WebNovelMrs Music40.26%

Do I beg?

*Yoongi pov

I watch her face while I am relaying the events of the last 9 days, trying to find any clue about how she is feeling, whether she blames me, if I'm remembering enough details for her?

She certainly doesn't look angry with me so far. That has to be good right?!

Mackenzie remains silent for the longest time, just listening to me. I'm so grateful that she isn't bombarding me with questions and is just allowing me to tell her what happened.

Her face is so expressive! When I tell her how we found her she looks sad, and a little embarrassed, her cheeks flush pink!

Her eyes narrow and she tilts her head slightly to the left while she is concentrating. When I tell her that I told her kids that I am related to them she looks shocked. Her mouth has opened into a tiny 'O' shape, and she brings her hand up to her throat with a little gasp. Her eyes are earnestly searching mine for some reassurance that they are ok. She looks relieved when I tell her that I didn't mention who our father is.

"I need to go home Yoongi! I need to see my kids" I tell him

"I know you do, but we need to check with the police if that is ok first. I know there will be an investigation, I don't know if I will face any charges, but as you are a witness they might prefer you to stay in Korea. I could fly the kids over here if you like, that way you are available to the police if they need you, but you will know they are ok? I'd really like the opportunity to get to know them, if that is ok with you?!"

"I'd love for you to have a relationship with them, truly, but it's really up to them to decide that, after all, they are young adults. I don't get to make decisions about their futures for them anymore." I say.

"I m so grateful for everything you have done for me Yoongi, I can't begin to thank you enough! I will never be able to repay you for your kindness, but now Shaun is gone there is no reason for me to stay in Korea anymore. We are safe, I can go home as soon as the police agree"

Her words are like a knife to my heart!

'I am a reason for you to stay in Korea, I love you, we can be happy, we can be a family' I want to scream at her, but I don't. I don't want to pressure her, but I also don't want to just let her walk away from me, maybe forever!

How to play this? Do I let her go? Do I beg? Do I ask to go with her? What will I do about work, I've already missed so much!

We travel back to my place in silence, both of us lost in thought. I have no idea what she is thinking, but I am desperately trying to think of reasons to keep her with me!

My phone rings and I retrieve it from my pocket to see that an unknown number is calling. I answer and listen to the voice at the other end.

"Turn the car around, back to the hospital, NOW!" I bark

Mackenzie jumps at the suddenness and volume of my order, and I feel immediately guilty, she's been through enough already! She sends me a quizzical look.

"Jag-eun is..... he's.... he's in a coma! He was found outside the back of my building just as we left for the hospital. It seems he also suffered head injuries, although his are life threatening" I almost choke on the words, bile rising in my throat, burning my chest, tears pricking at my eyes.

This is all my fault!!

Mackenzie reaches across the seat and puts her hand on mine and gives it a little squeeze. I look into her face and do not see blame, hatred or anger, only sympathy and compassion. "Stop that right now" she says firmly but quietly.

"None of this is your fault! Shaun was an evil bastard, he did all of this, he hurt me, Jung Lee and also probably Jag-eun too. He terrorised my kids, blackmailed your father and is the only reason any of us have suffered! You have done nothing but try to help. Do not blame yourself, do you Hear me?! Here, I have a tissue" she says, putting her hand into her pocket to retrieve it, but instead pulls a mobile phone from her pocket.

She stares at it in her hand, her eyes widening and the small amount of colour she has draining from her face.

"GPS!" she whispers

"What?" I enquire

"This is my phone! How is it in my pocket?"

"The laundry staff replaced your items back into your pockets after they cleaned your clothes so they were not lost" I inform her casually with a shrug, not sure where her train of thought is heading

"This is it! This is how he found me! He has a locator app installed on it so I could always be found. I had to be surveilled 24/7. He needed to keep tabs on me at all times. He used it to find me!"