WebNovelMrs Music31.17%

Remember, I warned you!

*Mackenzie pov

Shit! What the hell am I saying? Where did that come from? What's that voice all about? I don't recognise it as my own! Think Marilyn Monroe x Demi Moore x Scarlett Johansson and you'll be in the right arena!!

What is it about him that makes me do and say these things?

A few days ago I'm licking water from the tip of his nose, now I'm sounding full on 'Jessica Rabbit' seductress!!

I think he noticed!

"Are you flirting with me 'Kenzie?" He asks with a glint in his eye and a catch in his voice. "I inform you, I do not like to be teased!" he warns, with a gruff raspy tone to his voice. The formality of his wording makes my heart melt. It is unbelievably sexy! I feel my entire body tense and begin tingling. The throbbing sensation is again present between my legs.

Jesus Christ! I AM flirting with him!

I feel naughty! I smirk, lower my head and look up at him through my lashes. I put my index finger up to my lips and gently chew the end of it, my tongue just catching the tip.

"What is the punishment for teasing you Mr Min?" I say whilst removing my finger from my mouth and biting on my bottom lip instead.

He moves like lightning! In a split second he is lying beside me, on his front with his right arm over my abdomen, effectively pinning me to the bed. His mouth is so close to my right ear I can feel the warmth of his breath as he speaks...

"'Kenzie!" he barks through gritted teeth, causing me to gasp with the shock. I physically feel that one word enter my ear and travel round my body switching on every nerve ending it encounters on its way.

I turn my head and look at him. He is gazing into my eyes, the unmistakable look of lust reflected in them. He licks his lips and gulps, at the same time pushing himself up onto all fours and swinging his right leg over my hips. He stares down at me, our noses now only millimetres apart. We are both breathing heavily. I can feel my body betraying me. My muscles tensing whilst conversely my limbs all feel as if they have been filled with helium, so light I feel as if I am about to float away.

I feel the evidence of his arousal pressing into my pelvis as we lay there, and it causes me to release a small moan. It seems he takes this as an invitation and he crushes his lips to mine. I swear that a bolt of lightning has just hit us, this kiss is the most passionate I have ever felt. His lips are hot and so soft. His tongue enters my mouth and connects for the briefest time with the tip of mine before he gently chews on my lower lip, holding it between his teeth and pulling away from me slightly, illiciting a tiny groan of pleasure coated pain from me.

He releases my lip with one final tug, then with a glint in his eye says "'Kenzie, don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answers to, hmmm?" and reaches up to cup my cheek.

I am amazed by my response to this man! We have only known each other for 4 days, he is my ex lovers son, half brother to my kids and is essentially holding me captive, albeit in a gilded cage. My body is behaving independently of my mind, responding to every tiny touch of his skin or lips on mine with an intensity that is almost painful!

He begins moving his lips gently down my neck, his tongue runs lightly over my jugular vein which is pulsating at an alarming rate, and he is leaving butterfly soft kisses down to my collarbone, at the same time running his left hand from my right cheek, down my neck and along my right arm, entwining my fingers in his and raising my arm above my head. I'm pretty sure all my bones have dissolved at this point.

I attempt to catch my breath to speak but am not able, my lungs burning from the lack of oxygen, he is quite literally taking my breath away!

I reach around his back and pull his hips down into me, revelling in the shiver that I feel go through him as he sucks air through his teeth. I have recovered enough composure to whisper "Do I need to repeat my question Mr Min?"

"No...... you don't, but remember... I warned you!" he growls, as he starts to run his right hand up my rib cage, grazing my nipple through the flimsy silk of my cami on his way!