CH.35- Another Victory!

Aanya's pov...

Aaron was hovering over me, his lips once again crushing mine, his grip was so strong.

I was struggling but as I felt his erected manhood rubbing on my upper thigh and lower abdomen, I got panic.

I rolled my eyes to search for anything to hinder him when I saw a water jug full of water on the bedside table. If I stretched out my hand I could easily get it but my hands were in his grip.

What to do? Then I clamped my legs to prevent him from entering me. He got annoyed as he found his way blocked, as a punishment, he bit my lip.

I was fed up with this bastard's bites, whenever he got a chance or pleased, he bit me!

Now it's my turn to get revenge!

While he was biting my lower lip, I also yanked his upper lip with my teeth and dug them into it.

He was biting me but his teeth weren't reaching my flesh while my teeth badly dug on top of his lip's flesh. I tasted his blood.

He flinched as didn't expect this but still, he didn't backend, instead, he deepened his kiss. We both were kissing each other in a way, the only difference was that we were using our teeth and our kiss was bloody.

It went for a while but I jolted as his eructed staff was ready to insert my feminine hole. Instantly I tightened my legs together once again which were slightly loosened due to other pain.

Aaron tried to open them with his knees but the more he tried to open them, the more I tightened my legs. And finally, he let go of my hands and grabbed my legs, and opened them in one attempt.

And about to enter me, but...

As he let go of my hands, I stretched out my hand and grabbed the water jug from the bedside table, and smashed it on his head with full force.

It was full of water as it broke all the water splashed on us, and we both drenched. Even though I also got wet but this wasn't bad either, at least I successfully shook him off.

Leaving my feet, his hand went over his head, taking advantage of this opportunity, I stood up quickly. And I got on another chance.

I pulled the side tabled and clashed it on his sprained foot.

"Aaah!" With his painful scream, my another victory.

I climbed over the bed and got down from the other side of the bed because there were pieces of glass from that water jug that I had smashed on his head lying where Aaron was.

I strengthened my clothes and looked at him who looking at me with his flared-up blue eyes.

His blonde hair was wet and water was still dripping with a few droplets of blood, seemed glass had pierced somewhere in his head. So what? I didn't care if he was injured it was also good for me.

His handsome face looked a bit funny right now because there was a deep teeth mark on his upper lip.

I smiled and threw a fake concern at him "How's your foot, honey?"

Clenching his jaws, he was only glaring at me and remained in the same position.

I scoffed at his condition and walked to the wardrobe, I opened it and took out his shirt. I walked into the bathroom,

I rubbed out the wet bathrobe and took a gentle warm bath, then wiped my body with a towel and wore his shirt, and wrapped a dried towel around my waist to use it like a skirt.

When I came out, he wasn't there, it was just pieces of glass and a soaked floor, totally a mess room.

I went out to call the servants to get the room cleaned, now it was time for them to wake up. Searching for them all over the house, the sun had climbed on the head but I could not find anyone. I have gone out too but I did not see a single servant outside even a gardener.

Were the servants here used to start their work late in the morning?

Now I was getting frustrated!

I had not eaten anything since yesterday afternoon and today I had woken up very early, because of this, now my stomach was burning due to hunger. I had seen the kitchen where it was but what was the use of going there if I did not know how to cook?

I could not stay hungry till the arrival of the servants, didn't know when they were going to start their work and when they were going to give me breakfast, so I went into the kitchen in search of food.

The kitchen was bigger than ours, no, not bigger, it's huge. And pretty modular.

I walked to the refrigerator and opened it, it was full of food but with only raw ingredients.

I sighed, I didn't know how to cook and now I was getting angry. I wish I had learned to cook something by listening to my maternal grandmother.

Luckily milk and fruits were also there, I took a bottle of milk and an apple and closed the freeze.

Then opened the cabinets and started looking for cereals, I got a box of corn flexes and muesli that could be eaten soaked in milk. I poured the milk into a bowl and opened the muesli box.

Muesli had mixed dry fruits, but the hunger was so strong that I did not pay attention and picked up a spoonful and stuffed it into my mouth.

I just started chewing when I realized that there was also the peanut, I jumped from the chair and ran to the kitchen sink and spit it out, I rinsed my mouth a few times.

That was close, I returned and checked my breakfast, and seeing the peanut mixed on it, I pushed it and poured another bowl of milk, and ate corn flex after checking it.

After breakfast, I went to my room. The room was as dirty as it was, it was wet. There were pieces of glass scattered that could prick even in my feet.

I didn't see any servant anywhere, they had not come yet. What had happened that they were not starting their work?

Now I was starting to get angry because I was a clean freak.

I knew I would have to talk to him to call servants because only he could call them, so I went to the next room to meet him. As soon as I opened the door, I halted on the door.