Woman doesn't Kneel Before God.

Say Goodbye.



Tanya: I'm fine..

"I didn't ask. Why are you here? I thought I sent you on an important mission.."

Tanya: Rouge. I'm fine, without you.


Tanya: I kept thinking about our pasts. On our father and our fate. I'm fine, without you. I'm really fine.


Tanya: Today is our birthday. Something I always tried hard to forget. Because, I mistook what I had for you as 'love'. Wanting to run awat from a terrible fate, I relied on you as a last resort. And when father will be gone for good, we'll be fine, without each other.

"Fine, Fine, Fine... You are just a bitch seeking a bigger dick..But! You are right. We'll be fine. What you believe in is your own problem....Hmm...we will be fine.. Once father is dead, we will be fine, as you said...."

To be continued...

Next time, Black Heart Attacks The Necriosse House.