- Samuel Calero

**Lorenzo's point of view**

I remember one time, when I was ten, that me and my father went to Palermo together. He was there on a business trip, but wanted to bring me along, so I could learn a little about the business. I recall being so excited, mostly because I knew, that being the don's son had it's beneficials.

I quickly learned, that a lot of the benefits that came with that title, would leave me hungry for more. I didn't give a fuck, that people were afraid of my father, and therefore me, and I didn't care that we used that fear, to get what we wanted.

We got there in a private jet. Inside the jet, several gorgeous stewardesses were welcoming us, wearing little-too-nothing. By the look my father gave them as we walked in, I remember thinking, that he was used to that entrance.

I grew up with a lot of powerful men. And I was inspired by their power, the respect they got, and the money they had. My biggest dream was, to become the biggest of them all. And it was in my cards, I was supposed to become the next leader – the greatest leader Fratelli's have ever had.

And now, fourteen years later, the sound of the title has never seemed more frightening to me. It suddenly has a new meaning. Back in the days, I knew that my father would give his position to me, when he was too old to fight.

Now, he's not only too old to fight, but he's also too sick. Somehow, besides the fact that my father has the most dangerous job in the world, I never thought that he could die. Like, ever. Which is such an immature way of thinking, and even more stupid than the fact, that I can't follow my own families footsteps.

Or, I can.

But then I'd probably follow my father to the grave.

''I want to help, mama. It's not your mess to clean, and just you being here, is to dangerous. I want you to go back home and take care of papa and yourself. I'm perfectly able to take care of myself.'' I said, as I massaged my knuckles. They hurt a little, from punching the wall.

''If you really want to help, then help me figure out a plan for you-'' my mother replied, as she looked at me and Adrena. ''It's what your father wants.''

Something inside of me, told me to fight. It's what I've learned, and it's the mindset that my father so desperately wanted me to have. If I don't fight, then that's no better than pissing on his upcoming grave. I gave Adrena a quick glance, before I spoke.

''You know what? My father has done everything he can, to cover up my tracks, and he's put to blame for something I did. What kind of man am I, if not someone who stands up for his family? I can't just let you fight the Russian motherfuckers alone.'' I said, while I pulled out another cigarette.

I wasn't able to read if Adrena was either impressed or disappointed. And to be honest, I didn't really give a fuck.

''Mi amore, you will end up getting killed! I can't lose both of my men, I just can't. We can get you a jet somewhere, maybe you can go to-''

''I will NOT hide! I will NOT be a coward, and I refuse to be one of those pathetic excuses of a man, who leaves the dirty work to someone else. That's not how I was raised.'' I yelled, as I opened the door to go outside. I needed the air.

''Lorenzo, wait!'' Adrena yelled, as she ran up to me, from behind. ''I understand why you want to help your family, but don't you see how dangerous that is? Your mother said, that there's a war right now. You can't go back to New York, just because you're afraid that you're not man enough, if you don't.'' She added, while she looked at me concerned.

She had her arms crossed, probably to look a bit more insisting.

The fact that she thinks, that she has even slightest idea on how the mafia works, made me laugh. I envied her, for her complete naivety.

''You've only seen one side of me, Adrena. I can get real rough if I want to. I just never had to be like that, with you. But you've only known me for what, four-five days? Believe me, I'm not the one you should worry about.''

She frowned, and walked up closer to my face. ''What about me then? Should I worry about myself? I didn't sign up for any of this. If you chose to go back, fine. But I don't want to risk my life, so you can become the leader of some-''

I had to interrupt her, before she would say something that she'd regret later. ''I was destined to become the leader of Fratellis. It's been my destiny since I was born, and believe me – I didn't plan this either. I know that the russies wants to fucking kill me. But I have to protect my family, I've already been hiding for too long. I'm not a fucking coward, Adrena.''

I didn't even hear my mother walking out, before she suddenly stood next to me, with her brows raised.

''Lorenzo, you listen to me right now! I know you want to protect your family, and the empire that your grandfather raised, but you can't be this stupid-''

She paused, to take a drag of her cigarette. ''You are not exactly the most popular Italian in our family right now. Your cousins are blaming you for their father's death, and the Russians are, as we speak, counting the minutes it'll take for you to return to New York. They won't hesitate shooting you, and without being certain, I have a feeling that your cousins won't help you fight them.''

''My father will give me the position as the leader – cause we all know that I'm the only one who'd manage the role it takes. If my cousins works against me, then I'll make sure that they'll never get a job or a single payroll ever again. They wouldn't dare to touch the new leader of the mob.'' I responded, with a proud yet angry smile on my lips.

''I may not be the leader of the god damn mafia, but I sure am married to the man who is. And if he says that it isn't safe for you to go back home yet, then trust his words, mio.'' She replied.

''Then what am I supposed to do? I can't keep driving from town to town, while waiting for you to show up again, with my father's ashes in your trunk.''

I regretted what I said, the minute after the words left my mouth. I could tell that both Adrena and my mother was shocked.

''Wh-why would you say something like that?'' My mother asked, while her eyes teared up.

''I'm sorry. I'm just so fucking pissed. I didn't kill my own god damn uncle. And I didn't chose to kill those three idiots at Dimitri's house, I had to. I can't leave everything I have behind, just because of fear. The only way I'll leave this country, will be in a coffin, to be buried in Palermo.''

**Adrena's point of view**

While Lorenzo was trying to figure out what to do, I had a thought. Or, a memory to be more exact.

Even though I didn't want to think about what happened down in Dimitri's basement, I remembered something. A promise, that I made.

I'm not a woman of many promises, but I'm a woman who keeps the few that I have.

''Maybe we don't have to leave the country? I might know somewhere, where we can be safe.'' I said, as I looked at Lorenzo, and then at Elena. They both squinted their eyes, looking for something inside of mine.

''What do you mean?'' Elena asked, as she leaned in. I could smell her sweet perfume, and it reminded me of what I imagined 'real' mothers to smell like.

''Hear me out – I know someone who lives in a big city, and if I can get in touch with him, then he'd might help us out. We could probably live in his apartment, and spend a couple of weeks there, until you've gained your strength?'' I suggested. By the look on their faces, they didn't seem to impressed.

''A few weeks? Honey, this isn't some disagreement In high school, this is war. I'd suggest that the two of you leaves in a private jet first thing tomorrow – preferably to go somewhere in Europe.'' Elena said, while she crossed her arms.

Lorenzo on the other half, looked intrigued. He frowned, as he asked: ''who is this man, that you are so sure would help us?''

I hesitated for a little while, before I answered his question.

''My father. He lives in Chicago I think, and if we find him, then I'm sure he'd help us.''

To be honest, I wasn't sure. The man whom I share DNA with, probably doesn't even know remember my name. Worst case is, that he's dead.

''But you haven't spoken to your father since you were six?'' Lorenzo said. Elena looked at me, with a sad look in her eyes. The last thing I wanted, was for her to feel sorry for me. I ignored her glance, as I replied.

''I know. But I promised myself, when I was in Dimitri's base-…'' I paused. Saying the words out loud was harder than I thought. I took a deep breath and carried on – ''basement, that I would go see him, if I.. survived. And I did. All thanks to you. So please, let me help you for once.''

''I'm not saying, that I'm considering it. But if I did, then how do we find him?'' he stubbornly said.

I wasn't able to reply to his question, since I had no idea myself. The only thing I knew, was his name.

Samuel Calero.