
After narrating her story for a bit, Margot stopped seeing her new "friend" be rather confused.

"So you are, or well, were this Margot girl, right?" The adventurer asked, "From another world?" The whole situation seemed completely insane, she was curious and wanted to ask for more details. She dared not to however, afraid of somehow offending her savior, and invoking her wrath.

"Indeed. By the way I'm more than curious about you. I don't even know your name and I don't know much about this world, apart for things I read in books, and the few memories I absorbed when I took over this body. Where are you from?"

She felt threatened by the monster's questions. She didn't want to tell more details about herself, afraid that Margot might deduce the positions of her village and her relatives through her answers. She decided to guide the discussion toward the aberration's past instead of her own.

"Hum, I'm Carla, I'm nothing special you know. Just... just a young adventurer trying to find glory and fortune. But please tell me more, how did you manage to get here and what happened after that?"

"Hum well dear Carla, if you're so interested in my humble self, I must oblige and satisfy your curiosity..."

"Yes, I truly am, haha, please tell me more!" she asked trying to seem genuine.

"Your eagerness might make me think that you like me..." Carla almost coughed blood hearing that. She was livid, how the fuck could this thing come to this conclusion? "... But I must tell you that my species is strictly agender and reproduce asexually. So well, our love will have to be a romance of the mind!"

"That just sounds absolutely perfect! Romance of the mind! What a wonderful idea! Already loving it!" She said relieved.

And then Margot started narrating again, from a weird third person perspective...


As space distorted, she searched in her memory a place where she might hide. The Sea of Souls was basically the collective subconsciousness of mankind. By stealing a part of it, Margot managed to absorb a portion of its immense knowledge. In its long existence it managed from time to time to "touch" other realities. Each of those realities had different rules shaping them, some were close to her own universe, some were so alien to her that the laws of physics would prevent her from existing there. Of course, such universes were not a good match... Those too close to her own reality were not either. Most of those had similar beings to the Sea of Souls ruling over them, and she knew that such entities would track her down and destroy the second she appeared.

There were however a few realities whose rules were close enough to allow her existence but so different that "sea of souls" could not exist there. And one of those was especially interesting to her. This reality had interacted directly with her world, some of its inhabitant even invaded earth in the past. They were the origin of many myths and legends, their influence shaping the dreams and nightmares of artists and poets alike. Since there was a link already established it was quite easy for her to breach the Veil and get there.

Space and time didn't really apply when moving between universes. She could appear anywhere and at any time. Inside the Veil, she observed the various timelines of this reality trying to find the best place and date for her to appear.

Her best option was deep inside the crust of an average planet. Two monsters were fighting there, in a cavern dimly lit by fluorescent fungi. They looked like orb of flesh, 3 meters in diameter, floating in the air and covered by eyestalks. A gigantic eye was at the center of those orbs, and bellow it was a maw, almost as large as an adult human. The first of the monster was covered in sharp looking brown spikes while the other's skin was smooth and purple.

The two monsters attacked each other indirectly using their eyestalks to shoot energy rays damaging the roof of the cave trying to get it collapse on their adversary. The fight was long and seemed quiet tiring. Margot quickly understood the reason why the two monsters did not attack each other directly: The central eye of those monsters seemed able to cancel the energy forming up the rays in a cone-like area in front of it. They had no other choice than trying to distract their opponents to create an opening. At some point during the fight a large piece of rock collapse and the brown spiked abomination had no other choice but to dodge to the side.

At this moment, a dark green ray struck it.

The creature's body didn't seem damaged it any shape or form, but it died. Margot was confused as to why such a thing would happen. Nevertheless, it was the perfect opportunity: an empty and undamaged vessel was the ideal thing for her to inhabit.

Seeing its enemy floating limply into the air, the purple orb chose to assess the damage done to its lair during the fight.

It was perfect opportunity for Margot to possess the corpse. As her soul merged with the dead flesh, she absorbed the remnants of the soul of its real owner. She learned quit a few things:

First, the monsters didn't give their race a name, however other species call them "Eye Tyrants" which they find extremely insulting. In fact, any sense of "belonging" in any form of "group" is alien, even abhorrent to them. They are extremely xenophobic, cruel, and insane. They usually try to kill, eat or enslave anything else they might encounter. The only exception being other member of their species. Because they hate them even more, seeing them as imperfect copies of themselves that need to be purged from the world. The root of their issues seems to be that their mind is split in two: rational thinking and instinct. Those two conflicting minds leads them to be extremely paranoid and anxious.

Knowing this Margot had no other choice than killing the other Eye Tyrant. Doing this while it was distracted proved to be easy as she managed to kill it with a shot of the "Death Ray". She then decided to explore the lair.

As she was moving around more details appeared in her psyche regarding the abilities that her new body possessed. Each Eye Stalks had a different magical power: Petrification, Paralysis, Disintegration, Death, "Enervation" (it seemed to be some life force destroying attack), "Charm" (Mind Control), Telekinesis, Sleep, Fear, Slow. She also discovered that her skin was as hard as steel, and her maw quite strong. Her central eye was able to negate magic, making any spell or magical item useless. Her body was naturally buoyant in the air and could be move around by expelling gas through small pores in her skin. Apparently, she had to feed on both flesh and magic to survive from now on.

Regarding the world she didn't discover much more. There was a multitude of creature inhabiting it, some alien like the Eye Tyrant, some were more common: Dragon, elves… She was currently in a vast network of caves spreading under the surface of the world. This "Underworld" was a very hostile environment where evil monsters hid from the surface dwellers.

She did not remember much from the metaphysical aspect of the world; magic was a thing obviously and so were gods. Of course, Eye Tyrant didn't worship anything but themselves, so gods were just categorized as incredibly strong entities that helped their worshippers.


The lair was a labyrinth filled with traps. It wasn't very accommodating, as the creature inhabiting it didn't care much about comfort. She was however happy to find a large pile of magical items, and a small library filled with books regarding various subject. The only two things that Eye Tyrants respected were knowledge and power, and the second was akin to the first in their eyes. Sadly, most of the magical item were crafted for humanoid creatures and couldn't be used by her. They were still a source magical energy she could feed on. Enchanted rings and amulet could however be worn of her eyestalks, but they were too weak to provide any benefit to her powerful body.

One ring however attracted her attention. She found it in the pocket of a black robe along with a book entitled "Grafts & Symbionts" detailing the procedure of extracting various organs and creating implants compatible with other living beings. She thought that maybe some mage came here to "harvest" some components and met a tragic end.

She recognized the ring through her host memory: it held a spell of corpse preservation; she could use it one per day and it would prevent corpse from rotting. "Neat" she thought. After looking around a bit she returned to where the corpse was and used the ring.

A dark smoke flew out of the ring toward the body floating there and entered through its gaping maw. It was a bit underwhelming; she had hoped to see glorious spell circles full of runes appearing in the air or something. Disappointed she returned to the library and started reading "Fuck, some things never change huh" thinking at her time back in medschool.

The book on grafts was fascinating. It dealt in detail with the best way to extract and preserve the organs of common creatures and advised on how to adapt those techniques in case you encounter species not described in it. The part on "Aberrations" (creatures that were not created by the gods like the Eye Tyrants were classified as such) was filled with comments by the previous owner of the book. Between her own knowledge of surgery and her host knowledge she had many ideas on ways to improve them. The reason was that the author didn't bother that much with anatomy, using instead incredibly complex spells to overcome most issues. However, Margot had no idea on how to cast spells, she could only emulate some of them using the "Rejuvenating" properties of her extremely powerful soul. After all, she could bring a dead body back to life. But more technical spells were out of her reach, especially those needed to connect the nervous system of the host to the graft. For that she could only count on her technical skills, up to the point that simple spells would do the job.

Having a strategy in mind she started working.