- Mother issues

Hi dear readers! Just wanted to inform you, that we've moved on to Tuesday. The last chapter ended, with Lorenzo and Adrena checking in at a new motel, Monday evening.

Enjoy <3


**Naomi's point of view**

I woke up with a massive headache – and with a dead arm, that I've been lying on all night. I took a deep breath, and sat up in bed.

Another day.

I could hear music coming from downstairs, so I knew my dad was home – guess there isn't any fires this morning.

I got up, and walked downstairs.

''Morning dad,'' I said as I met him by the kitchen. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, as I made my way towards the freshly made coffee pot, that stood by the stove.

''Morning, Nao. Slept well?'' he asked, while humming along the song that played from the radio.

''I guess. But you know that I'm a B person, I hate mornings,'' I replied as I seated at the kitchen table. The coffee was still too hot to drink, so I tried to cool it with my breath.

''I know, sweetheart. Just like your mother. She hated mornings too.'' He replied, with a smile. I observed how his smile changed from cheerful, to melancholic. We never really talk about what happened, that day in November, but I know that he misses her badly.

''Do you miss her?'' I asked, carefully. He didn't look at me, as he replied. Instead he stirred in his coffee for ages, with a small silver spoon. ''Everyday. But I see so much of her, in you. And two Naomi's in one house would be too much for me to handle anyways,'' he ended, with a hurting laugh.

My dad uses humor as a coping mechanism. I tend to do the same, so I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

''You can't even handle this-'' I said, as I pointed at myself with a laugh. ''And I know that I'm not even half as crazy as mom was.'' The minute I said 'was', I saw how his eyes changed. I don't know why I said that.

''Was? Nao, your mother isn't dead. She's just..'' he hesitated for a second. ''She's just on a long business trip, that's all.'' He added, as he took his first sip of his coffee.

''Dad.. I know she isn't dead. But I also know, that she's not on some business trip. It's been 5 years.'' I mumbled, while looking at my hands, that rested on the table.

''She'll come back, Nao. She just have some things, that she needs to figure out first. Wait and see-'' he said, while making a gesture with his right hand. With his left, he took another sip, while walking out of the kitchen.

It was harsh to see my dad in such a denial. I don't blame him, I've been struggling myself, to understand what happened.

My mom and dad had a rookie marriage from the beginning. When my mom gave birth to me, in 2002, she was dealing with a postpartum depression. My dad didn't handle it very well, cause he didn't know how to. So she handled it herself, without seeing a shrink. And that's when things began to go downhill.

When I was five, they told me, that they were having a divorce. I didn't understand the concept, so I remember that I laughed, and said that ''I wanted one too.''

A couple of years passed, and they were still together – at least on paper. But they were fighting all the time, and neither of them had the energy to go through with the divorce. Sometimes I wonder, if she'd still be around, if they just signed the damn papers, back then.

As I look back, I don't feel like I was that affected by their issues. I had Adrena, and my dancing, so I spent all my free time practicing in my room, with music blasting from my stereo. That way, I wasn't able to hear their daily fights.

But then she left. When I was 13. She just packed her shit, and walked out to her car. I remember that she shouted ''take care, Nao. I'm so proud of you.'' Before she slammed the car door shut. And then she drove away. I stood in the driveway with my dad, who didn't say anything. He kept an intense stare on her car, as she drove away.

I, on the other half, laughed my ass off. I simply couldn't stop. I remember that my dad looked at me, like I was about to go mental, but I just couldn't help it.

A year later, when I was 14, Adrena moved in with us. Everything lightened up, and I could see how my dad slowly got his natural complexion back. He was suddenly laughing, he made us dinner, and he had enough energy, to actually ask me how my day was going. It was great.

And thankfully, that didn't change when Adrena moved out, three years later. We still have a lot of work to do, no doubt. But we are enjoying each other's company, and I feel like we're, in a slow but healthy pace, are creating a natural ''father-daughter'' bond.

And at some point, he'll open up. I can't imagine how hard it must be for him. He never found a friend as precious as I did. If I didn't have Adrena, and her amazing listening skills and great advises, I probably would have left too.

Speaking of Adrena – I didn't have school today, so my plan was, to call Peter and..

Fuck. I forgot about our conversation on the phone, last night. I acted so insanely embarrassing.

I slapped my own forehead in shame, as I replayed the scenes and the things I said, in my head.

I got up, and put the coffee mug in the dishwasher. I knew I shouldn't drink anymore coffee, it makes me feel all shaky.

How do I proceed with this? Either, I can text him and act like nothing happened, or just text him that I'm sorry.

I tried to write a couple of different drafts in my notes, to figure out what to text him.

''Peter – I'm off school today, so I'm all yours...''

Okay no, way too offensive.

''Hi – Don't worry about last night, I'm fine. Can I stop by, so we can investigate? I promise I won't kiss you.''

I sound like a creep – NEXT.

''Okay, so the kiss was nice. And so are you. But don't think for one second, that I'll wait around for you! Do you know how many men are interested in this-''

… Way to aggressive. And also, turn down the attitude a notch.

''Hi Peter – I'm glad we talked last night. It's great that we agree on how to proceed – exclusively professional. That way, I'm positive that we'll find Adrena. If you're free, I can stop by? Then we can look at the leads, together.''

Obviously, I picked the last one. It wasn't all true – I don't think it's great, that we need to be professional. I mean, maybe it does help with the concentration, but it somehow confuses me even more. Damn.

Only a couple of minutes passed, before he replied.

''I'm with a friend right now, but you can stop by at 15?''

I read it at least ten times, and murmured the words out loud, trying to understand his reply. First of all, who's his friend? Why is he with a friend, when MY friend is missing? Second, why isn't he responding to what I wrote?

I felt furious, and was seconds away from sending him bomb and pistol emojis – I know, pathetic.

Instead, I did as any lady would do. I joined his little game.

''Sure.'' I texted back. With a smug and proud smile on my face, I walked back upstairs to take a shower.

As I finished, I began fixing my hair – being a curly girl isn't easy. But whoever was behind my blessed appearance, surely got some extra points today – my curls were bouncy and delicious.

With my hand, I created a little circle in the foggy mirror, so I could see my reflection properly. I admired my small freckles, that has gotten me so many compliments through the years. I removed my towel, and began to apply body lotion, all over my naked body. It smelled like strawberry, and reminded me of summer.

Maybe Peter will notice how good I smell?

I instantly shook my head, and laughed at my own thoughts. I don't spend time looking this fine for any man – I do it for my own pleasure. Or, at least that's what I'm aiming for.

My bathrobe, that hanged by my door, felt so nice against my freshly shaved and soft skin. It's the little things, that are worth appreciating these days.

I walked to my room, and picked out my outfit for the day. I wanted to dress up a little, so I chose my favorite low-waisted pair of jeans, and a tight, yet tasteful top, from Prada.

I never sleep on accessories, and today wasn't any different. Golden hoops, glittery necklaces and several golden rings were put on.

It was only 12.30, so I still had a couple of hours. Normally, I post at least two videos on Instagram each Tuesday, because it's my day off. Several ''fans'' already hit my DM, asking me why I haven't posted anything.

Maybe not surprising, but I wasn't really in a mood to dance. So instead, I posted a video I had in my drafts.

I had an idea, just as I clicked ''post'' on my Instagram feed. I have more than 20.000 followers, meaning 20.000 potential eyes, who could help me find Adrena. Why haven't I thought of that sooner?

I decided to wait with the post, until I've talked with Peter, but I got so excited by my own idea, that I could hardly wait to share it with him.

A couple of hours passed, and as the clock said 14.30, I decided to leave. I just had to come up with a lie to tell my dad, first.

He was still sitting In the living room, and entertained himself with an episode of ''Dr. Phil.''

''Dad? I'm heading off-'' I quickly said, already with one foot out the front door.

''Where are you going?'' he yelled back. I shut the front door, knowing I had to explain myself before I left.

''Nao!'' he yelled again. He thought I left.

''I'm still here dad'' I sighed. ''I'm just meeting a friend.''

I could hear him snorting, as he got up from the couch. His footsteps revealed, that he was walking towards the hallway, where I stood impatient, with my keys in my hand.

''Is it a guy?'' he asked, with a frown.

''What if it is? I'm 18 – jesus.'' I replied, while giving him an annoyed gaze.

''Allright-allright.'' He said, with his hands in the air. ''I have a shift in an hour – don't do anything stupid, okay?'' he added, in a teasing and slightly concerned tone.

''Of course not. See you later, love you.'' I said, as I walked out the door.

The weather was nice – warm and sunny. I applied my shades, and headed for the subway.