Chapter 3: Keep Enemy close and Keep Friends closer 2.0

In the employee break room was showered with a white glow. 

Shaun flips through channels on the TV mounted on the wall. "Come on...FUCK!" he exclaims as he hurls the remote across the room and flips a table. He slumps into a chair, his head hanging low. After a few seconds, he whispers to himself. "Okay, you're a Douglas." while rubbing his thumb against a silver coin, which gathers Shaun's focus on a president's face. 

Suddenly, his eyes light up, and he jumps from his chair, racing through the empty, polished market.

The white marble floor guides Shaun. 

He passed a stand of Chips 'Hotheads.'

His shoes squeaked after each step before slowing to a walking pace.

Shaun entered the electronic aisle. He eyed the glass doors holding game consoles, phones, and handheld Pads.

The worker stops at one, holding handheld radios. He pulled out a ring of keys, Opened the door, and grabbed one. 

He searches for batteries at the checkout rows, grabbing some on the stand before adding some to the radio. 

It came to life with a hiss filling the dead Shogi Mart. 

Shaun toys with the radio. 

"Stay." The worker's eyes lit before he adjusted the signal. "This is an emergency. Stay indoors and wait for further instructions." The responder advised. 

"This is an emergency. Stay indoors and wait for further instructions." 

The worker remains seated on the floor, listening to the repeated message, like a child awaiting his teacher's command. 

He turned the radio off before looking around. Then, he takes a bat from a rack.

 The worker barricaded every entrance but the garden greenhouse. 

Shaun stood before the glass doors, eyeing the dark abyss. 

He hoists his bat at the ready, eyes open and lips shut. The worker slides the doors open, seeing the stars in the sky past the open fence and the dead plants on display. 

His shoes press among the concrete, heading for the center of the room. 

A click filled his ears; he shifted to the sound. 

Many fans, desks, and stands came to life. The cold air brushed Shaun's cheek, causing him to wince.

His eyes shift to a blinking glow at the end of the Greenhouse. He followed the blue light, passing the rock bed bags and decorations. 

The worker's shoes stop. 

"The. Fuck?" He said under his breath. 

There was a hole in the roof and a rock the size of a door. It was waiting at the end of the Greenhouse. 

In the center, Burnt plants circled the rock. 

The same glow spilled from the dirt in front of the dead Meteor. 

Shaun approached before taking a knee. He brushed the dirt aside. The light blinded him before it dimmed. 

A transparent blue seed remained, awaiting Shaun's touch. 

The worker taps his metal bat onto the seed, not gaining a reaction. 

"I swear to god." He took a knee, readying himself for the worst. 

His finger pokes the seed before gradually picking it up. The glow ceases, revealing the sky in one object. Its shell is glassy yet firm. 

He stuffs it into his pocket before abandoning the Greenhouse and locking it tight. 

Day 4: After Starfall


Shaun closes his black-and-white journal, covered with stickers of cars and anime girls. 

He is lying on the king-size bed in the furniture area, surrounded by his man cave. Shaun is staring at the blurry sky glass, only getting a glance at the grey skies. 

In his white T-shirt. Black and white stripe joggers. 

He turns in bed, seeing. A Plant pot sat on the dresser with a water bottle.


The worker checks on his work to find no progress. He opened his journal before writing. 

Nothing, but I don't expect it to grow overnight. I hope my dumbass doesn't summon a face hugger or some plant willing to trade my soul for some food. 

Shaun closes it shut. 

He stood out of bed and sat at his work desk in front of his bed, which contained a portable TV and a game system. 

Shaun searched each drawer holding game cases before closing them with a sigh. 

He wandered the Mart, eating a candy bar before eyeing a shopping cart. 

 Shaun laughs while riding a shopping cart with a ridiculous amount of food until he crashes.


Rocking with Sports earbuds and listening to his desired song, Shaun stands on the tallest shelf of the bicycles, preparing to jump into a group of yoga balls in a storage cage.

"Sweet Jesus!" He crashed into a storage cage, spilling the yoga balls out. The worker groans.


He stumbles across a gun section, exploring until a paintball gun catches his eye. 

Shaun is now shooting at mannequins scattered around. He hits before dropping the gun and tackling one of the dummies.

He swaps, throwing knives instead. 

Shaun went bowling with fish bowls and did any possible activity he wasn't supposed to do before Starfall.

The worker sits on a king-size bed, staring at the moon peeking through the clouds. 

"How long do I have to wait?" He said under his breath, letting darkness take him.

Shaun's body jolts at the sudden noise. He follows the noise that took place only in his pajamas with a hunting rifle while his grey-fur wolf slipper smacks the floor.

"Shit..." Shaun grips the rifle. 

Painted Black Glass shards scattered the clean floor in one of the entrances, and the Mart shutters hovered over it for someone small to squeeze through.

He closes it the best he can before sneaking around the Mart. 

Shaun passed the dairy before hearing rumbling and snacking in the vegetable section. 

He swallows his spit while his hands find a good grip on the rifle.

 He aimed his gun, shaking. A small figure is sitting on the floor, devouring anything in its reach.

Shaun cocks his rifle. The figure's breath shakes. 

"You chose the wrong person to fuck with. Your hands." 

"I-I'm just hungry-" A child's voice escapes her lips. 

"You're a Kid?" The figure turns around. Shaun eyes widen.

A little girl with hair giving off an amber color, her cat-like red eyes, stares at Shaun. 

"I won't speak of this place. Pinky swear!"

"Please tell me. Those are contacts and cat ears." He watched her tail sway slowly, and this raised his brow.

"It's glued to me, meanie!!" Her fur and tail stood.

"Hey! Hey! Who's holding a gun?"

The fox girl looks to the floor. 


"Look. Are you alone?" Shaun kept his gun trained.


Fox girl remained silent. 


"Y-yes!" She shakes her head. "I want to eat, and I'll leave."


Shaun remained quiet, his eyes never leaving her sight. 

"I wish it were that easy. I'm keeping you here." 


"But! Nothing." Shaun waved his rifle to the side. "Walk. I'll tell you where to go." 

"Okay," the fox girl breathed, walking past the worker, whose eyes remained on her whirling amber fusion tail. 


"Why do I have to be in here?!" The fox girl whines within a pet cage for big animals. 

"I don't know where to keep you." Shaun sat the rifle along his bed. 

"Anywhere but here. What if I have to go pee-pee?" 

"I'll take you. Stop being a big baby." Shaun says, crossing his arms. "Now, how did you get in?" 

"I opened the gate." 

"With arms as skinny as yours. Your weight limit is about a juice box of Sunny C." 

"Oh! That's my favorite." She smiled, revealing her fangs. 

"Kid. Stop fucking with me." 

"You shouldn't say bad words!" She raised her voice, giving Shaun a frown. "My brother told me you won't be on the nice list." 

"Your brother?" Shaun stared around the nearly lit market. "He's here?" 

"No. We got separated." The fox girl's ears dropped. "We were chased by a creepy crawly." 

"A spider?" Shaun questioned, getting a nod from the girl. "You must think I'm stupid." 

"It's true!" 

"Of course." He stood to his feet, grabbing his rifle once more. " You better be here. When I get back." 

"Wait! Let me out! Please!" The fox girl cried while Shaun walked away. "Meanie!" 


Sitting on a staircase, Jean stares at his hands, studying every feature. 

His eyes blink while he leans forward. 

"Mr.Kasama." Ms.Yugi voiced while the boy jolted awake. 

He looked over his shoulder, seeing her take every step. 

"I believe you did enough for the day. You should get some rest." 

"If I did, Nami wouldn't take this lightly." Jean's baggy eyes stared at Ms.Yugi, who sat beside him. "I think you should get back in the tub. I got about ten minutes before Nami's turn." 

"Then, I'll wait. Eight." Ms.Yugi places her hands on her knees, her eyes glued to the door. "It's about eight in the morning. I won't leave my students with all the responsibilities." 

"Okay. Eight minutes." Jean said under his breath. They sat there for seconds before Jean opened his mouth. "I'm sorry about Nami. She's only looking out for me." 

"It's okay." Ms.Yugi sighs. " I did attack you two. I didn't know what got over me." 

"How did you become- you know. A fireball? If you mind me asking." 

"I don't know. Can we not talk about this, Mr. Kasama?" 

"I'm okay with that." 

"You think we should go to the military?" Ms.Yugi questioned. "I would like to hear your thoughts." 

"I believe we should. Nami may be suitable to doubt them, but my parents are with them. They could have turned back, knowing the news. Or better yet, come here. No doubt. Your's?" 

"Knowing my capability, there might be more out there. For now, we should stay until supplies run low. We could search the houses near us. For supplies." 

"We could. Wait till the end of the week." Jean suggested. 

"I say, the earlier, the better. Knowing my position, Ms. Castro wouldn't waste it." 

"I won't allow it." 

"Of course." Nami exited the hall framed, eyeing the two on the steps. "You know me so well. Jean." 

"Right." The teen stood from the steps, pacing into the living room. 

"You can stay right there. Thank you." Nami halts Ms.Yugi from standing. "I like you where I can see you." 

"Ms.Castro. I can handle it." 

"Teacher or not. You are a liability." Nami looks at the door. 

"Understood." Ms. Yugi grips her phone while her eyes remain glued on the young lady. 

The teacher ignores all but Nami—her past student, who thinks she knows everything. Off by one mistake, she's the enemy. 

A crack filled the teacher's ears. She gasps, eyeing her cracked phone. 

"Oh. No." Ms.Yugi whispered, brushing her fingers along the jagged phone screen. She pressed the power button only for it to come to life. 

April 4, 2040 


 8:05 am 

She sighed before looking back to Nami, who was gazing back. 

"My Apologies." Ms. Yugi's smirk wavered before returning to her phone, going into messages. 



Yugi: Hello! Are you safe? 

The teacher waited for a reply, but only for nothing. 

Yugi: Where are you? Devin? 

Ms. Yugi's eyes remained glued to the screen. The teacher pocketed her phone with a huff. 

"Were you able to contact your guardian?" Ms.Yugi asked Nami, whose eyes remained glued to the door. 

"Don't worry. About me." Nami answered flatly. 

"Of course." 


"What? Come on!" Shaun complained while playing a game on his flat-screen TV. 

"Mister." The fox girl, lying on her shoulder in the pet cage, springs her voice to her captor. 


"I'm thirsty." 

"Oh. Thanks for reminding me." Shaun bent from his rolling chair to his mini fridge, pulling out an ice-cold water bottle.

The fox girl raised to her knees with heightened ears and a smile. 

The worker drinks half a bottle with a hiss. 

"Why are you so mean!" The young girl's eyes slit. 

"You still haven't told me how you got in." Shaun spins his chair to the cage a few feet from his Man Cave. 

"I opened the door." 

"What door?" 

"The front! Stupid head!" 

Shaun smirked, shaking his head. He pushed himself from his man cave, rolling to a stop in front of the pet cage. 

"Kid. I don't know. Where this. Get up. Your wearing comes from, but I'm not fucking around." Shaun squinted his eyes at the glowing slit ambers staring back at him. "I saw what's outside. And I can provide food, shelter, water. Hell! Even entertainment." 

"Tell me. What I want to know." Shaun lowered his voice. 

A loud bang echoes through the Shogi Market, causing the two to jolt. 

"One of your friends?!" He whispered.

"I travel alone." The fox girl answered while the two stared at the dim halls of the market. 

It bangs again. Shaun opens the cage. 

"Get out." The worker ordered while the girl crawled out. 

"In front of me. And get moving." Shaun said firmly while the girl gave him a pleading look. "I need my eyes on you. Go!" 

Shaun follows the banging with the Fox girl, who leads to a gardening department. 

The painted sliding doors were blocked with debris and rope, which held them together and prevented them from opening.

"What is that?" The Fox girl asked, glued to the floor and seeing the door bounce. 

"Well! I don't know. Maybe a puppy?!" Shaun whispers back.

"I don't think puppies do that." 

"I-Just open the goddamn door."

"Please! Don't make me do it." 

"Go. Don't make me repeat it." Shaun ordered with his finger on the Hunting Rifle hair trigger. 

The Fox girl's lips quivered while her ears dropped and her body tensed. 

She took a step while the door banging grew heavy and repetitive. She took another before looking over her shoulder. 

"How did you open it?" 

"The knob between the glass." Shaun answered. 

 The doors burst open. The debris scattered the floor while Shaun trained his rifle. 

The Fox girl's tail was between her legs. 

A growl begins. 

A hulky figure blocks the door frame while six green-blue eyes stare back at them. 


In the living room once more. Nami is peeking out the window while Ms.Yugi is on the couch. 

"Ms.Castro?" Ms.Yugi called while standing to her feet. "I'm going to take a bath."

"Okay...Bring the soap." Nami answered. 

"Bring the soap?" 

"You heard me." 

"I don't think you heard me." Ms. Yugi looks up from her glasses to Nami, who only tilts her head. "I'm going to wash. And I'm not going to be treated like some child."

"I will remind you that you tried to kill us." 

"That's. Not. My. Fault." The teacher growls. 

"Of Course, it's not—your Bipolar." 

"Fuck you." Ms.Yugi lowered her jaw. 

"Your breaking character, Ms.Yugi." Nami points her open hand toward Jean, sleeping on the couch. "Would you like your ex-student to fetch you his dad's pills? It could help with your episodes." 

Ms.Yugi kicks the metal tub across the room. It hits the wall, releasing a loud bang. 

"Hey." Jean slurs awake. 

"I'm having none of it!" Ms.Yugi shouts. "I'm not taking any more from you! No more!" 

"That was very stupid for you." Nami hissed. "Why don't you wake the whole neighborhood." 

Ms.Yugi marched, only for Jean to grab her wrist. 

"Both you cut it!" Jean whispered. 

A bang cut their argument short. Everyone remained on their toes, listening in the silence. 

A Heavy-distance bang causes everyone to jump. They approached the living room windows, and the three peeked through the blinds. 

A towering brute smashed through the front door of the neighboring house.

The ex-students and the teacher gazed at the dark green squid's head, right crab arm, and left tentacle arm that nearly reached the porch boards. 

The Monstrosity ducks into a house in front of theirs.

"What's that?!" Jean whispered, his breath jumping out of pace. Nami paces from the window and heads for the kitchen. "Nami?"

"Once this thing gets in." Nami threw two backpacks onto the counter before running through the cabinets. "We run out back." 


"Mr.Kasama? Am I the only one seeing Static?" Ms. Yugi's voice dragged Jean's vision back to the blinds. 

The towering figure exited the house, looking at Jean's. Static filled their vision and ears.

They quickly hide behind the blinds.

The heavy steps approach the house, causing Jean to bite his lip and Ms. Yugi's eyes to water. 

The Monstrosity stomps on the metal fence, knocking the rest down and walking to the front door of the porch.

Jean and Ms.Yugi stood halfway between the living room and the hall leading to the front door. 

The door jumped, and so did The teacher and student. Nami carries two backpacks and snucks them to Jean, passing him a bag. The door jumps again, causing them to blink, eyeing the debris that jumped from its current position.

Nami eyed Jean and Ms.Yugi, who was covering her mouth. Nami opened her hands, eyeing the back of their teacher. 

A crash filled the loud sound of the Monstrosity's progress of intruding. 

The monster glances back at a small figure who stops to look back at it. 


Trash cans scattered the street. The figure yelps and takes off as the Monstrosity chases after it, and its heavy steps grow numb from the three ears.

"That's frightening." Ms. Yugi's teary eyes gaze back to her students.

"I don't think anywhere safe with something as dangerous as that wandering around." Jean voiced after peaking out the window. 

"We have to move." Nami's opinion gains their attention. 

"Move?!" Jean snaps at Nami. "What about-"

"Your parents are out there, I know."

"Your parents are out there, too! I can't up and abandon--" Nami walks past him.

"This is an order." 

Jean looks at Ms. Yugi, who only stares back. 


"HA!" The roaring wind and snowflakes blinded Mr. Walker's sight while his pants were visible. "Hello?!"

The snow crunched under his dress shoes while his eyes wandered the plains covered in fog. 

Boss wanders the plains searching for shelter or someone while his teeth clattered. It felt like he had been walking for hours. 

Frostbite gripping his brows as his cheek was radiating for warmth. 

 A hand covered in ice grabs him by his throat while a body slowly follows up.

It towered over a horrified Boss. 

Ice shards covered every inch of the humanoid, presenting its ice-cold glowing eyes staring into his soul. 

It reels its arm back and hurls the boss onto his back, gaining distance from it.

"Ha!" With all the strength in his body, Mr.Walker ran from it. 

 When he looked back, he saw it following slowly.

Plowing through the blizzard, he notices a cabin. He enters, feeling warmth once more. The fire crackles while the boss blocks the door with a glass cabinet. Spilling glass across the floor. 

"What is that?!" Mr.Walker said under his breath. 

Every window of the cabin breaks under one question.

Shards fly, leaving only the light from the outside. And the cold embrace of the blizzard. 

Mr.Walker took a hunting rifle hung on the wall.

"COME ON!!" Mr.Walker cried out—the door cracked. 

 The boss puts a round into it. His eyes are angry, and he claims this is his last stand. 

Another followed, and it continued. It was destroying the walls around the cabin.


He couldn't get a clear shot. It crashes through the roof, maneuvering the shot, and chokeslams Boss onto the floor. It stomps on his face.

"HAAAA!!" Mr.Walker falls out of bed.

Boss is still in the safe house—his heart throbs like an engine.

Someone hangs themselves. Blood soaks the barrack.

Boss forced himself into the bathroom. He was searching until taking a pill. Memories flood back again, and he slipped into his shower.

"Ha. ha...ha." Mr.Walker brushes the soap out of his hair with his hand, recollecting his thoughts. 

The boss brushes his teeth before using mouthwash. His phone vibrates in the other room. He exits the room and heads to his bed, where his phone sits. 


In silence, he took his gun and exited his room to the garage, wandering, taking glances.

"Boss?" His aim snapped to a young teen in tex. "Wait! Wait! Boss, I'm with you!"

"Who told you about this place?" Mr.Walker asked in a calm tone.


 "A mentor of mine..." A shot fire. "Mr. Kirishima!"

"Hm. Jump."


Mr.Walker released another round, causing the Mafian in training to hop on one leg. 

"Yes, sir!" 

Boss lowered his gun.

"Your name."

"W-William." The Mafian in training pulled on his collar.

"You see that tire. I need that exchange." William glanced at the torn SUV.

"Yes, Boss." Willam approached the vehicle, glancing at every tire before taking a knee. "Uh...there's—" Mr.Walker handcuffed him to the rim. "B-Boss?!"

"Keep it down." He exited the garage while William sighed, pulling the cuff.

"Where did he get this?"


Walking down the neighborhood, sidewalk. Nami took the lead while Jean and Ms.Yugi followed. 

"Where are we going?" Jean questioned. 

"Anywhere but here." 

"We went down a few blocks." 

"That thing looks to be clever or either curious. Hanging around here any longer, we might get a wake-up call or another mail at the door." 

"Yet, being out here is the same risk. We might find others." Ms.Yugi whispered. 

"No. The fewer the interactions, the better." 

"We pass all these cars." Jean voiced. "I think it's better than walking." 

"Fine." Nami turned to the two. "Pick your poison. And no. nothing loud or too small. We need to carry supplies." 

The teacher and ex-students scanned the block until they found a house with a cherry red Hatchback park in the driveway. 

"Huh. Never knew we still have these models." Jean commented. 

"A little flashy, but that has to do." Nami heads to the vehicle, followed by Jean and Ms.Yugi. She peeks into the window, eyeing the interior. "Empty. And locked. The keys could be inside." 

Jean climbed the two steps with a bat in hand. They approached the door with caution; the boy turned the knob only for the door to sling back. Jean slowly pushes it open, eyeing the floorboards and the steps. 

Jean raised his bat, taking a step in. They made it past the blind spot, eyeing the living room. 

Jean shifts his eyes to Nami and heads to the living room. Nami heeds his command with a Kitchen knife and heads up the stairs. Jean does the same with Ms.Yugi when heading deeper down the hall past the steps. Ms.Yugi shakes her head, holding a frying pan. 

Jean told her to stay put with hand signals before heading to his destination. 

Nami reached the second floor, slowly pacing the skinny hall leading to three doors. She opened one. 

A pink carpet in front of the mixed bathtub sat bright and pretty. White tiles and a small window above the shower didn't stand out much.

Nami opens the door next to the exit and sees towels, rags, and soap. 

She makes it back to the hall, heading for two more rooms. Nami opens another. 

A bedroom with small clothes a teen could wear was all over the floor, and posters of bands and Movies hung on the wall. An odor of hormones swirls into Nami's nose; she grunts, checking the closet, but nothing. 

Nami makes it to one last door at the end of the hall. She opened it and heard rapid pants and hissing. She stops. 

"You can come in; I won't do much." A pained man said, welcoming her while Nami slowly opened the door with her knife pointed towards it. 

The man was sitting along the wall beside a king-size bed. His backpack was beside his leg, and between them were bloody paper towels, bandages, and medical supplies. 

"I wonder if I will find a friendly face soon." The man chuckled in pain while Nami scanned the room. 

The bed was nice and neat, and nothing was out of place, but the trail of blood to the house squatter. 

"It's just me." The squatter answered. "Where did everyone go?" 

"I don't know, Where are you bleeding?" Nami answered. She slowly approached. 

The man flashed his neck. A piece of flesh was ripped off, revealing the red muscles and the bite mark. 

"A Husk; got me." The man answered. "They're walking corpses; their eyes show the rock glow. I thought someone!" He grunts before breaking into coughs. 

He gasped while his brown eyes slowly climbed blue pupils. 

"Find my son. Ack! Find him." 

Nami stood above him, looking indifferent. 

"Okay." The man smiled before slowly closing his eyes. 

Nami took a breath before slowly stabbing him in the head. She takes the man's bag going through it. Finding a handgun, two cans of baked beans, and a loaf of wheat bread. 

The lime-haired girl throws his medkit box into an extra backpack for the three. 

Nami went downstairs to Jean and Ms.Yugi, waiting. 

"Found the keys." Jean held it up with one of his fingers. "I found it on the kitchen counter. It was a mess, and there was blood and a corpse. I also pack crackers in my bag if you want some." He looks at Ms.Yugi, who's still in her mental space. 

"Spread it evenly. We don't know if we might need it." Nami removed the backpack from Jean's house and handed it to Ms.Yugi. "Here." 

The teacher takes it while Jean eyed blood along her left wrist. 

"You alright?" Jean jumps to Nami's aid. 

"It's not mine. I'll tell you when we get into the car." 

The ex-students and teacher exited the house and headed to the car.

Jean unlocked it and started it up, giving the car life. 

"We got enough gas for a couple of stops." Jean notified. 

Ms. Yugi's phone chirped as she sat in the driver's seat. 

"Uh, what are you doing?" Nami voiced. 

"I know where to go." Ms.Yugi smirked. " Hopped in." 


Crossing the street, Jean, Ms.Yugi, and Nami entered the Complex apartment, nine floors high and seventeen rooms wide. The lobby was a waste of trash and bodies, and the smell of burnt meat and bones filled the room.

 "Oh." Ms.Yugi pulled a handkerchief and covered her nose while others did the same without it.

"My. God." Jean called under his breath. 

"You chose. This." Nami remarked. 

"Followed me." Ms.Yugi steps over a body. 

Nami takes a pen or two off the counter before passing one to Jean. 

"A Pen?" Jean raised a brow, not getting an answer from Nami, who followed Ms.Yugi. "Okay."

Ms.Yugi presses for the elevator.

"Oh, no stairs." Nami voiced. 

"I'm going to have to agree with Nam with this." Jean followed. 

Ms.Yugi rubs the bridge of her nose. 

"Fine." She leads the two. 

So they climbed the steps to the fifth floor.

Jean shakes the gate, blocking their path to the floor. 

"My apologies." Ms.Yugi voiced while Jean eyed the ledge connected to the gate. 

"It's okay. It looks like we're going to climb around it." Jean steps on the ledge before looking back at the two. "Can I open it from the back?" 

"Yes. There's a slot blocking the lock." 

Jean held to the gate, swinging to the other side before dropping in front of the door. 

"It's above the knob. Slide it down, and pull the lock that looks like a button." 

Jean does so, eyeing the springs, and a click fills their ears. He opens the door for the ladies. 

"Thank you." Ms.Yugi led once more while Nami only said nothing. 

The three kept it slow and quiet until they reached the door at the hall's center. 


They entered, eyeing the hall of vibrant colors. 

"Devin?" Ms.Yugi called, walking down the skinny hall of wood boards. "Devin." 

She makes it to a small living room with a white couch. 

"You sure he's here?" Jean questioned, eyeing the balcony through a glass slide door. 

The teacher opens the door to the bathroom. The orange walls invited her before her gaze shifted to the white basket by the combination shower: a towel or two rest within the basket. 

"Devin?" Ms. Yugi called once more, staring at the fogged mirror. "Devin!" She raced out of the bathroom. 

"Hey." Nami's voice halted the teacher. "There's a ton of supplies here." She flashed the note between her fingers. 

Ms.Yugi picked up her pace, returning to the living room before taking the note. 

I'm sorry, but something has come up. I made sure to keep the apartment where you left it. There's something here, but I don't know what. This floor is safe, and I gather supplies here so that it will last a month. 

I'm sorry, and I love you.

P.S. Devin 

"Who's Devin?" Nami questioned while Ms.Yugi flopped on the couch, sheltering her head. "Hey." 

"Nami, it's not the time." Jean took his seat next to his teacher, and he rubbed her back. 

"Fine." Nami eyed the crowded supplies of food, water, and medicine. "I'm going out." 

"Not by yourself." Jean voiced. 

"Am I supposed to wait because some note told us we are safe?" 

"It is." Ms.Yugi glared up at Nami with glassy eyes. 

"Let's take a break, and then we can check it out, okay?" Jean tilts his head. 

"Don't bother." Nami heads out the door. 

Ms.Yugi stood on the couch before pacing out of the room, leaving Jean. She heads to the last door of the hall, pushing it open. 

The blue light of the cloudy day entered the blinds, showcasing a queen-sized bed with earth-tone sheets and a blanket. The bedroom remained empty yet habituated. 

Ms.Yugi sat on her bed, throwing off her shoes. She laid back, eyeing the ceiling. Her eyes watered while she bit her lip, only to break into a sob. 

Jean listened to the sobs from the living room; this only made him sigh. He stood from the couch before making his exit. 

He makes it back to the apartment hall. He gazed right at the gate they came before turning right at another, seeing one of the apartment doors open. 

Jean paced to the door before slowly coming in. 

"Nami?" Jean called into the apartment. 

"I'm here." Her voice put the boy at ease. He paces into the living room, eyeing Nami with her scattered supplies on the table. 

"What's that?" Jean's mouth is slightly open. 

With four Transparent seeds and fruit like no other, a coat of blueberry shelters its skin, and black streaks follow its stem. A warm blue glow hides behind the parent of the black streaks. 

"Found it. In the bag." Nami answered while Jean dropped to his knees to get a better view. "Back at the house. There was a man upstairs in the main bedroom. He was bleeding. Said a Husk bit him. It was a corpse." 

"The one downstairs." Jean filled in. "You're saying we're going to see zombies? I'm as excited as wishing to kill one, but I'm having second thoughts." Jean picks up the fruit, weighting it. "Did you kill him?" 

"Yes." Nami inspected her knife while Jean's eyes came to Nami's view. 

"Hey," Jean said, putting the fruit back before taking the seat next to her. "Are you alright?" He gave his friend a side hug.

"I'm fine." 


Her plastered, blank gaze breaks into an ugly smile.


"I said, I'm okay." She croaked. Jean hugs her to his chest. "I'm okay." 

Nami sobbed without a peep while Jean rested his chin on her lime hair. 

"I know. Nam." Jean said softly. 


Jean and Nami, with their gear, exited Ms. Yugi's apartment. They pace to the gate close to Nami's apartment. 

"What are you trying to find?" Jean questioned, eyeing the dusk hugging the dead city. "We have plenty, thanks to the Devin guy." 

"He said. There's something here." Nami states back, opening the gate. "I can't sleep knowing that thing out there." 

They passed the elevator, heading to the next floor above.

Nami comes to a halt, followed by Jean, who found his answer. 

 A body against the wall by the elevator. A woman, precisely, with her guts spilled out like someone or something, forced it open.

Jean throws up from the balcony. 

Nami was the first to break from hesitation. 

She noticed a photo of the victim with a boy going to school. 

A thick, slimy object wraps around Nami's throat, gradually forcing her throat close like an angry snake. Her shoes slide across the floor, heading for the cracked elevator. 

"Jean!" Nami forced her lungs to catch flames. 

Jean cleaned his mouth, collecting himself. 

"Okay. I think I'm good." He breathes out, eying the cars below. 

Nami cuts the object, revealing it to be a slithering tongue flopping in pain. 

"ARGH!!" Nami's breath escapes, causing Jean to snap to Nami on the floor near the elevator. Two long twig arms reached out, grabbing her ankles before yanking her down the shaft. "AH!!!"

"NAMI!!!" Jean roared down the screaming elevator shaft. 

Ms.Yugi and Jean paced down the steps. 

"Mr.Kasama! Slow down!" Ms.Yugi shouted in a whisper. 

"That thing took her. We can't let it get away." Jean clenches his fist around the bat, letting the weapon of his choice whine. "The shaft! Where does it lead to?"

"I think the parking garage." Ms.Yugi picked up her voice. 

"Stay. Close." Jean glared at his invisible enemy. The stairs lead to the waiting room in front of the double elevators. 

"There." Ms.Yugi points to the red door by the elevator. 

A bang brought them to a halt. A can of soda rolled from the trash bin, scattered on the floor, before moving to a stop into a corpse near the two.


 A hand covered their mouths, frightening the duo. Clicking stops them from screaming. 

A foot inched from the corner of the lobby.

 A towering woman with arms thinner than a stick and long as if she can grab you from arm's reach, her jet grey hair sways with a full smile stuck onto her ghostly skin. Her eyes were grey and dead. 

She wandered across the lobby slowly, tracing the sound. Her sharp fingers danced with the dry blood that warmed them. 

The wandering lady approached them and tilted her head. Her dead eyes dilated, and so did her smile. 

She stood there as still as a stone while the two tried not to make a move. 

She leans forward. 

Her dagger teeth reflected the duo's faces while they noticed an older man covering their mouths. 

The wandering woman's eyes quickly snapped between Jean and Ms.Yugi, gaining every detail. The ex-student and teacher struggled mentally while the woman dragged her long nails along Jean and Yugi's chest. 

She leans back and wanders past them. The wandering woman heads down the hall to the ground-level apartments. 

The older man in a jumpsuit convinces the two to follow him into a room.

They entered the break room. 

"Why would you three have to ruin everything!" The man in the jumpsuit shouted in a whisper. 

"We?" Ms.Yugi questioned. 

"Don't play smart with me, girl."

"I'm 25."

"You're still a girl. You know nothing."

"Hey." Jean entered the convo.

"Shut up!" The older man pointed while flashing his teeth. "You dumb asses gave them more reason to stay. Give me a reason not to kick both of your asses to the moon and back."

Jean's hands shake. 

"What are they?" Ms. Yugi's eyes never closed. "I want to save my student." 

"The only thing I have seen is bodies and those freaks. You won't stand a chance. If so, you kill one by luck, and the other will gladly pick two off." 

"T-there's more like her?" Jean questioned. 

"You're comparing apples to oranges, son." The older man crosses his arms.

Jean falls onto the floor.


"Jiro." Ms. Yugi reads from the jumpsuit, trying to cheer Jean.

"What?" Jiro glared at the teacher. 

"Are you alone?"

"You saw the bodies. The others were carried off to who knows where."

"They're trapped in this building." Jean blurted out. 

Jiro raised a brow.

"What makes you come to that conclusion, Einstein?"

"I just feel it." Jean stood up, clenching his bat.

"I'm not leaving without her." He glares.

"How are you going to do that? Kill yourself? Hell, you're doing me a favor." 

"You're coming with us." 

"The hell. I'm not. Give me a car. I'm still as good as dead." 

"You will." Jean points his bat with a sway in his steps.

"You go be stupid. The girl is dead. Tell the divine being or whatever I said." Jean pushes Jiro off his feet. The older man hits the wall. "What. The. Hell?" 

Jean paces. 

"Take! That! Back!" He punches the wall, causing pieces to crumble. His pupils disappear before shimmering lightly. "YOU OLD FUCK!! DON'T ME MAKE BEAT IT OUT OF YOU!" 

"Quiet! You'll bring her here!" Ms.Yugi pulls Jean back. 

"You're fucking crazy! We're going to die." Jiro spat. 

A click stops the room. 

Everyone turns to the door in horror while Jean's eyes return.

The crying door slowly opened only, revealing the wandering woman peaking with her dilated eyes staring into the room. 

The room grew silent while sweat rolled down Jiro's head. The droplet hits the carpet.

The Slender woman speeds into the room with her head spasming about.

"HAAA!!" She snatches the closest person in the room. Yugi.

"You fuck!" Jean swung his bat into the wandering woman's back. 

She hisses before backhanding Jean. The boy corkscrews into the breakroom cabinets before hitting the floor with a groan. 

"Ms. Yugi!!" Jean sprints out of the breakroom and into the hall. The slender woman makes her retreat back to the elevator shaft. "MS.YUUUGGIIIIII!!!"


William is scratching his nail against the ground, still cuffed against the rim of the SUV, while the boss places a chair to sit on. He's playing tic-tac-toe with himself.

"Oh, uh... I can't help myself." Willam smirk. 

"How do you know I'm here?" Mr.Walker asked blankly. 

"Mr. Kirishima, sir."

"Tell me the truth, or I'll start breaking fingers." 

William sweats.

"I-uh...I followed you. I saw the fight, and it seems you were packing, so I figured you could use the protection."

"I'm in no need for bodyguards." Boss aimed.

"WAIT! WAIT! You can use me- as payment for my stay! I know where there's a refuge camp!"

Mr.Walker remained still as stone while Willam grasped his chest. 

"There's one at the basketball stadium." 

"League road?" Mr.Walker questioned. 

"Yes. It's on radios and televisions. You have to find the channel." 

A few seconds has passed. The boss uncocked his handgun. He tossed the key while Willam scrambled for it. 

"You do well. You might gain my trust." 

"I will! You will not forget this." William stood to his feet before pacing to the door. 

The boss followed right after. 

"Uh, Boss question." Boss looks to William. "Have you used the television yet?"

"Doesn't work." Mr.Walker answered. 

"Can I give it a shot?" The boss nods. It took seconds for the TV to flash on, yet static filled the room. "Give me a sec." He does his thing.

The screen flickered to News 47. The cam was on its side, staring at the white house.

"AH! GETAWAY!" A survivor turns around, putting lead into whoever until electricity coats the screen, turning static.

"Another." Mr.Walker ordered.

Good Morning Britain

"This place is not what it used to be." The newsman states. "Ian."

The camera shows London's silent capital, filled with helicopters chipping away. The city is lying waste all over like a tic-tac-toe chart.

"No reports for survivors. May God bless this world."Ian looks around, depressed.

"Hey! Are you seeing this?!" The pilot voiced. 

The cam snaps to a woman growing in size like a giant. Her massive eyes land on them.

"WAAAAA!!!" Her deep voice wallows the skies while her hand approaches. 

They scream and panic while the helicopter goes to dodge, but it is too late.

New 35


New 56

Man on fire.

Red news

A beast pounces on the cam.

This news continued until, bouncing knee, Mr.Walker stood to his feet. 

"Get some rest." Mr.Walker exits the room while William looks back at the television.

He jumped in bed. Mr.Walker stares at the ceiling. 

"Is there even a god?" He stares at his hand.