Chapter 6: Reinforced

Shaun is now sitting by the kitchen table at the end of the kitchen. 

He ate from his plate before staring at Gabriel, who was eating from his. He eyed Gabriel's black and white fur and his blue eyes, and then the moon crested on the cat's forehead. 

The cat looks up from his plate and at Shaun. 

"Yes?" Gabriel questioned. 

"What are you? 

"Excuse me?" He said with his mouth full. 

"You know what I mean." 

"Oh! The rock in the sky." The cat eats from his bowl of beans, which Shaun kindly shared with him. "Funny thing is I'm allergic to cats. And yet, here I am. Living and breathing." 

"You were human?" Shaun tilts his head. 

"Yes. If you excuse me, I like to fill my belly, which I haven't been fed for three days." The moon-crested cat continued his feast while the worker leaned back on his chair with a sigh. 

Shuan grunts before standing to his feet with a plate in hand. 

"Oh!" Gabriel exclaimed, getting Shaun attention. "That arm of yours will get you nowhere. Once the cosplayer wakes up, tell her to help pop your arm back in." 

"Hell no!" Shaun whispers in a shout.

"I will help, but she will be suspicious." Gabriel looks up from his bowl, which has baked beans around his mouth. "You need to lie on a table with your face facing the ceiling. The girl will grab your wrist and pull at your body level, but tell her to go easy while pumping your arm up and down before performing a circular motion. That will safely guide your arm back into your socket without damaging your muscles or ligaments." 


Gabriel spewed a white mist while a pen and paper followed within the kitchen before writing it on the table before the worker. 

"Here." The crested cat passes the paper to Shaun, reading it. 

"You sound like you know your stuff." Shaun looks from the paper at Gabriel, who is devouring his food. 

"Used to be a field medic during Emblem War." 

Shaun grunted to his feet before dumping his plate and spoon into the kitchen sink. 

He paces out the swinging door, eyeing the sleeping Alice in tattered clothing. The moonlight rained on the fox girl, who was sleeping peacefully. 

Shaun clicks his tongue before shaking his head. He heads into the employee locker room, approaching his backpack and resting on the smooth, bright, wooden bench. 

He digs into the front pocket of the pack before pulling out a small case.

The worker opened them, revealing a lockpick set. The door swings open, revealing Alice rubbing her eyes. 

"I'm hungry." She said in a tired voice. 

"Beans. On the stove." Shaun states, eyeing the locker key and his set. 

"Can you fix me a plate?" 

"You can handle it." 

"But my brother always does it." 

"I'm not your brother." Shaun glared while the fox girl only left the room. "Jesus Christ." He said under his breath. 

He pulled two picks from his set before getting a crack at it with a wince. 

Minutes flew by until a click filled his ears. Shaun opened the locker, revealing a small maid outfit, a locket, and a pair of round-toed shoes, which completed the outfit. 

The worker opened the locket, revealing a black hair woman smiling at someone away from the photo. He put it into his backpack. 

Alice entered the room once more. 

"What do you want?" Shaun questioned. 

"Nothing." Alice sits on the bench. "What are you doing?" 

"Getting in these lockers." 

"Is that stealing?" 

Shaun looks over his shoulder at her.

"Seriously? No one coming back for this stuff. If you haven't noticed, the dead bodies and rocks." 

Alice looks at her pressing fingers while Shaun approaches another locker. 

"Can I help?" Alice questioned. 

"I don't know what's in there, so no." 

"Aw." The fox girl's ears drop. 

Shaun looks at her tattered clothes. 

Her blue shirt now hangs on her shoulders, barely holding on as burn marks and holes run down her jeans. One hole in particular showed the skin of her white panties. 

Shaun looks away before pointing to the opened locker. 

"See if that fits." 

Alice went to the locker with the black and white maid blouse. She turns, pointing. 



Shaun went to picking the locker, grunting under his breath. 

"Um, mister?" Alice questioned. 

"What?" Shaun winced. 

"I'm sorry for throwing you out of the market." Shaun didn't reply. "Maybe, I'm hoping you can forgive me." 

A rip filled his ears. Shaun snapped his head back at Alice, ripping a hole in the butt of the pants. 

She wore a maid blouse above her knees, her amber tail brushing the polished floor. Shaun shakes his head while Alice puts her legs through the dress pants. She looked over her shoulder, gazing at her dancing fox tail. 

"Where are your parents?" Shaun questioned. 

"Huh? Oh, uh, it's only my brother." Alice states, with a flick of her tail, poking out of her blouse. "Where are yours?" 

"Never met them." 


"They don't want me. That's all you need to know." 

"I want you." Shuan looks at Alice, smiling at him. "You're alone, but I want to be your friend." 

"You can. Tell yourself that." Shaun whispered under his breath, causing her ears to twitch.

"Of course I will, mister." She approached the worker with her hands interlocked behind her back. She bent forward, eyeing Shaun, picking the lock. "What are you doing?" Her amber fox eyes remained glued to the worker working his magic. 

"Picking a lock." 

"Uh, what does that mean?" 

"I don't have the key. How else will I open it?" Shaun looks over his shoulder at Alice, who is gazing back. "Can you back up and be quiet?" 

Alice leaps back, landing in a floor block. She looks down at the pattern on the floor. The fox girl traces her steps into block after block before leaping onto another. 

"One. Two. Three." She rehearsed hopscotch, causing Shaun to frown on his brows. "Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight." She said under her breath. 

A click caused her ears to flicker. She looks to Shaun, pulling the padlock off the locker. 

He opens it. Revealing a tuxedo, a comb, fingernail clippers, and a sewing kit. 

Shaun sighs. 

"What's wrong?" Alice questioned from across the room. 

"I need you to pull my arm back in place." 

"Um, I don't know." 

"I'll talk you through." 

Alice looks from the floor before nodding her head. Shaun sighs once more. 

He lay on the wooden benches, his hand on his lap, while Alice stood over him, shy. 

"Okay." Shaun lifted his hand and winced. "Grab my wrist and lift it toward the locker you're standing behind." Shaun ordered while Alice followed. "Ah. Ah! Okay. Right there." 

"We should. Find a doctor." Alice said in a weak voice. 

"I'll be fine. I need you to pump it up and down; don't make it widen. Okay!" He shouts while Alice begins the motion. "I need you to do it until my shoulders are aligned." 

A minute went by to Shaun wincing. 

"I got. It." Alice said under her breath. 

"Okay. Rotate it. Not! Too fast." Shaun grabs his face covered in sweat. 

"I don't think I can do this." Her amber fox glowing eyes look down on him. 

"Don't be a baby. You almost done."


"Ugh!" Shaun leans forward, wincing at his hung arm. "It feels a little better." He said under his breath, rolling his shoulder.

"You're a doctor?" Alice gazes at Shaun with a little smile. 

"No. Learn it on the internet." 

"You're amazing!" She flashes her fangs. 

"Yeah. Yeah. Fetch me some ice." Shaun hides a smirk. 

"Okay! Wait here." Alice raced out of the room. 

"Look at my hero, he's back in action." Gabriel stood by the door. 

"Thanks, by the way." Shaun grunts. "Please tell me why I'm doing this again?" 

"Of course." The worker looks up at him. "I required a man with spirit and strength to venture the apartment depths. And you have both." 

"Right. What will we find there?" 

"My Laptop." 

"I got it!" Alice raised her voice, getting Gabriel's attention. "Excuse me." She raced to Shaun, holding up a ziplock bag of ice. "Here you are." 

Shaun takes it and places it on his shoulder. The fox girl only smiled at him. The worker sighs. 


"Hmph." Alice sits on the bench next to him. "Are we going to stay?" 

"We're going to move soon. And I don't like it here." 


"You ask a lot of questions." 

"Whatever you say." Alice breaks Shaun's gaze, biting her lip. "You need shoes, you know." 

Shaun looks down at his dirty feet. He wiggled his toes, eyeing the bottom of them litter with pebble outlines and powdered asphalt. 

The worker looks over his shoulder at the locker containing the dress suit.

"I'll. Change." Shaun said while Alice stood to her feet. "After this last locker." 

A loud bang causes him to snap at Alice, punching the locker and causing a significant dent. 

"Agh!" The fox girl delivers another blow, causing the locker to swing open. "There." She leaves the room. 

Gabriel only looks to Shaun with a raised, non-existent brow. 

"Don't say anything." He grunts, standing to his feet. 

"Whatever you say." He cracks a smirk. 

Shaun approached the locker and swung it open. 

A foldable baton, a cigarette lighter, and a white chief uniform with a red handkerchief remained.

"(It's Magnificent!)" Gabriel said in Spanish before using his telekinesis to wrap the handkerchief into a scarf. "What do you think? My good man?" 

"Something I would eat as a last resort." Shaun stared blankly. 

"Savour it, that's all you would taste." Gabriel prances out the door with a sway in his hips. 

"Why the hell I'm doing this?" Shaun said under his breath, rubbing his nose. 


Jack starts a flare; the bright red light causes him to wince. His ears took in the whistling of that said object. 

His sneakers entered the light abyss called the underpass tunnel, and the weight of his steps and Willam's filled the tunnel. 

They followed the line of stationary vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Clothes and suitcases litter the lanes. William eyed a lollipop swarmed by ants. 

He looks to his boss to take the lead and their only light source.

Jack stops holding up his hand. William looks over his shoulder before widening his eyes. 

A middle-aged woman, with her guts spilled and scattered, stood before the two. 

The boss held the flare above his head, eyeing more bodies, which left missing eyes and faces, limbs, or bloody skeletons in their wake. 

Jack looked over his shoulder at William, gripping his tire iron. William held his pocket knife firm, blinking his eyes. 

The boss continued, his steps steady and his eyes bouncing from walls or objects. He steps over a body or two before locking onto a body hanging on the side of an rc tow truck. 

Its skull was revealed to the world while his bloodshot eyes looked to the asphalt. 

A soft hum of the radio filled the dry environment. 

Jack steps closer, eyeing the bullet wounds on his skull and chest. 

"I will never get her back." The voice of a woman states down the tunnel. 

The boss and trainee ventured deeper down the tunnel. 

The environment grew darker while the two grew closer; Jack and William breathing, whispering in their ears. 

"Go with them. Don't worry about me." The woman said in a raspy voice. 

Jack and William halt. Light is at the other end of the dark tunnel, yet a woman figure stands a few feet from them. 

"I will never get her back." She paused, listening to the flare whistling. Then she turned, eyeing Jack and William. 

The woman only stared. 

Jack hunched over, twirling his tire iron. 

"Hey." A cheery voice states closer to the boss and trainee's proximity. 

 "Oh shit!" William screamed, holding back the corpse of a bearded man with his right cheek missing, revealing his cheekbone and teeth. 

"Long time no see." His bloody eyes stared daggers into Williams. 

Jack smashes the tire iron into the corpse's face. Earning moans, groans, and...

"Good morning." A hand grabs Jack's ankle before it lets go. 

The corpse of a fast food worker lay dead with a glass shard in its skull. 

"Move!" Jack ordered. 

The boss and trainee bolt toward the lone woman, hearing one-liners and moans. 

"I will never-" A glass shard implants into the woman's skull while the two run past. 

The husks stood to their feet, crawled from under vehicles, or stood from their cars blocking their way. A swarm filled the tunnel. 

Jack swats the face of the walking husk, eyeing the light being blocked by the swarm. 

"Boss! Up there!" William shouts, curb-stomping an opportunitist. He runs for the sidewalk above the level of the driving lanes. 

Jack followed. 

William climbed onto the sidewalk only for a corpse to grab his ankle. 

"Sweet." An overweight man goes for a bite, only for a boss to club him in the head before kicking him onto his back. 

"Come on!" William helps Jack climb over the railing. They jog, eyeing the dead eyes filling the tunnel, and follow them on the sidewalk at a walking pace. 

The door burst, filling Jack's ears. 

He snaps his hand onto William's backpack, pulling him back. The husk lunges at the trainee only to trip and fall over the railing. 

"Goddamn it!!" It curses. 

William quickly nodded at Jack before they made their way down the sidewalk, eyeing a military checkpoint at the end of the tunnel. 

They made it out, getting a sunkiss. Their eyes adjusted to the tall glass buildings. The two ran up the slope before coming to a halt, widening their eyes, and their breath caught. 

Hordes of husk litter the streets while dead meteors follow after. 

A horde found them, and the gangster duo breaks for it, jogging along the sidewalk. 

"Where are we going?!" William looks over his shoulder, eyeing the slow hordes. 

"League Street!" The boss pants. 

"The bike, boss!" 

They eyed a corpse down the sidewalk with a bike lying by it. 

"Get on!" the boss order.

"It can only carry one." 

"Do it!" 

"I got. One." William said under his breath, rushing one of the hordes. 

"KID!" Mr.Walker roared. 

The trainee rushes to the skateboard across the street, getting curious gazes from the husks once known as people. 

He grabs it before hopping on. William skates to the boss, getting on his bike. 

Jack peddles while William grabs the hips of his boss. Taking a nice ride on Walker's express. 

"The hell. Is wrong with you?" Jack said with venom. "I give you an order, and you take it." 

"Sorry, boss." The trainee voiced while Jack could only paddle around the hordes that lunged at them. 


Jack peddles his bike past a bank before pacing between the lines of vehicles. The sound of wheels hitting the clips of the sidewalk filled his ears. 

He turned to William, rolling past a corpse with his skateboard. He performed an ollie grinding on a wooden bench at a bus stop. 

"Can you take this seriously?" Jack turned his head to his trainee, whose eyes whipped at him. 

"There hardly any corpses here, boss. You think it's the military?" 

"Of course. Do you see the corpses?" 

William eyed a corpse who happened to be a delivery guy. He was a Husk, face down on the sideway, and there was a bullet hole in his skull. 

"They were pushed back. I saw another one in the underpass. It was the Rangers. Their usual issues were semi-fire weaponry like Dawn 14 or Austgus rifles with scopes. They tend to spare their ammo wisely, hinting at the bullseye penetration. The military let the bots do their dirty work. Less collateral." 

William looks ahead, eyeing the next checkpoint station at the four-way road. 

The trainee kickflips onto the street, rolling to the center lane. He crouches, going under the traffic bar barrier. 

He eyed a military soldier, and civilians chewed to pieces and left to be baked in the afternoon sun. Scattered in the middle of the four-way lanes. 

William halts, waiting for his boss. Jack slows down, maneuvering around the bodies; he makes a right turn into the sidewalk. The trainee followed. 

"Boss?" William questioned behind Jack, listening to his wheels click. 


"Mr.Kirishima." Jack drops his shoulders. "What is he to you?" 

"First, how did you and he meet?" 

"Oh! Um...I was doing one of my jobs, and he was one of our commanders. The silverbacks ambush our boat. Mr.Kirishima was the one to turn the tide with only his fists." William's breath escaped, his lips creeping into a smile, and he shook his head. "He saved my life. And on the night forward, I knew why they called him The Red Dragon of Hamihero." 

"Of. Course." Jack states with his face forward. "I don't expect anything less." 

William opened his mouth before closing it. 

They rolled down the streets of apartments and businesses. 

The two remained in the center of the empty streets of the ruins; they slowed down, hearing marching. 

Three figures emerge from the left of the street. 

"Civilians." A voice of authority escapes from the black face visor, revealing a blue line circle of a black steel robot. "Remain for inspection." 

The three robots approached Jack and William. 

"Rangers. Do what they say." Jack whispered, his eyes glued to the bots. 

The black metal plates, consisting of six-pack abs and chests, protected their vitals, and red glowing lines were under their broad shoulders and ran along their hips. 

"You are under I.C.C. grounds; state your business." The ranger states 

The thin blue circle of the second ranger's black face visor shimmers like it's loading. 

"We heard of your refuge camp nearby. We came to seek shelter under the supervision of the ICC." Jack answered. William eyed the second ranger, his gaze never leaving it. 

"Jack Walker." The second ranger voiced. "A civilian." 

He approaches William, releasing heavy stomps. The trainee only steps back. 

"Your bag." The ranger spoke. 

William obliged, only for the ranger to dump their things onto the ground. 

"HEY!" William glared, only for Jack to grip his shoulder. 

"We shall apologize in advance." The first ranger spoke on behalf of the second ranger, searching through the bag. "We have encountered hostiles opposing as civilians. We've lost brothers and sisters." 

"William Muller. A criminal of assault, Grand theft auto, and Speeding." The ranger took a knee, placing the items back into the backpack. "Under Marshall Law, you are now free of the crimes you committed. Let this act of mercy change the trajectory of your actions." It stood on its feet with William's backpack hanging within its closed fist. 

William takes the backpack, eyeing it down. The ranger only stares back. 

"Stay close. And keep your arms closer," the ranger said, turning its back to the humans. 

The boss rolled his neck at William before following the two rangers ahead. The trainee gripped his skateboard, following his boss, while the ranger followed behind. 


Pacing down the street, the rangers led the boss and trainee to the stadium. Fences wrapped around the massive outpost, while civilian and military vehicles were parked and arranged in the parking lot. 

Soldiers, machinery, and gunshots cried out, giving a peaceful and busy environment. 

They approached the gates surrounded by barbed wire. 

"Hey, Delta squad returned with civilians!" A soldier in a black-grey long-sleeve jacket shouts, looking down at them from the manufacturer guard post. 

A soldier from below slides the rolling gates open, allowing the group in.

Jack's eyes land on the many walking tents posted at the entrance of the Jump Statium. 

"Be careful with that, alright?" A soldier voiced, while heavier stomps followed. 

"I will do at the best of my capabilities." A robot brute stood above Jack and even the rangers past them, carrying two wooden crates on its shoulder and hip. 

Its black face resembles a human face with blue eyes. 

"Shit. I never seen a Tobor up close." William said under his breath. "Look at the guns he got. He could pop me like a grape." 

"Delta squad." A soldier with nothing but a white cap and grey dress suit approaches The rangers and the others. "Where's your platoon?" 

The rangers ahead of Jack and William puffed up their chest and stomped their foot. 

"They are k.i.a, a group of civilians who turn hostile after a request of testing for infection." The leading ranger voiced. 

"What about them?" The officer looks at William and Jack. 

"Due to our indecision, we lost our sister of arms." 

"Of course." He clicked his tongue. "Amy!" 

A white figure exits the tent; it is another bot. It gave a feminine, slender build and face, green eyes stared daggers at the soldier who called her. 

An angelic smile creeps onto her gorgeous face. 

"Commander?" Amy states in a French accent. 

"I would like you to give them a test." 

"Of course, commander." She heads back into the medical tent before coming out with a closed fist. 

The rangers gave her room while she stood before William and Jack.

"Who's first? I won't bite." She cracks a grin. 

Jack eyed her closed fist before kicking his stand on his bike. He sighs before stepping forward. 

"I like your hair." She comments. "Did you dye it?" 

"I was born with it." Jack eyed Amy's hand, blocking his view. 

"I'm sorry, but you're infected." 

The rangers aimed their weapons at Jack. 

"Hey! Hey!" William shouts, gaining the outpost's attention. "This is not necessary." 

"Does Amy have to test you, or will you be honest?" The commander questioned with a stoic expression. 

"How's he infected?! He wasn't bitten by those corpses!" 

"There are three ways. Taking a bite of a Husk, surviving the meteor crash zone, or..." Amy releases her hand, revealing a purple transparent seed in her palm. "Standing near this thing. Now tell me." 

William looks around at the hungry eyes before staring at his boss. Jack only remained silent with his hands raised. 

"I'm infected." The trainee answered while the commander nodded his head at the rangers. 

"Your remainings will remain here. Don't resist." The leading ranger advice. 

Jack pulled his tire iron from his pants before dropping it onto the concrete with an audible chime. 

"Can I at least finish my water?" Wiliam questioned. 

"You will be provided." The third ranger advised. 

The trainee huffed before dropping his bag and knife. 


"Okay." Dallas climbed the stairs with Amanda and Jiro in tow. "One more floor to go." 

"It's sure dark out." Jiro stared at the window, reflecting the blue of the night. "Why not do this tomorrow?" 

"I would love to hit it now. And besides, the amount of stuff we find can last more than a few months, even a year, if we consume it at a minimum." 

"Why don't I get some shut-eyed and let you young people work the grave shift?" 

"Not until this floor is clear." 

"Just a little longer, Mr. Jiro. I promise I can make it worth your while." Amanda cuts in while the older man raises a brow. 

"What do you have in mind?" 

"Shh." Dallas crouched, followed by the two. 

A corpse lay on the hall of apartment doors. Three Husks roamed or stared at the night sky. 

"What's that?" Amanda questioned, gripping her frypan. 

"The crazy thing is, those were people who got hit by the rock or infected. See." Dallas whispered, pointing at a Husk with a bite mark on his calf. "Don't get bit." He approached the gate, eyeing the other side of the empty hall. 

Dallas pulled out a master key before opening the gate, giving a squeaking whine. 

The three husks slowly snapped their heads at the three. 

"Ah." The husk growls, approaching them. 

Dallas stood to his feet, readying his pocket knife. The husk lunges, only for Dallas to grab her throat. He drives his knife into her eye, and she drops. 

Jiro passed Dallas and drove his pipe spear into the husk's gut. The husk growls, spilling blood between his lips. He reaches for Jiro, who struggles to hold him back. 

Dallas approaches, driving the metal bat into the husk's skull. The corpse drops to its knees while Dallas finishes it off with a swing of his hips.

A loud crunch causes Amanda to jump with shaky breath. 

The husk skull explodes like a human pinata. Blood and brain matter reach toward the direction of the last remaining husk. 

 Dallas pants while Jiro finishes the last one off, learning from his teammate. 

"The brain." Dallas pants, turning to Amanda. "That's lights out." 

She only nodded while Jiro and Dallas approached the first door. 

The team leader opens it, steadying his breath. The dark and the moonlight welcome him. 

A short, thin hall leading to the living room presents the rosy red couch and the sliding door to the balcony. Two door frames remain in the center, not giving them any room to see. 

"Jiro." Dallas whispered, switching with his knife. "The kitchen." 

The leader prowls down the hall, bobbing his head with Jiro in tow, his spear overhead. They break off into different directions. 

Amanda waited, looking over her shoulder at the ruined streets of Hamihero. 

The gate behind her crashes, causing her to snap into the husk waiting behind it. 

"Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you." He said. 

"Are you okay?" Ms.Yugi cocked her head. 

"Never better." The husk grasps the bars. "Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you." 

Amanda approaches the gate. 

The husk reaches out while Amanda backsteps in time. 

"Never better!" He growls, revealing his blooded teeth. 

Amanda only pants, taking steps back with shaky hands on the pan. 

"It's all." Amanda slams her pan onto the door frame, which Dallas ducks from. "Hey!" He shouts. 

"I'm so sorry." She covered her mouth with watered eyes. "I'm so sorry." 

"Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you." The husk voice gains Dallas's attention, and he reaches out to them. 

"Did he just speak?" Dallas took a step back. The husk said his second line. "He did." 

"He's not dead, right?" Jiro came from the door frame. 

"I don't know." Dallas slowly approached the gate, dodging his arm's reach. 

The team leader grabs the husk's shirt, pulling him into the gate, causing metal-hitting flesh to cry out. 

The husk growls, chomping. 

"Don't worry! I'm not here to hurt you!" He raised his voice, growling before clamping on Dallas's white shirt. 

The team leader drives his knife into the head. He drops the husk onto his back. 

"It's like. It's mimicking its prey." Amanda clenched her shirt. "It could be recalling the last thoughts before its death." 

"Using the shell to mimic prey closer or drop their guard." Dallas breathes out. "Keep your eyes open for Mimic's." 

They searched the floor before coming to the last door at the far end. 

Dallas fumbled his keys with his white shirt painted with purple blood. He opened the door. 

A cock of a shotgun filled his ears. 

"Come in," a muscular bald man said with venom. "I dare you." 

"Woah! Woah. Easy." Dallas let his bat hang between his thumb and index. "We're not here to hurt you." 

"And you covered in those things blood said otherwise. How many are you?" 

"Just us three. Guys. Come on out." Dallas states while Jiro and Amanda come out. 

The muscular bald man lowered his gun slightly. 


"Nobu." Jiro drops his hands. "Don't tell me you've been here this whole time!" 

"If you haven't seen those things. You must be getting old." Nobu smirked. "Mei, Kota, it's good." 

A young teen named Kota emerged from the kitchen with a knife while Mei was beside the man with a vendetta. 

"Sweet Jesus." Jiro passed Dallas before giving Nobu a hug. "You got the whole swat team waiting." 

"You can never be too careful. Tell me, what are you doing?" 

"We're taking this place back." Nobu cocked his head. "We already got the entrances blocked off. And we're clearing floors. We have two more going to the ground floor." 

"Can I help?" Mei cuts in. "I will help with anything possible." 

"You can, but I believe the youngbloods would be done by now." 

"Jiro, who are they?" Dallas called while the janitor of Star Gazing tilted his head. 

"Oh, this here, Nobu and his kids. Mei and Kota. They helped me occasionally before this whole world went to ruins. They're good people." 

"Kid?" Mei starts. "I'm nineteen!" 

"Don't worry about her; she's still hurt because her growth spurt didn't kick in." Nobu filled in. 


"Well. I'm Amanda." Ms.Yugi introduced herself while pointing to Dallas with a raised brow. "He's Dallas. I don't want to keep you, but I want to see if my students are okay." 

"Oh, right, of course." Jiro shakes his head. "Look at me running my mouth." 


The six makes it back to Yugi's floor. They approached the gate, eyeing people by her apartment. 

"Hey, Jean. Nami, are these people you're talking about?" One of the people said while they stood by the gates. 

Jean came out the door with a smirk. 

"They are." Amanda and the others approached before entering the apartment. 

"Wow. How many people are there?" Kota questioned, eyeing the crowd of people taking up the room. 

"Ten and twelve-including me and Nami." Jean smirked. 

"Make that eighteen." Dallas smiled in awe. "Everyone. Welcome to Star Gazing."