CH.16- Her Torture Has Begin

Aaron's pov...

She was standing in front of me in my bedroom, seemed surprised to see the luxury of my life. 

She asked me how I became so rich? She really cared about money a lot, and it took me years to understand it. what could I do, her acting was so good that anyone seeing it would have fallen into her trick and thought that money and status did not matter to her.

But the truth was far different, she really cared about her status and wealth. But some fun in her life, she chose me and toyed with me and my feelings, and I mistook her and trusted her.

But soon maybe she was bored with me and wanted to throw me from her life, but maybe she also understood by seeing me that it was not so easy for her to remove me from her life that's why she did those dirty tricks against me.

But if she know that I can achieve my own much more than what her family had, would she still conspire and did those dirty things that she did to me 12 years ago?

My blood boils thinking about the incident that happened 12 years ago when I wanted to strangle her and make her cry and torture her so much that the whole world can hear her scream.

Tonight our wedding night, she was in my bedroom which from now on her as well. I wanted to go and strangle her, but I have to wait for it.

I recalled our conversation about our wedding a decade ago, recalling it I clenched my fists my heart loading with hatred. 

I drank a few glasses of wine to calm myself but I didn't drink too much to lose my sense. I wanted to sober up so that when I torture her I could see her crying and hear her begging.

I wanted to see her crying face.

Time slowly passed and I wanted to go to her and punish her, but I patiently waited for more hours, I had waited a decade for this revenge day, so a few more hours won't be too long?...

But I was wrong these few hours were longer than the decade that I waited. I raised my head and saw the wall clock it was two in the morning. 

I smirked, she must have been sleeping now, it's time to torture her by waking her from her deep sleep. 

People get more frustrated when someone broke their sweat dream. And I know what her dream was now... Her dream was to escape from my clutches and ran away from me as far as possible and hide, so how could I let her dream of this?

I got up and walked out of my mini bar, walking to my bedroom, I was thinking about how to make her cry, just thinking about it, I went into our bedroom, but as I entered I was shocked to see it. The room was messy, and the things were spread all across the room, the pieces of jewelry and... Wedding ring? 

I rolled my eyes and soon find that on the floor too, the room was lit up and bright with the LED lights, so I found it easily, it was also on the floor as pabble on the street.

Seeing it, my jawline started twisting in anger, I walked and bent to pick it up, then put it on the vanity table.

I rolled my eyes and saw that she also threw away the wedding gown, which was nearby the wardrobe.

Very well now she may be naked, sluty bitch wearing a gown by given from me she preferred to be naked. Nice...

I walked to the bed and saw that she was sleeping soundly by covering herself with a comforter, only her face was visible. 

I grabbed the comforter and pulled back harshly over her and threw it on the messy floor.

But she was still sleeping seemed her sleeping habit was not changed at all. Then I found that she was wearing my shirt. She use my shirts as one for the top and another for the skirt.

She was so gutsy. I bent and grabbed the shirt collar and shook her harshly. She wakes up instantly. Seeing me with her drowsy and red eyes, she woke up quickly.

She tried to redeem herself and started the struggle. I threatened her "I told you to sit on the bed and wait for me like a good bride!!"

I shook her again, then before giving her any chance to talk to her, I sealed her lips with mine.

Now her torture had begun.