CH.42- You Aren't Talented!

Aanya's pov...

Splashing water on Aaron and his tasty dinner I ran away. After entering the room I closed the door and started laughing out loud and forgot that he had hurt his leg but that didn't mean he couldn't walk, he was going to be here in a while.

After laughing, I was about to eat my food when there was a knock on the door, then another knock. He turned out faster than expected.

The loud knocks at the door were making my heart beat faster, I was sweating out of fear and now it was even dripping.

The knocks on the door stopped and then there was peace for a while but after a while, the handle of the door started twisting, I understood that he must have a spare key, he had opened the lock and was preparing to come in. I lurked inside the bed in fear, not knowing why I felt the safest place in this house was inside the blanket.

I peeped from under the blanket and saw that he had come inside the room, he was completely soaked, and clothes were sticking on his body, due to which the bulges of his six packs and his strong muscles were clearly visible.

As soon as he came in I could see his bloodshot eyes, water was dripping from his hair and his face was flushed red with anger. He cast a glance at the bundle of blankets on the, he knew I was hiding inside it, but unexpectedly, he didn't pounce on me, he slowly walked to his wardrobe with his limping steps and opened it.

To make him annoying and angry, I threw all his clothes and hang nightgowns which were more similar to lingerie, but right now after knowing that he was going to get very angry after seeing all this, now my heartbeat increased and I was covered in sweat. I knew I was going to doom.

His expression changed as he couldn't find his clothes, as he turned his head toward me, I broke free from inside the comforter and threw it, then rushed into the bathroom and locked the door inside it.

The bathroom was the same except for one thing, her clothes were floating in the big bathtub. If he sees his custom-made clothes in this condition, he will burst with anger.

He maybe had reached the door of the bathroom, now he was knocking loudly at the door "Open the door, Aanya! Open the door!"

"I won't!" I yelled at the door.

"You, where did you put my clothes?!" He sounded pretty angry.

"Inside the wardrobe, didn't you see?!"

"There are only your clothes, where my clothes were, there's only your nightgown, you fucker!"

"What did you call me, you bastard?! You fucker, your mother fucker, your father fucker, and whole clan fucker!!" My face turned red due to shouting, my earth also got heavier.

"Instead of your old clothes, you will wear the new clothes that are hanging there because I'm not going to wear them and I have thrown away all your clothes, then go and wear them. You were very fond of ordering such clothes, now you wear this. Anyway, those clothes will suit you more than me. Tell me if you wear it, I will click your picture!"

I exclaimed and started imagining him wearing those clothes, thinking that I burst into laughter, maybe he had heard me.

He flared up as he shouted "I will see, how long you stay here? You will regret it a lot when you come out! I will fuck you until you scream!"

I clenched my fists, as a punishment he only thought only one method, which was far humiliation.

"You don't have the talent to make me even moan, then let it be that I will scream, you son of bitch!!"

Hah, I had said it, these kinds of words were the most humiliating for a man. They couldn't accept that they were unable to make a woman moan under themselves.

"Okay, once you come out then I will show you bitch!!"

"I won't come, so wait as much as you can!" As I provoked him, there was a loud bang on the door, seemed as if he had just kicked the door or not, he had injured foot.

Whatever, I went and sat on the lid of the toilet seat and waited for him to leave and maybe he was waiting for me to come out.

Waiting for a while I got bored and tired, neither did I have anything to eat nor did I have a phone that I could spend time with. Didn't know what time it was now but I was starting to get very nervous.

I waited for about an hour or two, then I stood up and lightly opened the door, I did not see him anywhere, it meant he left. I rushed out and went to close the door. After that, I pushed the furniture with great difficulty and placed it near the door so that even if he opened the door with the key, he could not come in as easily within those times I could go inside the bathroom to hideout from him.

Sitting comfortably on the bed, eating biscuits, and drinking milk, the milk was not as cold as before.

After eating and drinking, I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and applied skin care products on my skin, then came back and lay on the bed, I started watching TV, I was repeatedly checking towards the door whether he was coming but he did not come.

After a while I fell asleep when my eyes opened in the morning, I first looked at the door, the door was closed and the furniture was placed near the door, as the same as last night, he did not come even after my sleep.

I sighed, then got out of bed and went to the bathroom, and came out after finishing my morning routine. I moved away the furniture in front of the door and went to the kitchen.

The path from the room to the kitchen was peaceful, there was no one in the house, even though I did not see him. Going into the kitchen, I saw that the kitchen was clean, perhaps he had already gone after breakfast because the sun had climbed up a lot.

I had breakfast of cereals and milk, I also ate some fruits.

To eat for the whole day, I put fruits, milk and biscuit cake in the basket and took them back to my room, after coming back I closed the door and put the sofa in front of the door, I will be comfortable for the whole day now didn't worry about anything about him.

The best thing was the day to night but he didn't come to find me nor did he knock on the door.

When I didn't see him for the whole day and when I did not see him even the next day, I removed the sofa in front of the door and stopped locking the door too.

I could hardly see him, he was mostly staying in his study room locking the door.

The day was passing like this. I was living by eating biscuits, milk, and fruits, it seemed as if I was following dieting, due to which I had lost some of my weight.

I used to get to watch TV but I was not enjoying it without my mobile, time was not passing, a few days had passed but it seemed as if I was imprisoned here for years.

It was almost one weak from the last fight we had, since then he stopped coming into this room and for it, I was really grateful.

But I knew that my happy days were soon going to say goodbye to me because he could come at me at any time and press me under him.

The biggest reason for him not coming to me was his sprained foot because he knew that if he comes here then my first attack would be on his foot, and that was my biggest advantage. That's why he didn't come here and was busy healing his foot. But I knew that in so many days now his leg would have been healed and he could barge in and charge at me any time.

I had to think of some other way to deal with him. While watching television, I was engaged with my thoughts that suddenly...

He appeared in front of the TV coming from the side of the door then slowly started moving towards me, his steps were perfect without staggering, I was looking at his feet, he was completely cured, I felt a thump in my heart. I gulped as I saw his fine footsteps.