He walked on the deserted street in an unhurried and seemingly aimless manner. He behaved nonchalantly and his steps were almost lazy as if being on a fog-shrouded road in the middle of nowhere so late in the night was something he did regularly.
But the grace of his walk was deceptive and suddenly a piece of shadow detached itself from the corner up ahead. He stopped and silently stared at the man.
"Nice evening for a walk out," He called out.
The man who had stepped out from the shadows was unsurprised and seemingly unbothered by another presence approaching his hiding spot.
He continued as the other man took his time replying, "What do you want, Nicholas?"
The man knew Nicholas liked hiding in shadows and preying on unsuspecting people. It was perhaps foolish of him to think that even an enterprising low-life like Nicholas would take a break on this foggy, chilly night.
Being direct was Nicholas' only saving trait, "Why, the big bag of money that you are carrying hidden beneath your jacket. I want only that."
"Are you sure?"
More men detached themselves from the other corner of the street and ran up to surround him.
"Now, give me the bag before any of us have a chance to act stupidly. I know that you and I are anything but that. Am I right, Stefan?"
"You may be able to fool everyone else with that I'm-too-stupid-to-get-what-I-want act, Nicholas but not me. Better move out of my way or get a lead-filled present to your name."
Nicholas stiffened as Stefan pulled out a gleaming black Walther PK and aimed it at his head. He rapidly shot out a few knives hidden in the sleeves of his long coat and the men surrounding him fell on their spot with a series of gasps and groans.
He moved forward as Nicholas backed up with tiny steps. He wasn't called the Dullahan among the scariest of the underworld motherfuckers for nothing.
"Are you going to give me the information for which I came?"
"I-I don't-"
"-Think carefully on the next words that come out of your mouth, Nicholas. You know I don't like liars and thieves. You've already made a sad attempt to steal from me tonight but I may forgive you for it if you tell me the girl's name."
"I-I...please," Nicholas begged as he turned his terrified eyes to his men writhing and choking on the ground and attempted to look over his shoulder not even sharing to meet his eyes.
"I haven't got all night."
"H-her n-n-name is As-Asterrria. Asteria Black."
Before he could finish speaking, Nicholas rushed him. He shoved Stefan against the brick wall of the alley they'd been standing in. Not realizing this had been his third strike in addition to the stupid acts of trying to steal and capture him, Stefan quickly blocked his blow and shot the dumb ass in the head.
He hated to waste such a good dark night on dealing with imbeciles like him. But now he had the information he needed on the beautiful Asteria Black. She had dared to steal from him. He hated liars and thieves with a passion. She would soon get what was coming to her. He went and checked on the bodies of Nicholas' men and shot them before fading away whistling a jaunty tune.
Another thing he absolutely hated were loose ends.