WebNovelMrs Music37.66%

How could I let this happen?!

*Yoongi pov

I arrive back at the apartment building a little after 12:15, excited to collect 'Kenzie and take her to lunch. I wonder what she would like to eat? I know she said her favourite Korean food is Bibimbap, but she might prefer something else after what happened last time she ate Bibimbap! I'll take her to my favourite place, they serve the best food, and because they know me I get some privacy there too.

I can't wait to discuss our future, last night was for me, the start of something amazing. I have fallen for her hard! I need to tell her, but I don't know when or how to!

I exit the car and get into the lift, pressing the button for my floor. During the ride up I am smiling like an idiot, humming my newest song to myself, my palms are sweaty. I am rehearsing what I want to say to her, struggling to find the right words. The lift doors open and I hear the noise of the TV. It is blasting out!

What the hell is she doing having it so loud, thank god I don't have any neighbours for her to piss off!

I get out of the lift, turn to my right and come face to face with the unconscious, possibly even dead body of Jung Lee on the floor.

Something is very wrong here! I rush to Jung Lee, feel for a pulse and am relieved to find one. I snatch his gun from the holster on his right flank and move into the apartment at speed. I reach the open bedroom door and am frozen by what I see.

Shaun, on top of a very bloody, and very detached 'Kenzie. I panic for a minute... she is so still and blood soaked I think she may be dead. My heart falls into my stomach but I see her blink as she notices me and I breathe a huge sigh of relief.

I shout at the TV to shut it up. Shaun taunts me, making crude remarks about 'Kenzie. He actually has the audacity to invite me to join him in defiling her!!!

He smirks, begins to run the razor along her face. I hear him say Goodbye to her. He is about to kill her!

I raise the gun and pull the trigger.

He falls forward, dropping the razor as he does so.

I drop the gun, rushing to the bed. I drag his body from hers and begin untying her bindings. I lift her into a seated position on the bed, pulling her body close to mine. She is shivering, I don't know if it's fear or cold, but I hug her to me tightly for a while, caressing her hair, shushing her and rocking her slightly. I can feel hot tears heavy on my lashes. I grab a blanket and wrap her in it, lifting her up and carrying her into the lounge, away from the body of the dog that was her husband.

I call the police and ambulance service. They are with us in minutes.

A very kind policewoman makes us some tea, and takes a brief statement from me. 'Kenzie hasn't said a word yet, obviously in shock. My heart aches for her, I feel the most enormous guilt. If only I hadn't left her. What if I had just killed Shaun days ago instead of toying with him? If I had put him on a plane back to the UK rather than turn him out onto the street she might not have suffered this trauma.

Jung Lee is taken to hospital to have some X-rays and other tests to make sure he has suffered no permanent damage. The police are viewing the CCTV footage. Shaun had come into the building via the parking garage carrying a large rock or brick. I'm still trying to figure out how he found his way here!

He uses the stairs to travel up the floors, checking in on every floor for signs of 'Kenzies presence. He is seen on camera on my floor. He opens the door and walks stealthily towards Jung Lee who is looking out across the city from the window. I watch horrified as he raises his arm and strikes Jung Lee on the side of his head, sending him to the floor, following him down to the floor and striking him again.

I ask if I can take 'Kenzie to the hospital, her wounds need some attention. The nice policewoman agrees to take me, but she first goes to Mackenzies wardrobe and fetches her a set of clean clothes and some toiletries.

We set off for the hospital, I hold 'Kenzie all the way, stroking her hair, telling her i will always protect her from today. I apologise over and over again for all she has suffered. I don't think she hears me, she is almost catatonic, completely unresponsive!

Those hot fat tears fall from my eyes, travelling down my face and falling from my chin.

How could I let this happen?!