- If she only knew

**Lorenzo's point of view**

I've been on many 'road trips' in my lifetime already. Me and Ricardo has driven the roads thin all around New York, even outside the state as well. Usually the trips includes transportation of drugs, money or even people.

I can't count the times I've sat in the front, listening to poor bastards screaming out their biggest secrets, just so I can spare them their lives. Why does so many men think that their life will be spared, by telling their killer that they cheated on their wives?

Or, why does so many men pray to God, right before I pull the trigger? Like, do you think God will magically appear from the sky to save you? The second the soul leaves their eyes, I sometimes look up upon the sky and send a smile to the big man up there, while awaiting his ''thank you'', since he couldn't do the dirty deed as well as I just did.