CH.18- Interrogation(1)

Aanya's pov...

There was no joy nor excitement in this only endless torture.

Yes, torture.

I know he was avenging, but also releasing some kind of bitterness he felt deep in his heart. His every movement carried emotions of hatred as he was using his full force in an attempt to hurt me, to inflict pain on me.

I was really in pain, but I have to bear it and I know in my heart, that it was just the beginning of my suffering, I have to go a long way. 

Clenching his teeth, he looked at me with his blue eyes, which were full of hatred and... Pain? 

What I was seeing, why did he show such an emotion? 

He should have had happiness and joy in his eyes while giving me pain, then why was there sadness in his eyes, as if he was the one who was suffering from the torture?

No, it couldn't be, maybe because of the pain, I was getting confused.

He grabbed my lips with his mouth and kissed me, His kiss was violent and aggressive, as though he was trying to vent his frustration. Occasionally, when he didn't control his strength, my lips would hurt.

He pressed me against his body tightly, not allowing me an opportunity to move. He entered me again and again roughly, without bothering to be gentle, even though he knew that I would hurt. It was as though he wanted me to feel the same pain that I had given him. Without caring about me, he continued increasing his speed and roughness.

The night was slowly illuminated by the sun, it gradually became brighter and brighter and my vision became darker and darker. 

At dawn which soon become morning but he was still thrusting me, how many times he trusted me, I didn't even know.

I didn't cry even once, but I became miserable, now I don't have the strength to endure it and I think, I... Fainted.


When Victor Robertson reached back to his house with his injured hand at late night. He found his parents were there and they were still awake and waiting for him.

His parents were terrified to see his hand, they quickly called their family doctor, and at the same time, they informed Aanya's family about his return.

Soon they all came to his place.

The doctor came and remove the bandage from his hand which was roughly wrapped on his wounded hand by Aaron Smith's man and threw It, then started disinfecting his wound and carefully treating it. 

He had to get two or three stitches on his injured hand.

When the doctor left after treating his hand, Aanya's parents came in and started asking about her. 

"Victor, how did the two of you suddenly disappear from your engagement ceremony?! How did you get injured and where's Aanya?" Her mother, Riya Stephen started spilling questions on him as soon as she came.

Her father Steve Stephen frowned while staring at him, who had always warmly gazed while looking at him, but now he had an indifferent attitude. 

"If Aanya was with you then how are you coming back alone, where did you leave her?" He seized him with his cold question, there was suspicion in his eyes.

Hah, he knew that whenever he would meet them sooner or later, they were definitely going to interrogate him.

Victor Robertson tired of their questions took a deep breath and slowly explained "At the last moment, she felt that she didn't love me, she loves someone else and wants to spend her life with him, so I took her to that person where they both got married and now she is in his house with him."

Hearing it, her parents got stunned as well as his parents too.

His mother came forward "Do you know what kind of talk people started making about it when both of you suddenly disappeared from your ceremony. Do you take all these things as a joke?" 

His father also did not look happy after hearing this explanation, he gritted his teeth "This marriage was not just for both of you, but our whole family was related to this marriage and now we will have to listen to people's taunts for the rest of our lives, just because of you two!!" He was flustered with anger.

"If both of us get married then neither of us will be happy so it is good that at least one of us should be happy." Victor Robertson solemnly said, he rolled his eyes and saw his room's floor, he couldn't understand how to handle this circumstance?

His mother's heart ached for him, after hearing it. She knew very well how much her son loved her "Are you crazy, don't you have any desire of your own, that you went to fulfill her wish?" She sat next to him and stared at her injured hand.

After all, what was the reason behind his injured hand, was it because of Ananya?