Mono Kingdom Part Four.

I heard him but I'm afraid to try. I see him but I'm too busy with myself. I love him but I don't know how to show it. My name is Pen Wright and I need your help.



"Its the first time you are willing to talk to me by yourself ? Did something happen ? Were you attacked ?"

Raph(Pen Wright): No... I'm just a bit loss. The conversation we had caused my bad mood of today. And past days.. I never got a 'Lover'. I wasn't even supposed to be allowed to. And that law is still in vigor. But young, I did things on my own. And each time I managed to do these things, I stopped myself from going past a certain line. I....You...We.....--

"Why is she counting me her life ? Do I care ? Anyway, if no one attacked you.. This conversation is useless. I already told you that before. We will talk when we will see each other. Not through a living medium.."

Raph(Pen Wright): You can't not give me a proper explanation. This feeling I've got for you is...Look ! Do you even---Wait ! Right, YOU will tell me when we will meet in real.

"I am happy you are understanding the situation..."

Raph(Pen Wright): Situation....? Ahh, I got it !! You want to safe your deal with my father by meeting me. You were after this, right ? You simply viewed me as an opportunity for your stupid world conquest. And I'm sur--!!

"Think before you speak. Your words have put me in a bad mood too today. But sure, I'll tell you your fucking answer you wanted so badly...."

Raph(Pen Wright): ..Finally...Thank you.

"And then, you will be on your own. I will give up on you. After all, do I even want you as my 'Lover' ? A pesky child with no manners..."

Raph(Pen Wright): Wait !! No !!!!?

To be continued...