WebNovelMrs Music50.65%

Burning up for her!

*Yoongi pov

OMG!! This Angel has a very naughty side..... I love it!

She said she is in love with me! I am the luckiest man in the universe. I have to physically stem the flow of my tears of happiness and choke back a sob. I should probably stop worrying that she won't be interested in me because I am younger than her. I now see that age is just a number, I hope she can too. I finally believe we really can be happy together.

She is straddling me, has sat up and is grinding her hips down into me. She has just sucked her own fingers and is now using them to rub herself, small but swift circles, building in pace. She is panting, her right hand resting on my chest allowing her to steady herself slightly so she has better access to herself. I can feel her warm moistness on my abdomen. I have wanted to be inside her for almost 3 years now, i don't think i can wait any longer. I am worried that the whole experience may be a little more brief than I would like, she excites me so! I place my hands on her hips, ensuring to avoid catching any of her stitches and guide her down my body, placing myself at the apex of her thighs as she starts rocking her hips back and forth along my length. I have never felt anything like it in my whole life!

"Oh my god...... 'Kenzie, you .....are ....... amazing!" I manage to gasp out between ragged breaths. I feel so overstimulated, and huge, as if all the blood in my body is inside that one organ only! That would account for the dizzying lack of oxygen moving around my body. Every one of the 2 billion nerve endings in my entire body are alight! I am literally burning up for her, my length in severe danger of bursting at any moment!

"Yoongi, I need you inside me..... please... please fuck me!" she almost sobs.

I don't need any more invitation than that. I reach down and guide my tip into her warm wetness. Fuck! She is so ready for me. Before I have a chance to move she plunges herself down fully onto me, taking the entirety of me.

"Sesang-e!! Ileon jejang!!!" I gasp, unable to formulate my thoughts into English words I revert to my native tongue.

'Kenzie is slowly raising herself up my shaft, almost to the tip, then slams her hips down onto me again, knocking all the air from my lungs. I have never felt anything like this in my life. Despite my big talk previously I am pretty inexperienced when it comes to sex. I didn't want her to think me a boy. She is actually my first. I've had some sexual encounters, but I truly do believe you should be in love to make love! I've never been in love before now.

My mind may be worrying about what to do but my body seems to know how to respond. I realise I am raising my hips to meet her downward thrusting, matching her in speed and power. She is making small whimpering sounds. I sit up and grab her bum whilst running my tongue along her neck, up to her mouth, I suck her bottom lip into my mouth and she growls, bringing her body down on me again, but adding a hip roll which takes me even further into her. I slide forward on the bed and lift her with me as I stand, carrying her back to the dresser and placing her on the edge. Our breathing is laboured and heavy, both of us trying to place kisses on the others mouth but unable to hit our targets due to our jaws being slack, hanging open to allow us to give voice to the swell of feelings coursing through our bodies!

'Kenzie puts one foot up on my hip and grips the edge of the dresser with her left hand, bracing herself against my strong and rapid thrusts. Her injured right wrist on my shoulder, her head thrown back, her beautiful golden hair grazing the top of her buttocks. She has a fine sheen to her skin, her cheeks are flushed red and her fringe is stuck to her forehead. I now also notice that she has a small piece of tissue stuck to the tip of her nose! She has never looked more stunning to me.

She begins calling my name! I can't believe that this amazingly sexy, beautiful, loving and strong woman is calling my name!

"Yooooong....iiiiii!! Oh, fuck...... oh fuck! Huhh.... oh God! FUUUUUCK!!" She screams my name. This alone almost causing my legs to buckle under me. I'm used to my legs getting a good workout, we dance for hours everyday, and during my down time I love to play basketball which is pretty physical, but this is indescribable! It hurts like hell, but is conversely the most amazing sensation I have ever felt. I feel her begin to pulsate around me, moisture leaking down my length and running down onto my balls. I lean forward and put my arms under hers and grip her shoulders from behind, our chests touching. I can feel both our heartbeats, keeping a steady rhythm, thumping in unison, The baseline to the melody of our union.

As I drive myself into her I pull down on her shoulders. I want to be as deeply inside her as is possible. My strokes increase, as do my heart beats, breathing rate and temperature!! She pulls my face into the most passionately deep kiss. I try to call her name but my words enter her mouth and are lost. I pull away from her kiss and straighten my back, standing tall and suck my breath in through my teeth, creating a sharp hissing sound.

"Naneun-ogoissda!!" I croak out, my throat so dry.

"What does that mean?" 'Kenzie pants.

"I'm coming for you! It means I'm coming!" I rasp into her ear.

I grip her shoulders tightly, she wraps her arms around my head pulling me in closer and I push into her one last time, my muscles locking, my lungs cease to expand, the world stills. There is nothing but us. All I can feel is the explosion of my orgasm, pulsating waves of absolute pleasure. I see nothing but millions of shards of light. It looks and feels like driving into a snowstorm at night, stunning and natural, but a little scary too.

'Kenzie appears to be struggling to breathe. I immediately worry because of her rib fracture and ask if she is ok. She nods and tries to smile, but her exhausted body will not comply fully.

I lift her and she nuzzles my neck. I carry her back to the bed and lay her down, falling onto my back beside her, one hand behind my head, one resting on my abdomen. She slowly turns onto her side and drapes one knee over my thighs, her hand settling on top of mine.

"Kenzie, that was..... oh fuck... shit!! Everything I say will sound trite! I want to thank you, but I won't because I feel you might be offended!! What am I supposed to do or say right now? How should I react? I've never done this before". The words leave my lips so fast I cannot retract them. Jesus Christ! I've just admitted I was a virgin. Cool move Yoongi....... super smooth man! Yeah!