WebNovelMrs Music70.13%


*Mackenzie pov

After locking the door and pocketing the key I begin to walk towards the kids rooms. Shay is heading towards me smiling, handsome as ever. He reads my face and doesn't like what he sees.

"What's up mum? You look awful. Are you sick?" he asks

"Oh, erm, no babe, I'm ok, but we need to leave the house.... NOW! Go and get Bo and hurry!" I bark under my breath

"Mum, you're freaking me out. What's wrong?" he asks again, louder now

"Trust me Shay, we are not safe here. We need to go right now."

"Mum, Shaun is dead, we're safe! He can't hurt us anymore!" He is attempting to pacify me, reaching out to hug me.

"Yes, but your father isn't dead and he is here to finish what he and Shaun started! Please, let's go!"

"What?! How do you know, have you seen him? Where's Mr Jeon? He was sent by Yoongi to protect us. He has a gun. I'll call the police. Bo is already downstairs" Shay says just as an ear splitting bang echoes down the hallway. He looks as shocked as me, eyes wide, face immediately devoid of all colour. He drops his arms and I attempt to take his hand but he has placed them over his stomach, thick dark red liquid is spilling over his fingers, his legs giving way beneath him as he falls to the floor.

I think I am screaming! Someone is, but it doesn't sound like my voice. There is another loud bang and my bedroom door opens, Jay's figure silhouetted infront of the huge leaded windows. He is holding the gun, pointing it directly at me.

"LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!! JAY! Help me... help our son" I plead

He is swaying on his feet, barely conscious, rubbing the back of his head. He steps out of the room, still pointing the gun at me and i see a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. The flash charges at Jay, a primal roar reverberating off the walls, and crashes into his stomach, sending him to the ground with a thud. It is YOONGI!! He came!!

Jay is on his back, pinned there by his son who is sitting on his stomach and raining blows down onto his fathers face, screaming as he does. I notice the police officers approaching me, one of them has a first aid kit in her hand and is heading straight for Shay. The others are continuing on into my room. I watch Yoongi beating his father, tears streaming from his eyes, screams of pure rage coming from him, rambling unclear words and notice the gun pointing at Yoongis chest.

I attempt to shout but there is so much noise and movement around me that my voice is lost, then there is another ear piercingly loud bang. An ambulance crew appear at my side and begin asking me questions about Shay. His blood type, what allergies he has, any regular medications he might take. This keeps my attention for a few minutes. Shay has cannulas, fluids running, oxygen and heart monitoring equipment attached to him, a temporary dressing in place and is being lifted onto a stretcher. I look into my room as we stand to transfer Shay down to the ambulance and see a repeat of the scene, the only difference, the patient is Yoongi!!

I am so torn. I love them both but I have to choose Shay, he is my baby. He is part of me. I push through the crowd of people working on Yoongi and kneel at his head, running my hand over his head, through his hair. He is clammy, his eyes are closed. I kiss his forehead, he is cold. There is blood pooling beneath his left shoulder.

"Dont you dare die on me Yoongi! I'll see you soon. I love you!" I tell him, wiping tears from the end of my nose.

Jay is being lifted onto his feet in handcuffs. He looks drowsy still, has a bust lip and eyebrow and his eyes are both rapidly swelling shut. I want to cross the room and inflict on him a modicum of the pain I am feeling. I want to hurt him in retaliation for the harm he has done to my loved ones but my name is called, distracting me from this thought. The ambulance crew are taking Shay down to the ambulance, I need to go.

"There is a place reserved in hell for you Jay! I hope you make lots of 'special' friends in prison!" I say steely voiced. He barely acknowledges me as he is almost unconscious.

I run ahead of the ambulance crew, making it down the stairs to find Bo wrapped in the arms of a tall man with his back to me. She catches my eye and rushes toward me, wrapping me up in a crushing embrace.

"Shay?" she croaks "Is he....... is he....?"

I tell her he is going to be fine with a confidence I do not feel, just as he is rushed past us to the ambulance outside. I ask her if she is coming to the hospital in the ambulance with me but the tall man turns and tells me he is happy to take Bo with him. I look back at her as he says this and she nods her agreement to this. I tell her I love her and turn to leave and the tall man asks,

"Mrs Santana? Where is Yoongi?"

I blink rapidly and my heart literally cracks as I say,

"He's been shot too. The medics are working on him right now. I'm sorry, I've got to go!"

He goes pale and rushes towards the stairs as I leave the house.

We arrive at the hospital in minutes but it feels like hours. Monitors are bleeping, the medic is squeezing bag after bag of fluid into Shay whilst speaking to the hospital, giving them a history and an estimated time of arrival. I am talking to Shay, telling him to be strong, he can recover, he will be fine.

We run through the A&E department, a Dr in scrubs calling orders to his team as we go.

"Get him to CT and prep theatre" He speaks with such clarity and authority I feel calmed and hopeful.

"Please don't let him die Dr..... please!?" I beg.

"We will do everything we can for him. He is in good hands. Have a seat in the relatives room and I will keep you informed. Is there anyone I can call for you?" he enquires gently

I shake my head and tell him my daughter is on her way. He smiles, squeezes my hand and excuses himself.