Revengeful Pasts

Shun Pov

I was on my duel runner keeping in the inner course while Jack and Yusei got ready to duel

(The duel goes the same as the anime so I won't cover it). as stardust and red dragon archfiend appeared, Jack, Yusei and I were in awe but both Yusei and Jack began to Glow a crimson red and even though I wasnt dueling Dragunity Knight Ascalon appeared from my extra deck revealing 3 mighty dragons and converged together a red dragon appeared and went up into the sky causing a huge flash before we knew Jack, I and Yusei began standing with confused faces as Jack stood his arm had a symbol which appeared on his right arm while Yusei also had one on his Left arm I felt an insane burn on my chest and my chest began to Glow green with a symbol. As I grunted and screamed in pain I began to make away out as I got back on my duel runner and sped of, Yusei was surrounded by Sector Security, something was calling me to summon one of my dragons, I did so and Dragunity Trident appeared and struck the ground with its claws then wrapped itself around me and faided back into my deck, the slash in the ground made it so I could escape so I sped of towards the abandoned building I'd been staying at, after I arrived I fell unconscious and fell of my duel runner.

Yusei Pov

"What just happened, Jack what is the meaning of this you know what just happened don't you" as I finished speaking a blue dragon with silver accents appeared before us and was wrapped around Shun like his pet then it slashed the ground causing everyone to fall over, as I saw Shun speed of in pain I was arrested by sector security and was taken away.

1 hour later

Jack Atlas Pov

As I arrived back at my apartment where I was staying at I began marching towards Goodwin's office Mina was following me saying "Jack, Goodwin is in a meeting please wait until after" I didn't care and just marched on into his office and I began demanding answers "and what just happened with Shun, a dragon just appeared and was like his servant" . Goodwin began saying " what you saw was the crimson dragon and your friend Shun is a phychic duelist as they can communicate with their cards" as soon as he finished speaking I showed him my mark on my arm which was burning and I began saying "not only do I have one so does Yusei and Shun whose one was glowing green while mine and yusei's were red". Goodwin looked shocked and began saying to all the officers in the area "find a boy with green hair with golden accents" wait what why I began asking Goodwin "we'll because Jack he is one of the most important Members of the crimson Dragon, he's the living soul of it and just like you and Yusei we need to find him"

Shun Pov

I awoke from the floor and began to stand up I took of my shirt to see a huge crest with wings had been imprinted on my chest in a lime green. I took my duel runner and began riding around New Domino trying to find Jack but before I was able to settle my anger Sector Security had found me. I began shouting "I'm not after you so stay out of my way" as I said this Kite drake appeared and began roaring. The officer replied "we'll Goodwin wants you so us 3 officers challenge you to a duel and don't think you can wiggle out of it" I then looked incredibly mad and said "challenge accepted but don't think I'm gonna waste my time on any of you"

Jjack was watching on the TV in his room and began saying to himself "we'll let's see if your any stronger than us now Shun"

3rd person

Officer 1 "I guess we'll take the first turns

I summon assault dog and I end my turn"

Officer 2 "it's my turn I draw I also summon assault dog and end my turn"

Officer 3 "ill summon my assault dog and end my turn"

Shun "hahaha that's the best all three of you can do, it's my turn,I draw and I'll start by summoning Senatus and using its effect to call upon dark spear which equips itself to Senatus, now I activate the spell Dragunity Glow this let's me add Arma to my hand, I now banish Dragunity Glow from my graveyard so it let's me special summon dark spear from the spell and trap zone, I now activate the spell Divine lance from my hand which let's me equip phalanx from my deck to Senatus, I now activate phalanx to special summon itself, now I'll synchro summon Dragunity Knight Gormfaobhar using Senatus and phalanx, break the sky and reveal what's above Dragunity Knight Gormfaobhar. Now I activate its effect it equips phalanx once again phalanx unequips and special summons it self, now I activate my Remus from my graveyard since it was sent to the graveyard I can summon it back. I now send to the Gy phalanx to summon arma then arma equips Phalanx and again I special summon phalanx, I activate Monster Reborn to summon back senatus back, now lv 2 phalanx tunes lv 4 senatus to summon a dragon which breaks the sky descend Vajrayana now it equips phalanx from my Gy, and now phalanx specials summons it self one again, now lv 2 phalanx tunes lv 6 Arma now appear a dragon cloaked in a green veil and now appear the beyond Kite drake, I now activate kite Drakes ability can negate all face up monsters my opponents control, Tempest Break. I now activate the spell Dragunity over drive this makes one of my dragunity monsters able to atk each of your monsters once and it gains The Atk tk of all my dragunity monsters on the field I choose Kite drake.

Kite drake atk- 8300

However the rest of my monsters can't attack

(Shuns eye is now pulsating a green glow) Now battle attack all my opponents monsters divine Retribution Burst."

Officer 1 - 0 Lp

Officer 2 - 0 Lp

Officer 3 - 0 Lp

Jack Atlas Pov

"He's hiding something he was no where near this good when he dueled us, that was just a one turn 3 kill, I'm going, tell Goodwin Mina"

I began racing to my runner eager to challenge Shun, as I got onto my duel runner Green skies appeared all around New Domino City, soon after they cleared up and blue skies appeared once again, I raced over to where Shun was last as I got closer I saw him and a shadow of a huge dragon behind him, his eyes were a molten green his chest was glowing a bright green.

Yusei Pov

I just broke out of the prison and I got my runner, I saw Green clouds up above I went to investigate and I saw Shun with green eyes and a figure of a dragon behind him, I noticed Jack was next to me on his runner we stared at him untill he collapsed and his aura was then gone and went back to how he normally was but me and Jack saw chains coming from the ground and gripping onto him tightly and disappeared as if they were never there. We rushed towards shun and I held his Unconscious body in my arms and got his duel runner, I set it to auto follow I left Jack who was still in shock. I then whispered "how much were you hiding Little Shun".