Tower Floor 2 Goblins Central

Adam after struggling is now out the pit and begins to look around anxiously

He notices the dead rat kings body as well as other dead rat bodies

As he looks around and doesn't notice any living creatures he starts walking around slowly

He eventually reaches the red portal gate and just stares

He touches the gate with his finger and quickly pulls back

He than places his palm on the portal and he feels a warm sensation, which felt comfortable

Whilst his palm was touching the portal he decided to place his other palm on the portal as well and slowly push forward

His eyes closed takes a leap of faith and heads right in

When he opens his eyes the view he sees causing his jaw to drop in amazement and in that moment forgets all of the suffering and emotions of being alone.


[Player has entered floor 2 defeat the Goblin king to enter Floor 3]

The environment around him was of a healthy forest, with towering thick trees full of green leaves covering most of the sky, there was gaps for the sun to shine down on the bright green grass. There was a beautiful scent which came from flowers all around him and thick bushes full of berries

Adam starts to run around cheerful, brushing his hands on the cool grass, he picks the berries and starts to eat them making a mess all over his mouth and top.

As he ate the berries happily he screams behind as he munches away

"Mum dad these berries taste yummy come eat some"

With that said he stopped in his tracks and tears started to flow down his eyes

He stands up wipes his tears

"Hehe I forgot silly Adam my mum and dad left me here, I don't need them what i need to do is pack these yummy berries to eat later"

He takes a piece of rat fur and wraps a bunch of berries into it making and ties it onto his belt.

Adam carries on walking around happy as can be with the sun shining bright and a beautiful scent given off the flowers starts to notice long thick pillars made out of rock all around the forest.

He starts to inspect the pillars wondering why the pillars are here

During the inspection he hears thumping and the ground shake slightly

He runs towards the direction of the noise and as he gets closer he starts to feel uneasy like somethings wrong

As soon as he reached the noise he quickly hid behind a tree and held his breath using both his hands.

He closes his eyes and his grip around his mouth got tighter

What he saw was an army of green slimy goblins marching along a path

The sight of the goblins shook Adam to his core

So afraid he stood behind the tree and didn't even move in the slightest.

As the goblins marched a few started to sniff the air around

the goblins started to speak to one another

"Kri ku ki (Hey can you smell that)"

"Ki ki kuku ka (Yeah smells of human mmm)"

Some of the goblins head towards Adams direction

Adam could hear them creeping closer and closer just burst out running and screaming

The goblins screamed and chased Adam jumping over one another to get to him

Adam running in a zig zag formation not knowing where he's going realises he had the black ball item

He quickly reaches the the black ball item and as he tries to squeeze it it slipped out his hands and started to roll on the floor

He quickly grabs the ball and one of the goblins had pounced towards him

Adam squeezes the ball and the goblin that was inches away from touching Adam was pushed back smashing into a tree because of the barrier he formed

Adam continued running not realising that the goblins weren't chasing him and stood confused as to where he disappeared too.

He continued running even passed his limits up until he collapsed on the floor with no energy to even move

He closed his eyes and fell asleep


[Player stamina level increase +1

Player stamina increase +1]

A few hours later Adam wakes up, its no longer day time and the sun has set

With the moons light shining down through the gaps between the leaves Adam felt scared and alone he sat leaning on a tree trunk tears dripping down his cheeks

This would be his first night away from his parents

"Mum dad why did you leave me please come back please, I promise I won't be naughty"

After speaking out loud calling for his parents he gave up on the idea of his parents coming back

He decided to grab bunches of leaves and piled it up to a small mountain

He snuggled right into the centre and stayed in their all throughout the night hoping that no creatures would find him

He struggled to sleep for hours but eventually he did after realising that this was his reality a life with no one to protect him, to play with him or even speak too.

Morning had finally risen

Adam comes out the pile of leaves and unpacks his belongings

He takes out the berries that he wrapped earlier and started to eat them

"Ok what shall I do today hmm...

Oh I know I'm going to pick up more of these yummy berries and find a place to sleep away from the green scary monsters"

During the day Adam collected more berries,

He attempted to catch a few small bunnies running around but failed every time

As he walked around searching for a place to sleep during the night found a massive tree with a hole near the bottom

Adam pulls out a spiked rock and creeps towards the tree hole

Scared of something jumping out, he throws the rock towards the hole and waited to see what came out.

He waited and waited and nothing jumped out, he poked his head on and found a small area within the tree he could nicely fit

And so he gathered up some leaves and covered the entrance of the tree to prevent anyone from finding it

"Haha I'm so happy I have a home"

He stored his food here and left the tree with the spiked rock on his waist

As Adam walked around he stumbled across a single goblin

"What should I do there's a monster here should I run, yes I'm going to run"

As soon as Adam turns around and took a few steps he started to think about how his parents left him to fend for himself

"No Adam you have to fight the monster you have to get strong mummy and daddy have left me I have to get stronger"

Adam pulled out two spiked rocks and held one in each hand

He crept closer to the goblin and was right behind him

The goblin stopped in his track and started to sniff the air as he could smell Adam

As soon as the goblin turned his face Adam had struck him straight in the face pushing the goblin back a few steps

Beads of sweat rolled down Adam face realised that he had made a big mistake in fighting the goblin

After hitting the goblin his status window popped up

[Goblin level 40

Description - green and slimy creatures full of anger towards human, average height of 4ft 3, they only attack weak looking creatures]

"I'm sorry monster it was an accident I'm sorry"

The goblin staring at Adam started to run towards him, he was holding a rusty sword started to strike Adam

Adam started to run away evading the attacks barely

[Player agility increase +1]

After running for a few minutes he pulled out the black ball and squeezed it

The goblin stopped chasing Adam and started to look around

Adam successfully escaped and reached his little tree home

He stayed in the tree for the rest of the day snacking on the berries

When night time came Adam fell asleep

The next morning Adam wakes up and starts to gather berries again

He avoids any goblins and looks around the forest

He chases some bunnies and fails the and time again heads back to the tree

"Status window"

[Adam lvl 35

Titles - Rat Slayer

Hp - 350/350

Strength - 8 (+3)

Speed - 5 (+5)

Magic - 3

Stamina - 17

Agility - 7

Defence - 3

Skill - ???

Skill - Rotten Eater lvl 25

Mission - Player must conquer the Tutorial Tower

Reward -

Player can leave the tower

Player will receive Platinum mystery box

Player can pick 1 skill from any floor boss

Punishment -

Player will face death by the hands of the Goji]

"My stamina has gone up by 2 and my agility gone up by 1"

"From today I will exercise to get stronger and faster"

Adam for the next 3 months jogged around the forest avoiding any goblins, he climbs to the top of the trees and even started doing push ups

After 3 months Adam had increased in stats by 3 except for magic and even raised his level by 1

[Adam lvl 36

Titles - Rat Slayer

Hp - 360/360

Strength - 11 (+3)

Speed - 8 (+5)

Magic - 3

Stamina - 20

Agility - 10

Defence - 6

Skill - ???

Skill - Rotten Eater lvl 25

Mission - Player must conquer the Tutorial Tower

Reward -

Player can leave the tower

Player will receive Platinum mystery box

Player can pick 1 skill from any floor boss

Punishment -

Player will face death by the hands of the Goji]

During the training period he came up with a plan to defeat the goblins

Using his 'Rat Slayer' title he walked up to a pillar and started to bite through the bottom part

He chewed roughly three quarters and left the pillar standing tall

Adams idea was to crush the goblins by pushing the pillars on them

He starts to look for a goblin and stumbles upon 8 of them grouped together

He picks up a some stones from the ground and started to throw it from a distance at the goblins

"Hey stinky goblins you can't catch me na na na na" sticking his tongue out aggravating the goblins

The goblins see Adam and start to rush towards him screaming out loud

He starts to run towards the pillar

He quickly gets into position and waits for the goblins to get close enough

Using his strength pushes the pillar causing it to collapse dropping onto the goblins

[Player level up

Player level up]

Adam quickly grabs 3 swords and 2 shield and runs away from the scene fearing other goblins coming

He heads back into his little den and starts to celebrate quietly

"I did it, I did it, yay, wooo, it worked, i'm so happy"

He places the swords and shields next to the berries he's stored and opens up his status window

[Adam lvl 38

Titles - Rat Slayer

Hp - 380/380

Strength - 15 (+3)

Speed - 10 (+5)

Magic - 5

Stamina - 23

Agility - 12

Defence - 7

Skill - ???

Skill - Rotten Eater lvl 25

Mission - Player must conquer the Tutorial Tower

Reward -

Player can leave the tower

Player will receive Platinum mystery box

Player can pick 1 skill from any floor boss

Punishment -

Player will face death by the hands of the Goji]

Adam carried out the pillar dropping tactic for a few weeks and eventually increased his level to 40

[Adam lvl 40

Titles - Rat Slayer

Hp - 400/400

Strength - 17 (+3)

Speed - 12 (+5)

Magic - 7

Stamina - 25

Agility - 14

Defence - 9

Skill - ???

Skill - Rotten Eater lvl 25

Mission - Player must conquer the Tutorial Tower

Reward -

Player can leave the tower

Player will receive Platinum mystery box

Player can pick 1 skill from any floor boss

Punishment -

Player will face death by the hands of the Goji]

Adam looking at his status at level 40

"How do I do magic"

Adam starts to make different poses and shouts random words

"Fire blast"

"Water bast"


Nothing worked so he left magic alone

A few days go by and Adam feels confident in facing a single goblin

He has a 'E' rated rusty sword and a 'D-' rated shield

He searched through the forest and found a single goblin wondering around

This time he walked towards the goblin

The goblin takes notice of Adam walking towards him and starts to charge at him

Adam starts to panic as he sees the goblin running towards him

"I need to attack the monster, hit him with the sword, I have to beat it I have too..."

As he was trying to pump himself up the goblin using his sword swung wildly at Adam

He hid behind the shield

Strike after strike relentlessly attacking Adam held the shield tightly

After a few strikes both the goblins sword and the shield broke

The goblin starts to swipe at Adam using his claws and struck Adam in the chest pushing him onto the floor

The goblin climbs onto of Adam and starts to swipe at him scratching Adams arms that are covering his face

"I'm sorry!, I'm sorry!, I'm sorry! ..."

Adam shouts scared out his mind regretting his idea of fighting

In a panic he grabs the sword by his side

and swings it hitting the goblin on his side

The goblin rolls off Adam and quickly gets up screaming starts to charge at Adam

Adam also jumped up quickly holding onto the sword with both hands

Blood dripping down from his forearms that had been shredded by the goblins

As soon as the goblin pounced Adam closed his eyes and swung the sword as fast as he got tightly gripping the sword felt the sword slash right through the goblins neck

[Player has defeated goblin

Player has levelled up

All stats increase by +1]

"I did it, I did it, I beat the monster, wahooo, I did it, I actually did it"

Adam standing over the dead goblin tears some of the body and placed tried to eat it

as soon as he swallowed the piece of raw meat he puked it out

"Huh why did I puke, don't I have a skill that says I can eat raw meat

He views his status window clicks onto the skill 'Rotten Eater' and notices it says player can eat raw beast meat and with that he slashed the skin of the goblin and took the sheet of fabric wrapped around him and headed back to his little tree home

Adam looks at his status window

[Adam lvl 41

Titles - Rat Slayer

Hp - 150/410

Strength - 18 (+3)

Speed - 13 (+5)

Magic - 8

Stamina - 26

Agility - 15

Defence - 10

Skill - ???

Skill - Rotten Eater lvl 25

Mission - Player must conquer the Tutorial Tower

Reward -

Player can leave the tower

Player will receive Platinum mystery box

Player can pick 1 skill from any floor boss

Punishment -

Player will face death by the hands of the Goji]

Adam starts to eat the berries as he looks at his status and watches his health increase, every bite increases restores his health +5

He stops eating once he reaches full health and notices the injuries he received in the fight have been healed

"Wow my arms there no longer cut these berries can heal me"

Adam happy fell asleep as night time came by

The next few months Adam faced many goblins from fighting them one v one he eventually moved to fighting 3 v 1

Adam gained a lot of confidence as he levelled up 4 more times decided to face the goblin king

He carried his a 'D+' sword and shield and headed to where the goblin kings stays

Adam who level is 45 looks at the goblin kings stats

[Goblin King level 60

Description - green and slimy creatures full of anger towards human, height of 5ft 2, very strong and fast]

Adam takes a deep breath starts to sneak up behind the goblin king

As he crept closer the goblin King turned towards Adam

Adam shocked jumped towards the goblin in a panic and swung his sword

But the goblin using his wooden club swung faster smashing into the side of Adam

Luckly for Adam he had his shield guarding his side

Adam was sent flying hits the ground and rolls until he hits into a tree

The goblin king starts to walk to wards Adam who is struggling to get up

Adams health [Hp - 150/450]

It seems that one hit dealt a lot of damage to Adam

"I need to run if it wasn't for my shield I would have died"

Adam finally gets up and starts to run away as soon as he turns inches away from his face he sees the wooden club

The goblin gets pushed back and Adam keeps running

He had used the black ball for its final time, the ball had crumbled and became dust and scattered

Adam reaches his den and starts to eat the berries he stored

"How can I beat that monster, he is way stronger than the other monsters"

Adam finishes eating the berries and restores al his health starts to think of ways to defeat the goblin king

Night time approaches and Adam falls asleep thinking of ways to defeat the goblin king

The next morning he heads out to pick berries

He also attempts to catch bunnies running around smacks into a pillar as he was too focussed on the bunny

As he lay there staring at the sky he screams

"Ahh I know I know"

He jumps up and heads back into his little tree home

"Tomorrow will be the day I finally leave this place and beat the monster king"

He gathers up his shield and swords he stores up his berries and heads out picking up branches

He also visits multiple different pillars and chews through the bottom part leaving enough rock for him to break later

The next day he heads back to the goblin king this time he keeps a distance

As soon as he reaches the goblin king he starts to throw the tree branches which he sharpened the ends

He threw them like javelins but failed to even touch the goblin king

The king annoyed grabs his wooden club and rushes towards Adam

Adam starst to run away each time the goblin king gets close he throws some paste made from the berries blinding the goblin for a few seconds giving him enough time to escape a lethal attack

He reaches a pillar and pushes it dropping it on the goblin king

The goblin king takes some damage but it wasn't enough to keep him down

In fact he is now even more furious starts to charge at a faster pace towards Adam

Adam using the same strategy of throwing paste at the king headed to another pillar and again pushed it towards the king

Unfortunately this time he missed and so he ran to the next pillar

He was successful in landing 2 out of 6 attempts

He reached the final pillar breathing heavy waits for the King

The ground surrounding the final pillar was covered with leaves as soon as the king gets close enough Adam pushes the pillar dropping it

However the king jumps to one side avoiding the collapsing pillar

As soon as he lands at the side of the pillar the ground beneath collapses and the king falls in getting impaled by a bunch of sharp wooden stakes

Adam walks towards the impaled king

" I knew I couldn't beat you 1 on 1 so I made a plan to use the big rocks but when I finished with this big rock I thought what if this doesn't work and I remembered the rat in the hole and so I dug all day and sharpened the wooden sticks and i'm so happy it worked don't you agree mister monster"

Adam towering over the king whos growling and screaming swings his sword again and again cutting through the kings neck

[ Lvl 60 Goblin King Killed

Player levels up

Player levels up

Player levels up

Player gained the title 'Pride of the Goblins'

[Title - Pride of the Goblins

Description -

Player sweat will turn to Goblin sweat, it is highly flammable and has a bad odour

Level 10 goblins will avoid the player]

Adam opens up his status window

[Adam lvl 48

Titles - Rat Slayer

Hp - 480/480

Strength - 26 (+3)

Speed - 19 (+5)

Magic - 15

Stamina - 33

Agility - 22

Defence - 17

Skill - ???

Skill - Rotten Eater lvl 25

Mission - Player must conquer the Tutorial Tower

Reward -

Player can leave the tower

Player will receive Platinum mystery box

Player can pick 1 skill from any floor boss

Punishment -

Player will face death by the hands of the Goji]

"I'm level 48 and beat a level 60 monster I'm so strong hehe I just got a new title should I change it erm no I'll leave it for now"

Adam looks at the body of the king goblin and notices some rewards

he tries to pick up the wooden club

(Wooden club is massive and thick in size it has a similar shape to a baseball bat but 5 times the size)

[Item - Wooden Club

Class - C+

Description - Very dense and heavy one swing can cause a lot of damage

Item can only be used by users that have 40+ strength

Limits - Weak to fire ]

"I can't pick this bat up hmm what else as he searches around he notices another item

Its a small sword when he picks it up the status window pops up

[Item - Junior goblin sword

Class - C++

Description - Used by baby goblins, very sharp but easily broken, it has a stick handle to prevent it from dropping

Limits - Breaks after 5 hits ]

"Wow I got my self a sword a really nice one but I don't like the sticky handle"

He ties it to his waist

Adam starts to take the fabric sheet wrapped around the goblin and head towards the portal leading to floor 3.