CH.38- Cook Or Mess

Aanya's POV...

After talking to Aaron or it should be said that when I came to the room after what I did stupidly in his provoking, I was angry but after seeing the bad condition of the room, my anger increased even more.

In anger, I challenged Aaron but I knew that I was hopeless. I didn't know the housework at all but it was also that I didn't want to bow down in front of him, so I had to do something.

Even if I kick out the cleaning work, then what will I do with my hunger? what do I do when I will hungry?

If I had my phone, I would have ordered food from the restaurant, but I didn't even know where I was, in which area of ​​the city this house was.

And leave it all, I didn't even have clothes, what clothes will I wear if I will not wash them? If I didn't clean the bathrobe and towel, I'll have nothing left to wear.

"Fuck! That bathrobe!" I had left the bathrobe in the bathroom, I had to wash it now. I rushed to the bathroom and saw the bathrobe, it was drenched. I didn't even put it into the laundry basket.

I picked it up and threw it into the bathtub. I filled water into the bathtub and stirred the bathrobe into it, then took out it. Now I had to dry it but where? Oh, in the balcony!

I came out of the bathroom and went towards the balcony, I put it for the dry but while carrying I did not squeeze the excess water due to water-drenched all over the room.

So I just did one thing and I didn't think I did it properly but other than that I added my other task.

Now I had to clean this, but along with the water, there were pieces of glass here that could prick in my hands.

I left the room and looked for brooms and mops but I could not find them anywhere or maybe I could not find it in the right place because I did not even know where all those things could be.

I came back soon or maybe it was just that I didn't even want to find it. After entering the room, my eyes fell on Aaron's wardrobe. His wardrobe was full of his clothes while I had nothing to wear.

The thought came into my devilish mind that why should I not reduce his clothes, after all, I was not getting anything to clean the house, then I should clean the room by taking some of his clothes from the wardrobe.

This was fucking good idea, and when he came to know he will be pissed off.

I walked to his wardrobe and took out his shirts. Closing it I returned to the wet floor with glass shards. I dropped his two or three shirts down there and then started collecting pieces of glass lightly.

The first shirt got wet, the second also got wet third shirt was a little dry so that the pieces of glass were easily cleaned I put them all in the trash can kept in the corner of the room.

It only took me a few hours to clean the glass pieces I was completely tired, so I went to bed but as soon as I laid down I fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was noon, I was not feeling hungry, but I knew it would take me a long time to cook because it would be my first cooking and by then I would be starving so it was better to start right now.

I wanted to see the recipe and how to cook food but I did not have my phone, so I turned on the TV in the room. For the benefit of having a smart TV, I took the remote and opened YouTube, and started watching how to cook and some easy recipes.

But to be honest, even after watching for a long time, I didn't understand anything.

It would have worked when this TV was in the kitchen and I would work there according to the video. But after looking in the room, I would do this work in the kitchen, till then I would forget which steps to do before or after.

Fucking TV, fucking videos, and fucking bastard Aaron who threw me into this pit!

Frustrated I went to the kitchen and started working on cooking, I thought to cook mac n cheese. I kept the macaroni for boiling but it was overcooked and when I went to strain it, I spilled all the water on the kitchen shelf.

Fortunately, I did not scald. But my cheese burnt. I threw the cookware aside, I was fed up with mac n cheese! I took another pan and put it on the flam, then took out the egg from the refrigerator.

As soon as I cracked the first egg and poured it into the hot oil, such a sound came from it that I was startled due to which my hand accidentally smashed on the rest of the eggs, out of which one broke after coming under my hand and two fell down and broke. And as my feet came in that gooey I slipped and fell my butt down. I felt pain in my buttcheeks.

All the gooey of the egg got stuck in my clothes. This was bad, I had nothing to wear and now this towel was also dirty. I wanted to cry.

As soon as I stood up, seeing the condition of the kitchen, my eyes filled with tears, I had cooked nothing but made the kitchen a complete mess.

I wanted to leave the teacher but I knew Aaron would order food from restaurants and eat it. I was the one who going to use it again.

But at the moment I wasn't in the mood to clean up at all, so I took a packet of biscuits from the cabinet and a bottle of milk from the freeze and went to my room.

But I forgot to turn off the flame under the pan in which I had put the egg to cook.