WebNovelMrs Music48.05%


*Yoongi pov

Again she has made things easier for me by remaining Silent while I speak. She looks so relieved when I tell her about Jag-eun, I'm sure she feels guilty as it was her tosspot husband that hurt him and Jung Lee.

I have so much I want to say, and I know I could be far more eloquent if she spoke Korean, and I worry that my grasp of English is not sufficiently good to convey the intricacies of my feelings for her. I don't want her to think me a child. I certainly don't want her to think I want her to replace my dear departed Eomma!

I tell her how the guys are, and she cannot keep the relief from her face! She smiles that heart stoppingly angelic smile of hers, and puts her palms together as if about to pray and I swear my bones liquify!

I move to the edge of the bed and turn to her, my knees brushing hers as I turn to face her, sending pleasurable shockwaves up to my groin and on towards my heart. She is the light to my dark, the day to my night, she is the missing piece of my heart... I don't just love her, I am IN LOVE with her!

'TELL HER YOONGI' my brain screams, my insecurity however urging caution in an attempt to protect the fragility of my heart.

I tell her how I felt when she was gone and finish with this stunner......

"I have developed feelings of love for you!"

Way to be vague Yoongi! Way to explain things clearly. Idiot! That choice of vocabulary has not made my feelings clear at all.

For an award winning songwriter and performer I am completely shit at explaining my feelings to her! I'm going to have to show her. That I feel sure I can manage!

I swallow, take a breath and raise my right arm to her left shoulder and gently lay her back onto the bed, careful so as not to hurt her ribs, following her down and placing my hand on her perfect neck, my lips moving to the right side of her neck, gently nibbling and licking my way down to her collarbone where I am again stymied by her bloody clothes!

I run my hands down her arms and gingerly raise them above her head. She doesn't resist and leaves them in place while I again allow my hands to skim downward over her body until I find her the waistband of her sweatshirt, lifting it up and over her head, leaving it tangled around her arms, her face partially covered, only those enticing lips visible.

I am finding the air thinner, I can hear the blood pumping through my veins and feel my heart rate climbing. My breath is coming heavily and rapidly, my refastened trousers beginning to feel more and more restrictive.

I push myself up to standing and remove them and my underwear in one swift motion. I kneel infront of her, my hands reaching to cup her breasts, naked so as not to irritate her freshly dressed wounds, thumbing the nipples which immediately harden.

'Kenzie groans and I harden!!

I place the tenderest kisses along her stitch lines, starting at her navel and working my way down to the simple white lace knickers that are enrobing her. I continue to kiss her through them, my hot and heavy breathing causing her to blow out a sharp breath. I tug them down and she lifts her buttocks to assist me. I remove them fully and go back to kissing her in the place I have just exposed, 'Kenzie arching her back and raising her left foot onto the bed. I accept this gift and tenderly run my hand along her inside thigh from her groin to her knee, applying slight pressure, letting her know I want her legs open for me. She complies willingly, bringing her arms which are still tangled in her sweatshirt down to my head, placing her hands on either side of my head, scratching my scalp with her nails. It feels exquisite. I lift her right leg at the knee and place it up onto the bed symmetric to the other and moisten my lips before leaning forward and running my tongue over her sweet spot, my fingers skimming up and down her inner thighs. She is squirming, her breaths coming faster and heavier, small moans are music to my ears. She sounds like a number one song to me!

I move one hand down to squeeze myself, to prevent the explosion that is threateningly close, the other pulling the sweatshirt from her arms, then moving to seek out her wetness, sliding my index finger inside her, pressing down towards the bed and adding my middle finger too. 'Kenzie cries out at this and I feel her tighten around me, then the telltale flood of wetness signalling her release.