Mercenary Work Part Two.

Here's the thing,..



Masseur: Pourquoi tu me livres tes propres amies ?[Translation: Aren't they your posse ?]

"Ne me poses pas de question stupides, merci. Mais si tu veux savoir mon but, je peux te le dire. Cette terre pourrie a un seul point fort. Des habitants expert en survie. Et j'aimerais bien testé les faiblesses de mes amies..[Translation: That does not concern you in any way. But. I can tell you where this is going. This rotten world has formidable foes. And those foes, such as you, will be a good experience for my posse.]

Masseur: Vous êtes un malade...[Translation: You crazy...]

"Don't be so formal. I'm a friend.."

Masseur: Ahh! I can under---Ahhh!!!!! I can talk fluently...What did you so??!

"Lingual Knowledge Transfer. A little gift from me. I was tired from speaking your primitive language. Ready?"

Masseur: You talk like a 'Rich'...My name is Tanya, by the way.

"And you talk like a 'God' Tanya...The name's Rouge.."

Tanya: Rouge...First time I'm hearing that. Where you from and how you able to do supernatural thing like tranfering knowledge??

"You ask a lot of question for someone who is just an ant. Complete the task I gave you and I will allow you to ask me five questions. Good luck!!"

Tanya: And if I fail, you'll kill me ??

"What does that matter ??"

Tanya: It'll boost my morale better into giving better self.

"You are really weird...But sure, I'll kill you..."

Tanya: And if I succeed, not only will you allow me to ask you five questions but you will ANSWER them, right??

"....Sure, little ant..."

Tanya: Then, what am I supposed to do exactly ?

"Show them your confidence...."



Here's the thing, that Tanya is, a bit, Interesting.

To be continued...