Floor 4 First Encounter

Adam wakes up and all he sees is a clear blue sky moving

"Huh where am I?"

Adam sits up and notices two men carrying him through a desert


[Player has entered floor 4 defeat the '9 Tail Red Fox' to enter Floor 5]

He rubs his eyes thinking its a dream and look up again and notices not only the two guys carrying him but also 3 other girls walking along side him

"Erm who are you people?"

They turn towards the boy and stop moving

They start to speak Korean

Adam doesn't understand anything and starts to think his mum and dad could be here as well

"Is my mum and dad here?"

The man speaks in Korean

Adam gets off the handmade stretcher and starts to look at everyone trying to see if anyone of them is his mother or father

After realising his parents aren't here he decides to hide his pain and smile at the group

"I'm Adam who are you people" Says Adam as he points to himself

The group look at each other confused at What Adam is saying

So Adam repeats his name pointing at himself

"Gong Yoo"

[Player Gong Yoo lvl 26]

The second guy points at himself

"Hyun Bin"

[Player Hyun Bin lvl 22]

The first girl points at herself smiling at Adam

"Bae Suzy"

[Player Bae Suzy lvl 17]

The second girl has her hands crossed she seems annoyed

"Krystal Tchh"

[Player Krystal lvl 20]

Finally the thirds girl shouts excitedly

"Kim Ji-won nice to meet you"

[Player Kim ji-won lvll 5]

Adam so happy to see other humans starts to ramble on and on about how he has been living however the group have no idea what he's saying

So for the next few hours they try and teach Adam Korean by showing items and repeating the name in Korean


[Player Intelligence level increase]

"Huh my intelligence increased does that mean I'm smart, I can understand things easier hehe"

As the group teach Adam Korean a group of 5 level 15 1 tail desert foxes approach

[1 Tail Desert Fox lvl 5

Description - Light orange skin makes them easy to hide in a desert environment. The number of tails indicates the strength level. 1 tail desert fox are very quick and agile. They tend to have a weak body]

With the sand making it difficult to fight the group struggle to fight against one fox

Adam who is currently level 50 picks up his knife and charges ahead to attack a single desert fox

Bae Suzy was attacked from the back and two foxes pinned her down and bit her

[Player defeated 1 tail desert fox level 15]

"Aaaaahhhhh doum!! (Help)" screams Bae Suzy as she is being attacked by two foxes

Gong Yo is too busy defending himself against one of the foxes

Hyun Bin also couldn't help as he was struggling to take down one fox by himself

Krystal was holding a staff guarding Kim ji-won

Adam turns towards Bae Suzy who was being attacked and rushed towards her using his goblin sword he slashed the two foxes in an instance Bae Suzy still alive but has bite marks on her legs and scratches all over her arms and back

[Player defeated 1 tail desert fox level 15]

[Player defeated 1 tail desert fox level 15]

Adam carried Bae to Krystal

Krystal starts to speak in Korean, Adam having no idea what she's saying decided to ignore her and runs off to help Gong Yo and Hyun Bin

Krystal stomping her foot shouting at Adam as he runs off

Gong Yo swing his sword at the fox missing every attack pushes the fox back and from the back Adam slices up the fox

[Player defeated 1 tail desert fox level 15

Player levels up

All Stats increase +1]

Adams junior goblin sword has smashed and all Adam has it the handle but with Hyun facing a fox by himself

Adam and Gong Yo charge towards Hyun Bin who just barely killed the fox

Hyun bin starts to celebrate and scream in Korean

"Naega yeouleul jug-ineun geol bwass-eo? (Did you see me kill the fox?)"

Adam understanding certain words tries to communicate with them

"erm doum (help) Bae, help her"

Both Gong Yo and Hyun Bin rush towards Bae who is bleeding out

Adam watching the group talk quickly as he doesn't understand what's happening he heads off to search the desert foxes

The first 3 foxes he searched he found nothing

The fourth body had an item

[Item - 1 Tail Desert Fox Tooth

Class - F

Description - The tooth alone does nothing. The Tooth can be fused with a weapon to sharpen and raise weapons class

Limit - The risk of fusing successfully the 1 tail desert fox tooth is 25%. If fusing fails weapon is destroyed along with the tooth ]

While the group tend to Bae Suzy Adam decides to to fuse his junior goblin handle with the 1 tail desert fox tooth

[Does Player wish to fuse weapon 'Junior Goblin Sword' with item '1 Tail Desert Fox Tooth'?

Adam clicks 'Yes'

Fusion begins


1 minute later

Fusion complete


[Item - Sword Of The Slimy Tooth

Class - B-

Description - Handle made of goblin skin and the blade made of desert fox tooth. The sword will release a flammable slime when swung will cause the blade to ignite.

Limits - Weak against water and ice elements ]

"Huh is this real did I just make myself a fire sword OH MY GOD Wahoooo!!" Adam screaming and jumping around in joy swinging his sword causing a fire trail

Meanwhile the group using desert fox skin and fur as bandages to stop Bae Suzy from bleeding Bae Suzy hp was at 10/250

Adam runs back to the foxes and cuts off some of the meat

He rushes back to the group who are arguing and panicking ignore Adam who tries to call them

Adam decides that there is no point in talking to them sits away from them takes out a wooden stake from his silky string bag and ignites it using his evolved sword

As he cooks the meat he watches the group still arguing amongst them selves

Once the meat was ready to eat Adam took some to Bae Suzy who was laying there


[Player gained profession Chef lvl 1

Description profession 'Chef' Allows player to make food that contains healing properties. At lvl 1 player can heal simple injuries and reduce blood loss ]

The group stop arguing and watch Adam hadn't some meat to Bae Suzy

As she ate the meat she felt her self heal up slightly. she found her scratches disappear and found her blood seeping out decrease

"gamsahabnida, gamsahabnida (Thank you , thank you)"

Adam points at the meat near the fire and than points at his mouth trying to tell the group they can eat some

The group rush towards the meat and munch on it leaving not even a drop left

Krystal walks up to Adam and gives him a slight bow which was her way of saying thank you

Adam feeling shy ran off smiling.

The group along with Adam spent a good month together as they traveled around the desert they fought many different desert foxes from 1 tail to 8 tails

With each day the desert kept getting hotter and hotter, luckily for Adam his skill 'Heat Resistance' came into affect many time

During their travels Adam also learnt Korean and other subjects like maths and simple science

Adam had ranked up another 3 times, he also increased his Intelligence, profession 'Chef' as well as some skills

[Adam lvl 54 Unranked

Titles - Rat Slayer

Hp - 540/540

Strength - 32 (+3)

Speed - 25 (+5)

Intelligence - 15

Wisdom - 11

Magic - 21

Stamina - 39

Agility - 28

Defence - 23

Dexterity -19

Profession - Chef lvl 5

Skill - ???

Skill - Rotten Eater lvl 27

Skill - Poison Resistance lvl 5

Skill - Heat resistance lvl 7

Skill - Pain resistance lvl 10

Mission - Player must conquer the Tutorial Tower

Reward -

Player can leave the tower

Player will receive Platinum mystery box

Player can pick 1 skill from any floor boss

Punishment -

Player will face death by the hands of the Goji]

After the month of travelling they finally reached a stage where two portals where seen

One being blue and the other being red

The blue portal was for leaving the Tower while the red was for entering the next floor

As soon as they stood onto the stage from the ground comes out a giant 9 tail fox

[9 Tail Desert Fox lvl 80

Description - Light orange skin, 20 foot in height. The number of tails indicates the strength level. The 9 tail desert fox are very quick and agile. They have immense biting strength and can shoot fire from the mouth. Their bodies are covered by thick fur and are immune to fire attacks.]

"How do we beat this beast? sorry I forgot you don't speak English, yeouwa ssauneun bangbeob? (How do we fight fox?) "

The group petrified not just by the size of the fox but also it's level

Adam who is the highest level within the group had become the leader during every fight

The fox growls at them but doesn't move it looks like he's guarding the two gates

Adam decides that the only way to figure out how to beat it is by attacking it at the same time

Adam tells the group to spread out and attack

The group spread out Adam stood in front of the fox he crept forward getting closer and closer to the fox

The fox growls and starts to shoot out massive fireballs in all directions

Everyone dodge and charge towards the fox

Adam starts to swing his sword causing a fire wave in the direction of the fox but it did nothing

The attacks from the group also did nothing

This giant fox started to swipe at the group

First one to take a hit was Kim Ji-won who had to sit out for the rest of the fight

Krystal stopped fighting to take care of Kim Ji-won who was her younger sister

Bae Suzy was next to get hurt

Krystal dragged Bae Suzy away from the fight and gave both cooked meat that Adam prepared earlier

While they recovered Hyun Bin charged towards the fox but the fox was too quick and agile and instead of getting hit by Hyun Bin the fox did a fire blast in the direction of Hyun Bin who was charging forward

Inches away from getting burnt Gong Yoo pushed Hyun Bin away and was hit with the fire blast

Gong Yoo died instantly burnt to crisp

Hyun Bin enraged charged at the fox Adam screaming

"Noooo!, stay back!"

But it was too late as Hyun Bin was slashed by the foxes claws

Adam body shaking uncontrollably started to cry

He was upset and angry and tossed any hope of wining against this beast dropped onto his knees

His sword dropping on the ground next to him Adam looks like he's given up

Krystal, Bae and Kim start to run away from the fox

The fox walks towards Adam growling away

As the girls run they find themselves trapped within the stage so they turn towards Adam and what they saw was the fox towering over Adam opens it's mouth and gulps Adam in one go

The three girls watched Adam get swallowed hole panic and cry thinking that there fate is also to be killed or eaten by this beast

The fox starts to shoot fire from his mouth and the girls begin to scatter in all directions trying to avoid the fire

Kim Ji-won gets caught in a corner by the fox both Krystal and Bae crying, screaming feeling hopeless

The fox opens his mouth wide and starts to form a fire ball as he stares angrily towards Kim


All of a sudden the fox starts to jump around and screech very loud

The fox starts to slam it self into the ground and with this starts to cough up blood


[Player defeated 9 Tail Desert Fox level 80

Player level up

Player level up

Player gained skill 'Acid resistance lvl 1

Player Skill 'Acid Resistance levelled up

Player Skill 'Acid Resistance levelled up

Player Skill 'Acid Resistance levelled up

Player Skill 'Acid Resistance levelled up]

The girls look confused as to what just happened

From the stomach chews out Adam munching away on the raw flesh of the fox

The girls run up to Adam and hug him in celebration

They speak in Korean asking Adam what he did and how he survived

Adam finding it difficult to explain in Korean just tells them in English

"When I watched Gong Yoo and Hyun die I thought that's it for me but when i was eaten it was dark and my skin started to burn and I realised I didn't want to die so I started to fight and punch inside and then I took a bite of the inside wall and my body healed slightly and then i remembered I have a skill so I started to chew his inside I even ate the foxes heart before coming out hehe"

The girls looking confused point at the portal and rush out thinking Adam will follow

"Boy was I lucky thank you whoever gave me the skill rotten eater now no one can eat me haha"

Adam starts to search the body of the 9 tail fox and found an item

[Item - One Piece Desert fox suit

Class - A

Description - This one piece suit when worn by a player will be immune from fire attacks, they can also with stand heat of up to 3000 degrees Celsius

Limit - If the suit is ripped the fire proof affect will be removed]

"Yessss! This is awesome no fire can hurt me"

Adam quickly puts the suit on, He also cuts up the fox for meat and stores it in his silky string bag

He walks up to the blue portal and touches it

[Player forbidden to leave Tower]

"I knew it Tchh"

Adam enters the red portal and heads into Floor 5