i tried, motherfucker.....
"Two against one ? Not really fair I would say. But bring it on.."
Maternæ Necriosse: You are awfully confident. Show yourself already. Or maybe you are afraid..
Farrae Montana: Don't say that, Mama.. He might piss on himself.
"Hmm..[Laughes]Haha...Why not, really ? I'll stop hiding myself if that's what you want...Hello ! I am your leader-to-be. Rouge Noir, and pretty strong."
Farrae Montana: Mama...
Maternæ Necriosse: Yes, Farrae. I can finally sense it now. He's got the same smell as 'Ramattra Perfendis'.
Farrae Montana: Ohh, the name isn't censored anymore..Anyway, let's just join them. I don't want to lose you. Not after all we went through...
Maternæ Necriosse: ....Okay, Love. Don't worry...Rouge, what are your links with Ramattra Perfendis ? And why do you want us to join you when you alone could take god ?
"I'm his son. And to your--"
Maternæ, Farrae and Belle: Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !??!!!!!!!!!?!!?!???!!!!!!!
"AND to your last question, your dear cousin wanted you in. I guess she's lost and is in dire need of counselling. Then, she thought of you and here we are..am I wrong ?"
You are right...I left the Necriosse House too. But I don't know what to do. So, I wanted someone to help me. But putting that aside, Rouge, are you really..?
Maternæ Necriosse: If he really's. Then, more of a reason, to not join y'all. We just got out of the gods' grasp. We are finally living the lives we fought for. We won't let it go to waste so easily.
Farrae Montana: Mama...
Belle: Cousin..
"You are afraid.[Smirks]..Really afraid, huhh.. Then, I will make you face your fears. I took a liking to you. But you are much of a bunny. Let me change you. Becone mine, Mateenæ Necriosse. And the only way to do that is; YOOOOOO !!!!!!!!! GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SURVIVED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME AND GET ME, ASSSSSSHHHHHHHOOOOOLLLLEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Maternæ Necriosse: [giggles]....you, damn psycho... i fucking tried, motherfucker...i fucking hate you....
To be continued...