CH.28- I Won't Let Him Recover

Aaron's POV...

She screamed and fell down very badly right next to me. I crawled and seized her between my arms.

Now she was under me, I still caught her clenched mouth and twisted veins on side of her forehead, even after white lotion coated her half-face and hair.

A snowy and smooth thigh was in my clutch, I squeezed it, then grabbed her rob's collar.

"You have the nerve to come to the lion's cave and provoke him?!" 

"Let go, you rotten bastard!!" She moved her limbs violently.


She attempted to continue but suddenly I snarled, "Stop it!"

She paused momentarily at my roar. Her eyes were on me. Getting her pause I shook her violently that her bathrobe slide a bit, and her shoulder and breast were exposed. 

As she felt the air conditioner's cold air on her exposed, forbidden plump fruit, she left my arm and covered it instantly.

She also tried to strengthen her bathrobe, but my grip didn't let her succeed.


Her alluring aura hit me, I felt my mouth dry up. My anger flared up after mixing with lust. I tightened my hand on her nap and crushed my lips on her as punishment.

Her fists were hitting my chest and tried to escape my wrath. But it wasn't easy for her. I didn't even feel her punches.

She attempted very hard, but suddenly she stopped, I separated my lips from her and looked into her eyes.

I was just astonished at her surrender that she tried to kick my ball. But luckily I blocked her kick with my hand. My body was solid against her attempt, but my ball wasn't. If she would have succeed that would difficult for me.

But her other attempt succeed which I wasn't expecting at all.

When I grabbed her leg she got a chance to sit up and then she pounced on me, but she didn't attack my face or chest, but instead, she grabbed my right foot, which was already sprained. 

She grabbed my foot with both hands and gave it a twist by applying full force. There was a severe pain in my foot that was beyond my toleration, so a loud and painful scream came out of my mouth that the whole room resonated with it.

I was sure it also reached my all servants' ears.

Then getting another chance, she used her head and tackle my face with it. Pain and I fell back, and with it, she slip away from my grip.

Throwing her victorious smile at me, she went to the vanity table and started cleaning herself. 

And I remained sitting with my sprained ankle suffering from severe pain. I was so angry at this time that I wanted to teach her a lesson at right this moment, but my foot was not allowing it to me.

Not now but later, I had to teach her a lesson.

With that thought, I barely stood myself up and went back to the bathroom to clean myself.


Aanya's pov...

Sitting in front of the mirror, I was cleaning myself, but my eyes were on him.

He stood up and went to the bathroom limping with his leg and his grim expression.

He looked pretty terrifying. I could clearly see that this man's gaze had become filled with killing intent.

Even though he was very angry and just wanted to vent his anger on me, but I knew that his leg would not allow it because his leg was severed swollen, and red which I had seen.

As long as he had a sprained foot, he could not force me.


And his sprain was not going to be cured so easily because I would not allow it to recover.

Just thinking that an evil grin appeared on my injured lips. I took the hairdryer while looking at my reflection in the mirror and found that this grin suits me very well. 

"Agh," my lips hurt when I smiled, I shouldn't stretch my lips this much.

I put back the dryer and touched my lips, it got injured due to his rough kiss. 

It wasn't our first kiss, 12 years ago we both did our first kiss and it was very beautiful, sweet, and memorable. As soon as his lips touched mine, butterflies started dancing in my stomach.

He was very careful and gentle at the time.

But now since he met me after twelve years, he kissed me as if he wanted to tear me apart. It was hurtful.

I loosened my bathrobe and watched my reflection in the mirror. There were a lot of brutal marks of his all over my body.

Back then, everything was so fantasies,  even if I felt a slight scratch, the pain was visible in his eyes, and he used to put ointment on my wound while suffering by my wound.

But today he himself was hurting me, but this wound was nothing that he gave me 12 years ago... Betrayal.

Why this was all happening, we used to be happy, he loved me and care for me... Me? 

Why did he have to betray? Why did he show me his fake love? His fake love scattered me and my soul.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, these memories were more hurtful than these injured lips and bruises.

At that moment, the bathroom door opened and he came out, he walked to his wardrobe but as he saw my reflection, he halted.

He saw my tears! Lightning speed I wiped it and glared at him.

He raised his brows and a corner of his mouth lifted, it was a mocking or victorious smile, or maybe both.

Putting his mocking glare at me he walked to his wardrobe limpingly.

After dressed up he walked to the bed, picked up his phone, and called someone.

"I sprained my ankle, come to my place."

So, he was calling a doctor.


I stood up and walked to the wardrobe for dressing, as I opened the wardrobe to take out the clothes.


Damn bastard!

I had forgotten that he had not prepared anything for me to wear.

"Chtch," he just clicked his tongue. I turned and looked at him, his cold pair of blue eyes flashed with mockery.


"Nothing to wear?"