Adam and Shadow have been travelling together ever since the demon slave contract was formed
Adam usually rabbiting on about how much he's been through and Shadow being forced to listen.
Throughout the floors Adam decides to focus solely on levelling up his skill 'Demon Slave' along with his stamina and magic
Adam and Shadow have entered floor 96
[Player has entered floor 96 you have 16 hours to escape before the Lightning God awakes]
"I'm so happy to be out of that floor it's the worse, leeches the size of a pea millions of them biting you I felt like I was an energy drink as they sucked in soo much of my bold don't you agree Shadow"
"I'm sure it was hard for you but now we're here so I think it would be best to focus on this floor"
"Yeah you would say that wouldn't you, with your smoking body"
Shadow makes a cringe face as he stares at Adam like a pervert
"Not like that!
I meant your body turns to smoke so the leeches couldn't bite you"
Shadow sighs hoping Adam would one day shut up
"That floor maaan it was crazy, can you believe that the wind was actually leeches being hurled about hahaha"
On and on Adam spoke as he continued walking through a clean and shiny marble floored with mirrored walls
They were walking through what seems to be a hall way
Once he reached the end of the hallway he ended up reaching a automatic door
"Huh what's this, there's no handles how are we suppose to get in?" Says Adam curiously
"Hey Shadow teleport passed this door to see if there's a way to open in"
Shadow forms a black hole but it dispersed instantly
He looks confused as to why his black hole didn't work
Shadow stays silent examining the door and wondering how to open it
Adam tries to push the door but ended in failure
He tried to destroy it and failed
"Hmm let me see who the boss is...
I think that might help us figuring out how to open the door"
As he searches through his system he notices something
[.....You have 16 hours to escape before the Lightning God awakes]
"Hey Shadow look at this...
Oh sorry,
Only I can view this screen, it says we have 16 hours to escape before the Lightning God awakes, don't you find it weird"
"Find what weird?"
"Basically every floor we've been on, its defeat this monster or defeat that monster but now we have to escape before a self proclaimed Lightning God awakes now isn't that weird"
"Now that you mention it yes it does seem weird hmmm"
"Shadow go and explore the entire hallway to see if they've missed something I have a feeling that the entire floor is rigged with traps"
Shadow heads off to carry out an investigation meanwhile Adam just sat down next to the automated door waiting quietly
A few minutes goes by and Adam is feeling very agitated
He's biting his nails, tapping his his foot on the ground
"Aaarggh why is he taking so long I'm sure we only walked for like 30 minutes"
Adam gets up and starts to wonder around looking for Shadow
"Shaaadowww where are you..."
After making his way all the way back to the portal his body started to shiver ever so slightly
Adam feeling uneasy is confused as to where Shadow could have gone
He looks at his status window and notices his stamina and magic was decreasing every second
"Hmm that's weird, that's suspicious my magic and stamina is decreasing, so does that mean he's out of my shadow and is wondering around somewhere"
Adam scratching his head makes his way back to towards the automated door
As he walked he kept checking himself out posing and even winking at himself
I am hot"
While checking himself out notices a black smudge on one of the mirrors
He walks up to the mirror and moves his face inches away
"Huh that's not dirt that's dark energy and I'm sure its the same stuff as Shadows black hole"
Adam touches the black smudge only for it to vanish
"What the heck is going on, why was their a spec of Shadows magic here maybe he's behind this mirror"
Adam clinches his fist and punches the mirror shattering it all over the floor
What was behind the mirror, it was just a rock wall
Adam looks down at his fist as he could feel it sting
"Huh I'm bleeding, all I did was punch a weak mirror how could it have cut me?"
Adam flustered decides to punch another mirror but just before punching it he begins to stare at himself again
"Damm I look so good it'l be a shame to smash it hehe"
After complimenting himself he shook his head confused as to why he's more concerned with his looks than finding Shadow let alone a way to pass through the door at the end of the hall
He shatters the mirror and walks up to the next mirror with his eyes closed
Punches right through it
One by one he shatters the mirror walls and each time he shatters a mirror he finds a wall behind made from rock as well
Both his hands are bloody with the skin being cut and looking as if its being peeled off but he kept going
Eventually after the 21st mirror he ended up discovering a blue glowing diamond
"What's this?"
Adam picks it up confused as to what it is feels an electric shock causing him to drop the diamond and falling unconscious
After an hour Adam opens his eyes feeling very dizzy and confused
"What on Earth is happening why am I on the floor and where the heck am I"
After shaking his head he realised what had happened and started to look for the diamond again
As he looked he realised it was on the floor right next to him
"This place is driving me crazy"
Adam literately jumped and landed on the diamond stomping it with all his might
As soon as the diamond shattered a wave of energy poured out and with that Shadow appears in front of Adam
"Are you for real Shadow, you come after I break the diamond where have you been"
"Sorry master I was trapped within the mirrors
the diamond is not like other diamonds it absorbs magic and stops your skills and titles from being activated
The diamond absorbed my magic energy to form mental magic attacks through the mirrors to stop you from breaking them"
"No wonder my 'Six Sense' wasn't working and it also explains why my fists were easily cut from smashing these weak mirrors, lets leave this hallway before something else occurs"
They head to the end of the hall only to find the door is opened
They leave the hallway and enter a room
The room was the size of a buss in length with and height
All four walls plain white in colour while the roof and ceilings where glowing blue
The room was tiled from roof to the floor
There was 17 paintings in the room posted all over the walls
"Hey shadow do you have any idea what this place is"
"No Master it's a first for me"
"Hmmm there must be something with the pictures"
Adam pulls of one of the pictures
as soon as the picture leaves the wall Adam feels his body tingle
[Skill 'Magic Resistance' lvl Max activated
Skill'Magic Resistance' lvl Max fails]
As soon as his skill deactivated the shock from holding the pain caused Adam to scream in pain
Adam grinds his teeth with a stiff body slowly loosens up his fingers one by one
As he's forcing himself to let go of the picture he starts to bleed out his mouth
The smell of burning flesh started to spread throughout this small room
eventually the picture is released
Adam breathing heavy bent over holding onto his knees with spit and blood dribbling out his mouth
"Hey A**hole why didn't you help me"
"It seemed like you had everything under control" Says Shadow with a cheeky smile on his face
"Huh what part of me getting electricuted is me being in control"
Adam punches Shadow for annoying him
"Anyway lets get back to business,
Hey Shadow have you noticed the picture on the floor I think it's a symbol I think we need to put all the pictures together"
"We can try and place them together but how are we going to do that the shock you just felt was from holding one of them how are we going to place all the pictures on the floor and move them about to see what the symbol could be"
"Hehehe well you see I have a plan" says Adam with a cheeky grin
Adam made Shadow pull the pictures of the wall and as soon as he pulls them off he would karate chop the picture forcing it out of shadows hands
By the end of it all 17 pictures had been placed on the floor and Shadow looked like burnt toast oozing with a stench of burning flesh
"Well that wasn't bad hehe"
Shadow just stayed quiet giving Adam an evil stare
Adam starts to kick the images taking little electric shocks but it was something he could handle
After a few hours of moving the pieces they eventually placed all the pictures in their rightful place
"Hey Shadow I don't think it's a symbol, its a word , 'open sesame'"
As soon as the word was said the entire place started to shake and the walls started to collapse outwards
The ceiling came slamming down but Shadow was able to form a black hole and teleport both him and Adam away avoiding them being crushed
They only teleported a few meters away and what they noticed was that they were in a massive laboratory
"Huh were we in that small room that was in this big room, this place is hella weird"
They start to walk towards the centre were they find a massive glass tube filled with green liquid
There was computers and machines all over the room
Adam inspecting the computer screen notices a timer counting down with 4 hours left
"Master I have found the exit shall we get going"
"Whats the rush it says here we have 4 hours lets just heal up and relax bit we don't know what we will face once we leave this place"
"As you wish"
Adam meditates for 3 and a half hours completely restoring his health
"Master shall we get going it seems your all done with resting"
"Hmm I guess so but I have a suggestion and I would like you're opinion"
"What is it master"
"My Demon Slave skill has levelled up and your rank has moved up from Private to Sergeant, the update to my skill allows me to create two contracts, the first is you and I'm just thinking..."
"Stop I know what your thinking and I am totally against it"
"Huh why?
Wouldn't it be awesome if I had this self proclaimed 'God' under my wing "
"I agree it would be nice but how do ...."
"Excellent ok so how can we wake this 'God' up hahaha"
"Master please listen to me if he calls himself a 'God' wouldn't that mean he's very powerful"
"And you don't think I'm strong hmmm
I did beat you"
"You only beat me with that cheat item of yours that allowed you to catch me off guard"
"Your such a sore loser
Listen here Shadow I am going to face this 'God' and show him the might of Adam with the help of his Shadow hahaha"
"If this is what you wish master than I will be right behind you"
Adam starts to button bash all the machines and computers hoping for something to wake up the 'Lightning God' who's currently asleep.