Tutorial Tower

"Adam, Adam wake up son"

Adam slowly opens his eyes

"Oh thank god our sons awake honey you take care of him I will go and look for an exit"

Adams father stands up and walks towards the others who have been sucked in Adam nd his mother stay sitting down waiting for him to comeback.

"Excuse me does anyone speak English?" Says Adams father as he walks around trying to speak to the other people sucked into the Tower

"Hi I'm Ji-hoon I can speak English"

"Thank God, hi i'm Jack my wife over there is Lana and my son Adam, I need a doctor my son he's injured his leg"

"I understand I will go and ask the others here if they know a doctor"

"Thank you"

Jack heads back to his family

"Hey honey I met someone who is going to help us find a doctor"

Adam trying not to cry is shaking because of the pain he's in

"Its ok son mothers here I'll look after you everything will be ok"


It was roughly 10 minutes everyone has been waiting around hoping for someone to rescue them and then it happened

A white rabbit floating in the air wearing a black suit with a black hat and holding a cane

Everyone stood in silent surprised at the sight of a floating rabbit

"Congratulation you are the lucky 1000 participants"

People started shouting

"Participating in what?"

"Who are you?"

"How can a bunny talk?"

"What is this place?"

"Let me out of here"

The rabbit clicked his fingers and every single person froze

"Thats better, I am Goji the Tutorial master and you all are now players, You humans have destroyed multiple worlds through your primitive technology and so the other beings are now looking for new land to call home"

"My master is a merciful being and is giving you humans a chance to defend your land from being taken over"

"Can you all say 'status window' and you should see a screen in front of you with your stats and skills"

"You have 15 minutes before your first mission to begin please prepare yourself"

Goji clicks his fingers and teleports away

Everyone can now move again and start panicking

"Lana, Jack the rabbit gone and something will start to happen in 15 minutes so forget everyone else and lets focus on us ok"

"I agree so what shall we do" Says Lana and she holds Adam who's is terrified and in pain

"Ok first thing first Lana , Adam say 'status window' and lets see what happens"

"Status window" says Lana and a screen pops up

[ Lana lvl 0

Hp - 60/100

Strength - 3

Speed - 4

Magic - 8

Stamina - 4

Agility - 5

Defence - 2

Skill - burning light lvl 1

Skill Description -

burning light lvl 1 allows the player to glow to the point of temporarily blinding a player for 3 seconds.

If player is touched during burning light activation they will be feel a burning sensation and take 5hp damage

while burring light is activated player will lose 1hp per second]

"huh what is this can you all see it looks like some sort of game where I can see my health and other stats"

"I can't see anything infant of you Lana ok let me try status window"

[ Jack lvl 0

Hp - 70/100

Strength - 10

Speed - 5

Magic - 2

Stamina - 6

Agility - 5

Defence - 5

Skill - Green Gorilla lvl 1

Skill Description -

Green Gorilla increases player stats by + 5

Cool down period after use will be 3 minutes]

"Wow look at this it says I have a skill called Green Gorilla"

"I have a skill it says burning light"

"Ok ok so I think were in some sort of game looks like we need to complete whatever mission comes our way ignorer for us to leave this place"

"Yeah looks like it, hey Adam listen to mother and say 'status window'"

"o..O k Sta..Status window"

A screen pops up infant of Adam

The surprise stopped Adam crying

"look mum dad I can see something in front of me look look"

"What does it say Adam we can't see your status"

Adam repeats his stats to his parents

[ Adam lvl 0

Hp - 25/100

Strength - 3

Speed - 2

Magic - 1

Stamina - 3

Agility - 2

Defence - 1

Skill - ??? ]

"Hmmm it looks like he's health is at 25 so looks like he's ok for now was for his stats i wouldn't expect him to be same as ours or higher, Adam what skill does it say you have"

"Erm i don't know"

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"All I can see is question marks where it says skills"

"Interesting ok well for now lets wait and see what happens after 15 minutes"

While Adam and his parents wait around until the 15 minutes are up Ji-hoon walks up to Jack with another person

"Hello again Jack this man next to me is Sung-min he is a doctor and thought he'd be able to help your son"

"Thank you so much"

Sung-min examines Adams leg and in Korean tells Ji-hoon that the legs broken

"Doctor Sung has told me that Adam leg is broken but wants to try something out but isn't sure if it'll work"

"Please try in a situation like this it's not good to have someone already injured so even if he can help the slightest it would be great, thank you again"

Sung-min places his hands over Adam leg and says in Korean 'Healing hands'

A flash of bright white light glows from his hands and Adam legs starts to heal up

Sung-min than removes his hands and starts to breathe heavy

"Adam son how do you feel"

"I feel good dad thank you mister" Says Adam as he stands up and starts to run around all happy

"Thank you again Jin-hoon for bringing the doctor along, but can I ask what was that he did with his hands"

"The doctor told me that when he opened his status he had a skill called healing hands lvl3 and it says when hands are placed on the injured patient it can recover up to 70% of hp and heal up any broken bones."

"So that's how it works, thank you again Mr Jin-hoon if you ever need anything feel free to ask"

Jin-hoon and Sung-min walk away while Lana and Jack watch there son Adam running around happy.