WebNovelMrs Music53.25%

I will always choose you

We are on the way back to Yoongis, having cancelled my seat on the plane and rebooking for late tonight. I am really looking forward to being able to have a good wash, maybe a very shallow bath and a hair wash. The thought of some clean fresh clothes is so appealing.

We are sitting together in the back of an SUV, my head on his shoulder, his head on mine, his arm around me, gently running his hand up and down my arm. It is so comforting. I could definitely get used to it.

"Do you really think your dad is still a threat to me?" I ask him

"Honestly 'Kenzie, I don't know, but I can't trust him, after all, he is as you know, a politician!" he states with a low hollow laugh. "I need to find him, talk to him, warn him! He needs to understand that if I have to choose where my loyalties lie it will be with you. I will always choose you!" he says, an edge to his voice, and I'm certain I hear it break slightly too!

I feel a lump the size of a football in my throat, tears spring to my eyes and I take a sharp breath in, which hurts like hell due to my rib fractures!

I have NEVER had someone say that about me.

I lift my head causing him to raise his also, and look into his beautiful face, the tears beginning to run freely down my cheeks, dripping onto my chest. I am overwhelmed with emotion. I cuff my eyes, and become aware of my nose beginning to run. Great! I do not have a pretty cry. I envy those women that have cute little cries, can dab at their eyes and noses and remain glamorous and beautiful.

My eyes swell so much it appears I've had my eyeballs replaced with tennis balls, my skin becomes blotchy, my nose glows red and I struggle to breathe, my sobs deep and wracking. I avoid watching certain programmes and films for this very reason. I watched The Green Mile with the equivalent of an entire toilet roll up each nostril and couldn't see properly for 2 days afterwards. It was not pretty!

Yoongi hands me a tissue he has just produced from a tub in a storage compartment in front of us. I smile weakly at him and give my nose the biggest, most unladylike blow, startling Yoongi, which makes me giggle. He smiles.

We arrive at Yoongis and once inside I head straight for the bathroom, stripping off my clothes and running a couple of inches of warm water into the bath. I can't have it too deep as the wounds on my abdomen are so low, but it feels good to be able to soak myself. I am a little sore after last nights activities!

I struggle to climb back out of the bath as trying to stand with a broken wrist and ribs, and with multiple stitches in my chest and abdomen is causing me quite a lot of discomfort. Yoongi comes to my rescue, again! He leans over the bath, pulls my arms up around his neck and lifts me under my knees, pulling me from the water and placing me down on the bath mat. He turns and grabs a gown and helps me into it.

"Ok, now..... bend over the side of the bath please" he instructs, undoing his cuffs and rolling up his sleeves.

"I'm sorry?!" I quiz.

"I will wash your hair for you. Bend, please?!" he gestures toward the bath.

"Oh, that would be wonderful" I smile.

I do as instructed, gripping the edge of the bath to steady myself. Yoongi turns on the shower attachment and tests the water temperature, asking me to check it before beginning to wet my hair. What an absolute darling! I really feel that he listens to me, and has taken my story about Shaun using extreme water temperatures to torture and injure me into consideration.

He squeezes some shampoo onto the back of my head and begins to massage it into my scalp, through to the ends of my hair. He scratches my head gently, and applies firm pressure with his fingertips, small circular motions. It feels AMAZING! If I didn't know he was a musician I'd believe he was a professional masseur!

After rinsing all the bubbles from my hair, and checking I am still comfortable in my bent position he begins to massage conditioner into the ends of my hair. I stand up straight and sit down on the edge of the bath while the conditioner has a few minutes to work and he steps forward and massages my neck and shoulders. He is a dream man! He has done all this and has not once tried to turn it into something sexual. Both his father and Shaun could not do anything for me without presuming payment in kind. Jay ran away and Shaun became a violent oppressor. Maybe this is different because Yoongi really loves me.

After rinsing my hair again and wrapping it in a towel I go through into my wardrobe to choose some clothes. I also pack a small bag with essentials.

I cleanse my face, dry my hair putting it into my tried and true messy bun and then dress in leggings, a black vest and a long loose fitting knitted jumper in the most glorious peacock blue colour.

I find Yoongi in his kitchen peeling potatoes, and impressively NOT his fingers, an English recipe app open on his phone for Yorkshire pudding! Bless him.

I offer to help him by taking over peeling the potatoes but he declines my offer with an enormous grin, clearly proud of himself for not damaging his fingers.

He pushes a glass of white wine across the counter toward me. I gratefully take a sip and it is delicious.

"Please enjoy your wine in the lounge while I continue to prepare dinner. Your old friend the television can keep you company" he jests

"Very funny" I retort.

I ask him if the meat is in the oven already, and begin to explain cooking times etc... he waves an arm dismissively in my direction and grunts at me just as Shay does whenever I try to teach him anything. Men! So pigheaded sometimes.

I raise a hand in surrender and take my leave, taking a seat on the sofa and begin a conversation with my old mate Telly!