WebNovelMrs Music42.86%

Airport. NOW!!

*Yoongis pov

"DODAECHE MWOYA!!??" I yell at her. This moron of a policewoman has taken Mackenzie from me!

I was so concerned with Jag-euns welfare I did not realise for quite some time that Mackenzie was gone.

My driver brought me immediately to the station he dropped her at and I rushed to the desk, shouting her name but receiving nothing but puzzled looks.

"I'm here for Mackenzie Santana" I say "Where is she?"

The nice policewoman came and ushered me into a small side room off of the main reception area.

"Mr Min, Mrs Santana came to retrieve her passport and to ask permission to return to her home. Since we have her statement and she is a victim there was no reason for us to detain her in Korea any longer. She will be recalled to Korea if any proceedings are taken after our investigation is completed, but as you know these things can take months to resolve. She was driven to the airport to be put on the next available plane back to England"

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I yell at her!

"MR MIN!" she retorts loudly but calmly.

"Mrs Santana was not a suspect or perpetrator of any crime, she has provided us with all required information and statements and has promised to return to Korea if required to testify in any subsequent trial proceedings. We had no reason to keep her here. She was subjected to a horrendous attack and wanted to go home to see her children. I was not going to deny her that request" she states firmly and clearly.

I am immediately contrite, and lower my head, uttering apologies for my outburst. I'm devastated she is gone, but am grateful that this policewoman has cared for Mackenzie, putting her needs first. I turn to leave thanking her for her time.

"You know Mr Min, a Dr really should declare Mrs Santana fit to fly. England is many hours from Korea, and she suffered some significant injuries, and emotional trauma. The next flight to England is not until tomorrow morning. She has I believe, been placed into a room at the airport hotel overnight. Maybe a Dr should visit her there!?" she says, using air quotations as she says the word Dr!

I smile, take the few steps between us and kiss her on the forehead! She is taken aback, a blush covering her cheeks, but she recovers quickly and

tells me with a smirk and a wink to leave before she arrests me for sexual assault! Cheeky Moo!

I practically run to the car and shout at my driver two words.

"Airport. NOW!"