and then I'll call you tomorrow.'' Peter said, as he parked outside my apartment.

I nodded, and opened the car door, ready to step out. As I got up, he gently placed a hand on one side of my head, and turned it towards his. Without hesitation, he leaned in, and kissed me.

My eyes were wide open the first couple of seconds. His sudden approach shocked me.

But his lips. They were soft, warm and intense. So I gave in, closed my eyes and kissed back.

Our tongues were softly playing with each other, and then he grabbed onto my hair, and ran his fingers through it. He removed his lips from mine, and placed them on my jaw, giving out small kisses.

''I've been wanting to do that for a couple of days now,'' he whispered, as he pulled himself away. He cubbed my face, and kissed my nose before he got back into his seat.

Usually I wasn't speechless – actually, I've never been before, especially not with a man, but he left me with no words. I simply blushed, gave him a smile, and walked out of the car. He looked at me, with a calm smile on his face, as I slammed it.

Maybe he did it out of pity, or maybe he was sincere, but either way, it helped me calm my worried nerves.

As I got inside my apartment, I noticed that my dad had returned from work. I grimaced by the thought of our future conversation – I know he wasn't too pleased about our sudden meet, a few hours ago.

''Nao, is that you?'' he yelled from the living room.

''No, it's the burglar looking for money!'' I yelled back, with a grin.

I threw my keys in the little bowl that stood on a drawer next to the front door, and took off my jacket and shoes.

I walked to the living room, where I found my father sitting in his couch, watching sports.

''Hi dad.'' I said, as I sat down, next to him.

''Nao… What you did earlier… Promise that you won't do that again, okay? It's not safe for you, and you know that.'' He said, as he removed his stare from the TV, and turned it to me.

''I'm sorry dad, I promise. I was just… worried.'' I replied, as I gave him a comforting smile.

His response was to kiss my forehead, and take a sip of his canned beer.

''We haven't talked all weekend. How was your night with Adrena, Friday?'' he asked.


''It was… eventful. We had a shift at the restaurant together, so that was fun.'' I added.

He took another sip, before he said: ''Come on, Nao. You don't have to lie to me.''

My stomach turned inside of me, and I led out a breath. ''What do you mean?'' I asked, in a shaking voice.

'' You went out – clubbing I presume, if that's what you kids say. You don't have to lie about it, it'll only make it worse. Did you drink.. alcohol?'' he asked, with a worried, yet curious look on his face.

''A little? Not like a lot! Dad, do we really need to have this conversation right now?'' I pleaded.

He thought for a second. ''I guess not. Just as long as you're safe. I know that I can trust my favorite daughter,'' he said, as he rubbed his hand in my hair, with his knuckle.

''Dad, stop! Besides – I'm your only daughter.'' I snapped, as I got up.

''Wait! How is Adrena? I haven't seen her in a week – which usually never happens!'' he asked.

I bit my nail, as I contemplated on an answer. I could come up with two different things to say:

One: ''Oh she's actually been kidnapped by the Italian mafia, and is currently held captured somewhere. I'm investigating her disappearance with this FBI agent named Peter – you met him earlier today – whom I also made out with, ten minutes ago, outside our apartment. So, to answer your question: she's probably scared shitless somewhere, or already on a boat that's taking her to some crime lord somewhere, who bought her way too cheap.''

Two: ''She's good.''

Obviously, I went with option number two.

''Glad to hear it. Tell her to come by soon – I'll make her favorite vegetarian Bolognese'' he said, as he turned his eyes back to the TV.

''I will, dad. I'm going to bed. Goodnight-'' I said, as I walked out of the living room. I could feel the tears building up in my eyes, I hate lying. Especially when I lied to my father, he didn't deserve it, but it was for his own good.

I walked upstairs, and removed my makeup. I tied my hair in a loose bun, and put on my jammies.

I threw myself on top of the bed, and rested my head in my hands.

So much was going on inside of my head, and I wasn't able to separate my thoughts. I was thinking about me and Peter's kiss. A lot. But I also thought about Adrena, Lorenzo, D'yavol and all the other factors that made sure that I stayed restless.

The last two days has been like a soap opera – a really poorly written one. And to think that there was another day tomorrow, made me yawn.

I was half asleep, when my phone started buzzing. I immediately pulled it out, from underneath my pillow, to see if it was Adrena.

''Just got home.. I think we need to talk.''

It was a text from Peter. My heart skipped a beat – what did he want to talk about? Have he already found out something about Adrena?

I ran towards my door, and shut it, as I called him.

Peter quickly answered the phone and said: ''Naomi. Sorry to bother you, but-''

''Is it about Adrena?'' I interrupted him.

''No.. Unfortunately not. It's about.. us.'' He replied, with a hesitating voice.

''Us? What do you mean 'us'?'' I asked.

I looked at myself in the mirror meanwhile, waiting for him to answer. I used my middle finger to stretch the skin in my T-zone, to look for potential wrinkles. I reminded myself, that I needed to buy anti-aging cream soon – I heard somewhere that it's never too early to start!

''I'm sorry about the kiss. I shouldn't have done that, it was so thoughtless of me. I just-'' he paused.

I removed my glance from the mirror, and walked towards my bed to sit down. ''Just what, Peter?''

''I just couldn't help it. You confuse me, Naomi. Which doesn't do any good, in this situation.''

I got angry. If he thought it was a bad idea to kiss me, then why do it? He made me feel like some tramp, who's only talent was to seduce men. And I'm tired of being put in that box all-the-time!

''Look, I wasn't the one who made the move. That was you! And I'm sorry if I confuse you, but that isn't my fault. The only thing I want, is to find my best friend, so if you can't control your own fucking temptation, then I'll find someone else who can help me.'' I shouted, as I hung up.

I immediately regretted my behavior – Peter was not only incredibly nice to me, he was also my only source, if I wanted to find Adrena. And maybe he was the one who kissed me, but honestly, I wanted him to.

I decided to call him back, but was surprised to see that he was quicker than me. I instantly picked up.

''I'm sorry Peter. But I just hate it when people turn my beauty against me.'' I said, in a resolute, yet nervous tone.

''I didn't turn your beauty against you, Naomi? I just explained why our kiss was a bad idea.'' He replied.

Oh. That's embarrassing.

''Well, anyways-'' I said, as I cleared my throat. ''I can totally control myself – the question is.. Can you?'' I asked, with a teasing voice.

''Of course I can.'' He replied calmly.

Crap. I was hoping for a 'no, you are way too tempting, I can't go one more day without kissing your sweet lips'…

''Good, then we agree. Goodnight Peter-'' I said, as I hung up. I aggressively threw the phone onto the bed, and laid myself right next to it.

He confused me, which I really didn't like. My whole DM is filled with messages from men, who'd like to date me, and here I am, with some nerd in a uniform, and he's rejecting me? For the second time? No way.

I decided then and there, to keep it professional from now on. For Adrena's sake.

And mine.

I led out a sight, as I closed my eyes to go to sleep. The last thought that went through my mind, before I dozed off, was that I hoped I could keep my own promise.