WebNovelMrs Music18.18%

She’s gone all muppet!

*Mackenzie pov*

"Mum, is that you?"


Its Bo! My beautiful baby!

I can't get any words out, my throat has closed, all the air has left my body. Tears are streaming down my face, dripping from my jaw into my lap

I hear her say 'she's gone all muppet' to someone else, some shuffling sounds and then Shays voice is on the line.....

"Mum, we know it's you. We know you sound like beaker from the muppets when to try to speak while crying so we won't force you!"

I laugh at that..... he always makes me laugh.

Shay goes on

"Look, mum, DONT worry about us ok. We are fine, we are so glad to be out of that house..... sorry mum, I know you love it, we do too, but not with that fucker you're married to there! We know what he did, we're helping Yoongi deal with that. You need to listen to him though. I know we don't know him well, but in the few days we have known him we have found him to be one of the good guys! We can see he is helping you, and us... and we know why too!

We will see you soon, don't worry about us at all, we're adults after all. Trust Yoongi, and relax. Imagine you're on a holiday and we will still be here when you come home. Bye mum, Love you!"

Bo's voice is back at the end of the phone. Well, there are high pitched squeaky whining sounds actually. Bo suffers the same affliction as me..... she can't speak and cry at the same time!

"I love you too Beaker" I manage to get out. She giggles and says "snap"

She hangs up.

I sit back in the sofa, drop the phone into my lap and sob!! My nose runs, fat tears spill onto my lap, my whole body is shaking. I'm so relieved they are ok, I'm so proud of how grown up they are. I hear laughing and look up.

Yoongi has retrieved his phone from my lap and is laughing at something on the screen. My quizzical expression causes him to turn the phone around so I can see what he is looking at.

A video clip of Beaker from the muppets!!

I laugh too!

He composes himself and suggests that after such an eventful day we should get some sleep. That sounds like a wonderful idea..... but in practice it very rarely happens for me. I'll give it a go though, now I am reassured that my kids are all ok, I might be able to relax.

I nod, and head towards the main entrance door.

"Where are you going Mackenzie?" He asks me.

"To bed. Where I woke up. That's my bed right?!"

"Absolutely not!! I had that bedspace created for you because we not know when you would wake up, or what state you would be in when you did, I didn't want you to open your eyes and see a naked man in bed with you and be afraid. I also wanted to keep a close eye on you while I........ uhhhmm.... worked on someone in there"

His little grammatical errors are so cute.... "something" I say to him with a smile in my voice.

"What?" He snaps back

I think you meant to say "while you worked on some-THING, not some-ONE. I saw the sheets of paper all over the floor with writing, and musical notes on it. Are you writing a song?"

"I am struggling to write a song, I have some writers block at the moment, but I definitely DID mean some-ONE, not some-THING!!"

I shudder at the venom in his voice while he utters that final sentence. He sounds so cold! I'm supposed to trust him!?

I follow Yoongi towards his room. Someone has been in and removed all the clothes that were on the bed before we left for the hospital.

The bed looks even bigger now!

We are standing at the foot of the utterly enormous bed, Yoongi on the left, me on the right.

He asks what side of the bed I usually have at home. I'm surprised, but I point at the side infront of myself

"Great! That works well, I sleep this side" he says, pointing too. He walks around to 'my side' of the bed and gently pushes on the disguised door there. The lock pops. He opens it fully, then puts his hand into the darkness and flicks on a light. I expect an adjoining bedroom. That's a good idea I think, especially if he ever has kids. How cool to have them so close. Almost in your room, but not quite! Perfect.

It is however NOT an adjoining bedroom. It is a WARDROBE! The biggest walk in wardrobe I have ever seen. The most surprising thing about it for me though, is the fact that it is filled to bursting with women's clothes, shoes and accessories!

I expected to see suits, men's shoes, accessories and the like.

"I'm sure all this looks great on you" I tease, holding out my arm at all the clothes and doing a 180 spin.

"It will all look better on you, you idiot" he replies flatly

"Are you serious? All this.... ALL THIS..... is mine? Why?"

I begin walking around the room, touching things, feeling all the different fabrics, the cool silks and warm wools. The shoe rack is to die for!! YSL, Jimmy Choo and Louboutin heels line up alongside less dressy but smart dayware shoes, boots and sandals, and then there are boxes and boxes of Tommy Hilfiger, Adidas and Balenciaga trainers too!

There is an island in the centre of the room. It is easily 10ft square, beautifully crafted, and like the dressing table in the bedroom has a white marble top. All 4 side have drawers. He indicates I should open some and have a look.

There inside are some of the sexiest lingerie sets I have ever seen, in many different colours, but all made of either lace or silk. I blush whilst looking at them, as Yoongi watches me.

In other drawers there are bras, slips, stockings, socks and tights. There are 2 whole drawers filled with brand new make up and brushes, and another drawer with hair accessories in it.

I am in awe!! It's as if someone had crept into my brain and broken into the room marked "Dream wardrobe", taken photos and come here and built an exact replica. I've noticed that even all the clothes are organised in the colours and shades of the rainbow, with black, white and grey at the end, after the violet things.

"Yoongi, this is AMAZING!! If I was ever to have a walk in wardrobe it would look just like this! Why are there so many things here though? It honestly looks like a boutique, there must be one of everything made over the last 5 years in here!!"

"Well...." he starts "you remember when I said that you wouldn't be going home again? Yes? Well.... I wasn't joking! You are staying here.

Enjoy your very own dream wardrobe"

With that he opens a bottom drawer of the island and shows me all the cute pyjamas.

"Take your pick, get changed and come back to the bedroom" he says, and with that he turns and stalks out of the room!

What the hell!? What is his deal? I need to do some fact finding about him....

I select some Victoria's Secret black silk shorty pyjamas, with white piping. I remove my outerwear, but keep my underwear on. I pull the pyjamas on.... they feel fantastic!

I shyly walk into the bedroom and close the wardrobe door behind me.