Seasons change

''Seasons, by Adrena Calero

Seasons change. Last i've counted, there's four of them. And each has a special feeling attached to them. 

Winter is celebrations, cold hearts, loneliness, and most importantly: changes. Each winter, we make a promise to ourselves, that next year, ''we'll do better.'' Some will start exercising, going on diets, others will leave their violent husband or write a book. New Years resolutions is a way of giving people hope, like reassuring that ''life will get better.'' 

Spring is  love, new life, heartbreaks and colors. Everything that the winter killed with its harsh winds, snow and temperatures, springs back into life, adding a little light to our worries. It's mother natures way of telling us, that everything that has been teared apart, will grow back. That every tragedy and grey, will disappear, with help from green leaves and newly sprung flowers.