Chapter 1: "Spark of Chaos" 2.0

Somewhere out of space, a spaceship floats soundlessly while a light blinks now and then.

An astronaut attempts to repair damage outside the station.

"Kait. How's it handing out there?" A voice rings from the Astronaut's earpiece.

"If you keep bothering me. This whole place is going to flames." She remarked, cutting a metal plate with a handheld welder avoiding wires.

"Sound's promising. Better than to freeze my balls off in this giant hunk of metal."

Kait chuckles.

"Why rush?" She tosses the metal over her shoulder only for a circular bot with a blue eye and black paint job to snatch it away.

"Don't get too comfortable."

"Issac?" Kait called, looking over her shoulder.

"Yes, Ms.Young?" The bot's gaze shifts from the pile of metal.

"What's for lunch today?"

"Well, they're serving chicken curry. Of course. With a side of peas and wheat rolls."

"Let's get this done, then. Thanks." She continued with her work while Issac nodded.

"You're welcome, Ms.Young."

Kait grabs a wrench from a toolbox welded near the damage, unbolting a few burnt screws.

"So, how long it's going to take for you to find your prince?" Her coms ring once more.

"I don't have time for that." She states.

"We're going to be out here for months. And you're going to need someone to pass the time."

"I have you and Issac."

"I'm glad. My performance. Satisfy you." Issac adds. "Your benefit is my passion and study."

"Besides me. Ms.Lady. And Ai doesn't count." Her comms rings once more.

"I'll do so when I have time. Marcus. Your counseling changed my life." She rolled her eyes.

"Better hurry. You might miss your shot."

"How are repairs coming along?" A firm voice entered their coms.

"It's getting there, sir. Don't worry. Kait's one of the best." Marcus vouched.


"We're still looking for the source. Sir." Kait replied.

"Very, well precise."

A few minutes went by until Kait posed a question.

"Commander Marvin, how's your brother?" She continued digging into the damage.

"You mean, Jack? Do you have a crush on him or something?" Kait blushes and stops what she's doing.

"No...not at all. Sir. He hardly ever contacted you. You curious why?"

"My brother has a family of his own. And I'll contact him when it's time."

She continued her work.

"Captain, how are you not cold right now?" Marcus's voice shivered.

"Cold. Showers." Marvin answered.

The Engineer noticed a bright light pouring from the burnt hole.

She cut the plate before passing it to Issac. A sky color light showered her, nearly blinding her vision.


"Sorry. Ms.Young. This object is not in my database."

"Commander?" Kait voiced, waiting for a reply. "CAPTAIN!!!"

"Don't yell! We don't need another Anna Lisa on this ship."

"Sorry, sir. There's an anomaly that damaged our heat compactor. " She stares at the glowing rock giving off a sky-blue color mere inches from the engineer's view.


"It's a rock, sir. But it's glowing." Her eyes haze, sharing the rock glow.

'Touch it.' A phantom voice whispered as soon as a few others joined. 'What are you waiting for?' 'It's beautiful, isn't it?' 'It won't bite.' Their tempting continued while she slowly but hesitantly reached.

"Marcus, send the recovery team."

Kait's hand soars through the dark and wires while the rock pulse.

"Kait, whatever you do. Don't touch it." He commanded, but silence replied. "Kait!" Her finger made her destination. The whispers cease while her eyes return.

"Sir?" A shock wave erupts from the rock, shaking the ship and blowing Kait back, but her zip line saves her from the endless: fate.

Crew members in sleeping quarters fell from their beds or shot up.

Everyone stumbles, keeping their barrings: some fell.

Commander Marvin catches himself on a Co-pilot chair while Marcus grips the panel.

The shaking ends, and the air conditioner reset.

The ship sirens wail.

The rock glow lost its color when Commander Marvin stood up.

"Kait! Do you read me?!!! Kait!" The commander raised his voice, eyeing the endless stars from their viewports.

Kait's body dangles, bathing in the blue energy stuck from the bottom of the ship like a Portrait.

She recovered, hearing her Captain's voice. Kait's pants were heavy: Fogging her space helmet.

She slowly taps the side of the Helmet.

"I'm fine, I think." The engineer scans her suit for any tears or damage.

"Return to the airlocks."

"Y-Yes, sir." Her gaze hovered about. "But...the repairs." Before gazing over her shoulder. "Issac!"

"The recovery team is arriving with another technician. The Captain knows what's best." They waited for her answer.

"O-Ok." She shimmies across the ship to the airlocks while her vision is clear.

Kait closes the release lock and strips from the suit.

"Go to Medical Bay for a check-up then, cockpit, understood?" The commander ordered.

She hooked the suit in a glass container seeing steam pour into it.

"Yes, captain." She leaves the airlocks while the team Marcus promised march past her. She stops: looking back at them with a blank gaze.

She followed the team, grabbing one of the members by the arm.

Her gaze locks on the alert member. Silence spoke among the two.


"Issac." Kait cut him off before biting her lip. "I need him."


"Now." She slowly let him go while the member entered the locks rubbing his arm.


The member returned with Issac in hand.

"He's undamaged, but-" Kait snatches Issac from his hands before giving a subtle nod. "Uh...give his intershell a look."

"I owe you. Come by my room." Her voice lowered.


"N-nothing. Thank you." Kait haste in her steps with Issac close to her chest.

The sliding door separates her. That brought her back to the hall of lights showing her way.

'What was that?' She thought.

Walking down the hall: her mind was in a knot. Anyone that walk by, her eyes lasered on them before she lost sight.

Her stomach rumbled while she held Issac even closer.

'I haven't eaten for two days, working on Issac. Maybe some food will clear it up.'

Plan her destination. She heads for the eating quarters.

Her body came to a halt. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes sparkled.

In the Common Room. Filled: with her fellow crew members helping one another or cleaning the mess the shockwave has caused.

Kait's drool rolls onto the floor like a continuous waterfall.

She lightly giggles, approaching a member shuffling a deck of poker cards; her steps grow closer while her smirk grows sinister.

The glow possesses her eyes while her mouth slowly gaps.

The Poker member heard her steps.

He turned around: Kait slipped on a lone poker card with the added weight of Issac, stumbling, banging her head onto the table.

"Christ!" His heart jumps from his chest while Kait groans. "Hey, you alright?" He questions, helping her up.

"Ah." She winces. "I'm fine." Her vision slowly paints red while the Poker member's blood runs cold.

"You need a doc!" She blushes and falls into his chest.

"But, I want you.~" The engineer gave a sweet smile.

"What? Oh hell-" The member voiced.

Only to be cut off by his Nervous system singing, Staring through layers of his anatomy. The engineer's smile grew wider.

The poker member grabs Issac, but Kait denies it. He hoists her up instead, releasing a chuckle out of her.

The Poker member carries her through the hall.

"Slow down. I'm not going anywhere.~" Kait purred while his pants were all she heard.

She nuzzles in his chest.

'Look at him go.' 'Here's your chance.' 'What are you waiting for?' She opened her mouth, but her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she fell unconscious.


Kait was seated on a baby-blue bed in a medical bay, holding Issac close.

She took a few glances at the nurse and doctor.

Other bunks away, the wounded astronaut members were asleep soundly while heart monitors filled the steel beams and walls.

The doctor clears his throat.

"Ms. Young, follow the light." He flashes the flashlight in her eyes.

She follows the doctor's orders.

The nurse took a step back.

"Ok, something is seriously wrong." The doctor whispered under his breath. He turns the flashlight off, but Kait stays that way, looking into the doc's eyes.

Her pupils took over her brown iris like a shark taking a whiff of its prey's blood. Her saliva dripped from the corner of her lip while her position stayed locked.

"Kait?" The doctor raised a brow only for silence to fill the room. "Hey?" The doctor snaps his fingers, bringing Kait back. "That blast has done a number on you. I recommend resting after visiting the Captain." The doctor head to a terminal, returning to work.

The nurse held out a blue handkerchief keeping her distance.

"You 're-drooling."

Kait touches her lip and notices some on Issac.

She grabs the handkerchief and heads out the door with haste.

"I'm sorry." The engineer voiced.

Exiting the door: stood Marcus and the poker member leaning against the wall.

A warm smile appears on Marcus's face as he goes for a hug, but Kait pushes him back.

"Don't, please." She kept her gaze from the two.

Her stomach roared, getting their attention.

She paced passed the two.

"Hey, toots, Slow down." Poker member mentioned.

"Can you give me space? I would like that." Her grip grew tight on Issac.

"Kait, tell me what's wrong." Marcus gazes into her, avoiding eyes. "I can try to help the best I can. You're hungry. Right? I'll grab you something."

A rush of voices swallows her ears, anticipating his offer.

The voices pressed her buttons. Trying to convince her Marcus would do anything.

"No-no-NO!" She shouts, running from the two.

"Kat, wait."

They followed.

"Leave me alone!" She turned a corner while a drop of blood ran down her nose.

"Kait, let us help you!" The Poker member shouts.

"You don't understand!" She pushes a few crew members to the side, annoying them while the other two pass.

"Then tell us!" Marcus shouts.

"NO!" She burst through the door, noticing her corner in the janitor's closet.

The engineer turns back, but Marcus and Poker member block her way out.

"Stay back!"

"Take it easy." The poker member said.

He and Marcus slowly approached.

"Kait, you're not acting like yourself. Lately." Marcus states.

The engineer's grip tightened onto Issac, only for them to shake.

"Kait, please." He approaches her as she steps back, hitting the shelf behind her: spilling the cleaning supplies."Don't worry. I won't hurt you."

Tears rain down endlessly while her knees feel weak. The voices grew stronger: shouting, a matter of fact. 'He's right there!' ' Don't let this pass!' 'You're friend sacrificing his happiness for you, Bimbo!' 'You're never his friend, to begin with!' The insults kept coming while Marcus's steps grew closer.

The poker member's steps came to a halt.

"Marcus, right?... We should give her room." He said, his eyes snapped between the two.

"Kait, tell me." Marcus took a knee while She slowly nodded.

"I want you." She whispers while he raises his brows.

"What?" In a quick motion, Kait grabs his face and opens her mouth: absorbing the blue light vomiting from Marcus's eyes and mouth.

Marcus's agony; is drained out by her vacuum-like mouth while the Poker member stands in horror.

Marcus's body drops; no life in his eyes, his skin greyer than wolf fur. He was skin to the bone as Kait jumped to her feet.

"He-he-he. Ha-ha-ha! HAHAHAHA!!"

"Fuck!" The poker member sprints out of the hall, calling for help, only for Issac to slam into his spine.

The member falls onto his face. Release a cry. He pushes himself up, only for his legs to stay glued to the floor.

"Wait! Please!" He crawls across the floor before looking over his shoulder. Kait's pupils are black like a shark. Her smile is unwavering. "NO! HE-" She covers his mouth before absorbing his energy.

Suffer the same fate. He hit the ground face-first.

"That was refreshing.~" Kait giggled with massive blush. She dragged his body before hurling him into the closet with Marcus's carcass. "Light's out, boys.~" She leaves, tossing the bandage.

And closing, the door shut.

She picks up Issac once more, staring at his close eye.

"You're useful. Don't let no one tell you different." She smiles once more.


Cars roar on the streets, commercials play on buildings, and people walk across the crosswalk.

A phone is on the bed, with a set of clothes; Black polo with a custom yellow letter logo on the chest, 'YT.' and Dark blue jeans.

The phone hums.

"You have three voice messages." It beeps. "Hey, Jean. Remember to brush your teeth, shower, and eat breakfast; I left downstairs. They don't need a zombie on the first day."

A teen enters his dresser, pulling a few things for a shower.

"Wash behind your ears..floss! Don't forget to floss- h-Hey!" Shaking fills the audio while someone answers. "Forgive your mother. You know how she is." "Liam!" Shaking continued. "My little boy coming out of his shell: you're going to places, Liam." It shakes once again."Liam, I swear to god! You're cute when you're mad.~" A feminine growl was; heard. "Ok, I just wanted to show--woman are you crazy? Get off me: you spider monkey!"

"Listen to your boss if he's causing you problems-Voice message complete."

Water rains from the showerhead and down the teen's back.

"Get up, your walking." A feminine voice with a bored tone; answers. Message complete."

Fog covered the mirror as scraping and gurgling echoed the silent bathroom. The teen spits out and wipes the mirror: flashing his teeth and his yellow eyes scanning.

He sighs.

The white tips of his black shaggy hair stayed glued to his face before he ruffled it.

"This your boss. I need you to cashier like the others once you are check-in." Jean eats a plate of pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs; alone. "And good luck on your first day at Yoshi Theater- Message complete."

Jean closes the front door, walking through the stone walkway that cuts between the shortcutted green grass leading to a metal fence.

A few kids rode by on bikes, conversating, while he ignored them. He stood by a bus stop by the already seated citizens, waiting.

A transit bus came to a halt as they entered.

Jean followed the passengers taking their seats at any seat they could, but it seemed; today was a little busy. Jean sat in the back, between two others, while he pulled out his phone, using it to pass the time.

Scrolling through his notification, he stops at an article that grabs his attention.

'Disappearance in Ship Trousa: Abaddon post?'

Fifty-two members were found missing during their expedition to Uhara.

Jean scrolls past and stops at a text message.

Nami: Up?

I'm up.😅 On a bus, as we speak: Jean

Nami: K

So-uh, what's ya doing?: Jean

Nami: Chilling

That's great: Jean

Nami; Relax, idiot.

'How does she know?!'

Nami: Don't screw up. 😑

Jean leans back and sighs.

Jean's only friend Nami has supported him in a way: but she wasn't the same as a kid from grade school. His mind wanders to the question. 'What changed her?'

The transit bus shakes: signaling Jean's stop. He exited, walking a few blocks.

"Help!" A feminine voice gags while Jean snaps to the voice.

A shady man presses the woman against the graffiti wall down the barely lit alley. His Stubble beard was rough, like a cut diamond, his eyes full of hatred.

"S-Shut up." He grinds his teeth.

The woman's eyes search for any possible escape until her eyes land on Jean, staring back. The shady man follows her gaze: Seeing no one.

Jean was against the wall, his heart racing like a million engines.

A beer bottle crashes onto the shady guy's head.

"What the hell?" He looks back, noticing Jean dropping the broken beer bottle.

"Uh-I'm so sorry." Jean smiled and bowed apologetically.

The shady guy furrowed his brows.

"Kid, run along. That's-AHAAA!!!" He screams in agony, falling to the ground, scaring Jean.

The crackling draws Jean's eyes to the woman. Now holding a taser.

"Ms. Yugi, Wo-Woah. Hey!" She grabs his hand and sprints from the alley; curiosity is caught by many goers.

Jean calls for her name but only to be ignored. Jean convinces her that there long gone, and she stops by a clothing store panting while Jean does the same.

"A-are you alright, Ms.Yugi?" Jean questioned.

Ms.Yugi lightly nodded.

"I'm..fine." They took a minute to catch their breath. "That was reckless! You could have gotten hurt." She lectured while he looked away, embarrassed.

"...I'm sorry."

Ms.Yugi stared at Jean while their panting took control of their conversation.

She lightly sighs, tying up her amber hair that hangs from her back into a ponytail.

"You did well, Jean. Don't try that again, ok?" Ms.Yugi cleaned her blue glasses with her shirt.

Jean bows.

"Yes, it won't happen again, sensei." Jean's phone rings. He took a glance, and his eyes popped out of his sockets. "I'm late! I'm sorry! I have to go. I hope we can meet again! Bye!" He took off down the sidewalk, nearly bumping into someone.

She watched him with a warm smile.

Jean makes it to Yoshi Theater, covered in sweat.


"HAA!" A hammer clashes with the hand of a beaten man causing him to sing.

Blood oozed from the three holes on the hand like a rain drip onto a metal table painted in blood.

"So, you like to talk, or do you love something more.." The thug drops the bloody hammer onto the dusty floor and whips a pocket knife. "Sharp." He gave a smug grin while the beaten man's pants were all he heard. The thug pulls his hair back.

"Hello? Mr.Hue-" Mr. Hue spits blood into the thug's face. Thug wipes the blood from his cheek with an amused chuckle. "Huh."

The pocket knife slammed into his thigh.

"HAAAA!!" Mr.Hue grunts once more while footsteps make their way.

"Move." A voice caused the thug to drop his jaw.

He looked over his shoulder.

"But, Boss-" He was caught off guard by the chair grinding across the floor. Boss pulls the chair to the edge and places his foot between the chair support, leaning it from a twenty-foot drop at a Construction site.

"Oh god! Help! Help!" Mr. Hue's cry echoed to the construction workers below, who all turned a blind eye.

"Tell me what I want to know." The Boss' sliver eyes stared into Mr.Hue's soul.

Mr. Hue's pants increased. He looked at the Boss again, noticing a scar across his right eye, and his white ghost-like hair covered his head and chin.

The legs of the chair lean further.

"Ok! Ok! The drug deal is happening a few blocks from here! In Tiger Alley!" Mr.Hue spits, giving glances to the drop.

"On our turf. It seems we have a rodent problem." The thug in a suit adds wrapping bandages around his bloodied knuckles.

"You sure?" Boss blankly stared down at Mr.Hue.

"Yes! That's all I know! Please, put me down." Mr.Hue stares into his eyes.

"Fine." Boss pushes the chair off the edge, walking away while Mr.Hue falls. "Let's find this flea." Below, Mr. Hue's blood flow like a stream filling the dirt bed.

They descend to the ground floor while the formal thug gazes at one of the workers.

"Get him out of here."

A black car and a young driver leaning against it. Sat in the middle of the construction site.

"Mr. Walker. Mr. Kirishima." He ushers them into the back seats.

The car rolls onto the street.

"So..boss, how is this gonna go?" Mr.Kirishima questioned.

"The big man has a spy within the ranks; it will be a pain." He replied, watching the buildings go by.

"Surely, you have an idea, boss?" Mr.Walker looks up at him while the light rays onto his scar across his eye to his cheek.

"Yeah, I have one."


"Thank you for shopping with us." A black teen with a black apron across his chest chirped. The customer leaves without second regard as the teen only stares about blankly. Wearing a uniform with a name tag 'Shaun' and a store name 'Shogi Mark.'

"Hey-booger." Another worker snuck behind Shaun before sniffing him. "You smell that?" He questioned while Shaun ignored his gaze.

"Shut. Up."

The chestnut-haired teen smirks as his nametag says, 'Nick.'

"Oh, come on, lighten up." The teen bumps Shaun's arm, his yellow eyes staring at Shaun's. "You'll get some poo-tane; after this huge deal."

"'Poo-tane' What are you, a ninety's pimp?" Shaun rolls his purple eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey, look at that." He points his chin at a teen girl with lime hair scanning the shelf of food ingredients.

Shaun froze. Her lime hair flips to the side while her strands are eye-catching. The lime-haired girl: glances at Shaun and smiles.

The girl was blankly looking at him, causing, Shuan eyes to widen.

"Shit!" He ducks to cover while Nick stares blankly. She turns to walk deeper into the Isle. "She looking?"

"Gone...Dude, you're weird."

"And you any different!"

"I don't know how you like Ms. Emotion, but I'll remind you, I have a girl. And you-" He kept in his chuckle. "Sorry, I was saying-pssf...Ha! Ha! Ha!"

'Oooooh, you better have dental insurance.' Shaun glares.

"Ok, I'm sorry. Where were we?"

"You insulting. Me."

"Right...Talk to her. She might be interested." He smirks, bouncing a brow.

"This was the first you have been useful. Why did I keep you?"

Nick's side hugs him and smiles.

"You love me.~"

"Keep telling yourself that." Nick pushes him from the cash register post.

Shaun stumbles on his feet.

"I'll take over. Now, walk your first steps. If you scrape a knee, Mommy will kiss it." Shaun walks away while Nick waves.

"God. I hate you." Shaun whispered under his breath.

Shaun rehearses his lines wandering around the market until he sees her inspecting a tank of goldfish staring back at her.

"I recommend you don't buy those. If you have fish of your own. They'll cause havoc."

"Ok." The lime-haired teen pushes her cart from them while Shaun follows with haste.

"Uh...What are you looking for?"

"Just looking around." She said.

Shaun stops rethinking his approach and follows once again.

"Y-yeah. Um...judging by the milk judge and boxes of Sodan, you're after instant ramen?"

"You're observant."

"I know the way." 'Come on, dude! She's right there! Use your super swagger.' Shaun snaps his head back to the teen using a feminine smolder while he peaks his lips.

The lime hair teen stares blankly.

'WHAT THE HELL WRONG WITH YOU?! Smile, not Diva!!!'

"Here we are." She nods and passes him. "Oh, uh, hey...What's your name?" She looks; back blankly.

"Nami." She walks away.

"Nami, uh, I hope your shopping goes well-Thank you for shopping for Shogi Mark." He sighs, walking away.

Shaun returned to his Cashier post, seeing Sasha in his place.

"Sasha?" Shaun voiced while She waved at the customer, leaving with a nod. Turning to him.

"Hey, your shift is over. Nick's waiting out front." Sasha states while Shaun checks the clock on the wall by Mangement.


"Oh, ok. Stay hot, Sasha." She lightly blushes.

"Boy, just go." Shaun does his necessary things and exits the Mark.

The half-moon rays onto the half-empty lot while Nick's car waits by the entrance.

He enters, throwing on his black beanie.

"You ready?" Nick questioned, throwing his hands on the steering wheel.

"Don't. Make me think about it." Shuan said under his breath.

They didn't talk the rest of the way.


Heavy rain slams on the windshield, and the headlights hit three men with a black SUV down a shady alley.

"Get the case from the back." Nick threw on his hood, getting out of the car.

"You're the negotiator." Shaun does the same.

"Nick, long time no see." The man with an umbra shielding himself from the rain stood before his men, smirking.

"I'll say the same." He looks to his backup while Shaun closes the trunk with the suitcase. "Still don't trust me?"

"You can never be too careful. Ah. You got it." Shaun stood behind Nick. "Like always."

"Got the dope?" The dealer raises his hand while the guard whips out the locker bag from the black truck and tosses it between; the two. It hits the ground with a splash. "Mate?" He called without taking his eyes away.

Shaun checks the bag.

"It's safe...Nick, what are you doing?" Shaun's heart races while a clap of thunder cracks the rainy sky.

Nick was pointing a pistol at Shaun's back.

"I'm sorry, Shaun. I told you. I have a friend who will help, but you must assist." The dealer guard; searched Shaun's pockets and took his gun.

"Oh... you're taking the money for yourself." He stood up slowly.

"Hmmm...That's a way of putting it." Shaun turns back to Nick.

"I thought we're brothers...till the end." He said, wounded.

"DON'T PUT THOSE WORDS ON ME!!!" He shouts over the rain. "This would've been easier! If you haven't stumble into my room declaring a deal to get us off the streets! I would've killed a friend of mine in exchange for your life! But, No!! You got to be so. Goddamn stubborn!!!" Tears rained from his eyes while the rain wet his gun. "...I hope you learn for your next life."

The thunderclaps, once again.