A Familiar Face

Shadows ability to navigate through his black hole had transported Adam to Walthamstow area.

Adam left the portal and found himself in an Alley way, he looks to the left and he finds it to be a dead end, he looks towards his right and finds a path leading to the main street.

He walks onto the main streets he notices himself in the middle of a market place, busy with people shopping, the streets were very active.

"Hmmm how am I going to find my parents ...

I think I'll look around bit and see if anything seems familiar to me"

Adam starts to wonder about trying to find something that could remind him of his home or even someone he may have known before entering the tower.


Back in Korea Ma Dong-seok is skipping around humming all jolly

The president just finished a meeting and leaves the meeting room

as soon as he steps out Ma Dong-seok collides with him

The president doesn't even move, while Ma Dong-seok falls to the ground

"boy watch where you're going"

"Sorry father I didn't see you there hehe" say Ma Dong-seok giggling away

The president takes a deep sigh with a face of disappointment asks Ma Dong-seok what is he up to

"Oh nothing I'm just waiting around"

"Waiting for what...

Actually never mind, did you find out who conquered the tutorial tower and where the next tower 'Olympus' is going to be?"

"Erm I know nothing" nervously said by Ma Dong-seok who suddenly gets up and makes a run for it

As he's running away he screams

"Sorry father I have to go some where!"

"That boy he's never focused all he does is lounge around maybe I've been to lenient on him"

And with that the president carries on with his day.


Meanwhile somewhere in a different dimension there is another meeting being held by the 12 strangers.

The meeting once again no one is showing their identities, gojis' master once again was the first to attend and he was also the person who set the meeting up

"I'm glad everyone could make it

I know you are all busy so let's get straight to business,

As you all know the tutorial tower has been conquered and the pl....."

"Hehe huhu haha everyone knows why where here just tell us when the game of tag will begin hehe huhu haha" says number 4

"Don't you ever shut up hsss, Just listen to number 1 and stop your stupidity its disgusting hsss" says number 3

"hehe look who it is miss hsss all the time haha hehe if you have a problem you can always come and find me hehe huhu I'm sure you'll be a laugh hahaha"

"Number 1 I must say the results from my test subject was very pleasing to me, but I do have a question where is the body?"

"Everyone settle down number 4 and number 3 stop arguing and listen up as I was saying the Player Adam has conquered the tutorial tower,

Now we will move onto the next phase, which is for us to find a representative to push forward so that we can finally decide who this dimension will belong to,

And as for your answer number 2 your test subjects body was destroyed during the collapsing of the tutorial tower " Says number 1

"Do we have to really do all of this to see who will be taking over this dimension it's obvious that I will win so let's just hand it over to me" yawning away says number 7

"Oh looks who's awake mr sleepyhead,

You dare to say you'll win whilst I'm sitting here,

I am above you all and if you dare think I will stand by and let you talk down to me you are very much mistaken Dragon...

oops I mean number 7" says number 12 with a sinister smile on her face

Everyone burst out shouting how do you know he's a dragon?, who is he?, who are you?....

"Hahaha miss 12 has done her research yes I am a dragon..

Not just any dragon, 'The King of Dragons' Dragov the mighty" yawning away says Dragov

"Everyone settle down, number 12 I will be speaking to you in private after this meeting about exposing the identity of Mr Dragov , and Mr Dragov I apologise for your identity to be exposed right now,

Anyway I think we will finish the meeting off now before any more incidents occur but before you all go, I would like to say in 3 years the games will begin so find and prepare your representative as you will not be getting another chance" Says number 1

Everyone in the meeting start to leave on by one except for number 12 and number 1

"Number 12 or shall I call you by your name miss Eru, so tell me how did you know the identity of Dragov and along with that tell me who else do you know? and I will let you off just this once"

"Hahahaha so Mr 1 is the owner of that suit wearing rabbit so very amusing...

If you must know that rabbit of yours told me a thing or two so lets see who I know of hmmm....

I know of the scientist 'Edward Galvani' who lives only to experiment on creatures, such a disgusting habit but what can you expect from the human greed

I also know of the annoying clown 'Joker' he may be annoying but I can see him as being one of the stronger ones in the group

Hmmm what else ...

Nope that's all I could get out of the rabbit"

"Hmm ok well thank you for telling me and next time you expose someone identity with out my permission you will be severely punished"

"You dare threaten me, haha you worms act all high and might hiding behind a rabbit if you so wish for death than come to me, I'm sure to give you what you so wish for...

Oh and one more thing the player Adam you are so fond of I've decided I will take him"

"He will not join an evil sadistic women like you"

"You flatter me...

we shall see"

And with that Eru and number 1 left the meeting.


Back in Walthamstow, Adam has been wondering around for a few hours and it has now become 7:00pm in the evening

"Looks like I won't have any luck today hey shadow take m...."

Mid sentence Adam could not believe his eyes.

Right in front of him he saw his mother Lana

They both stopped and stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime.

Adam eyes batted off the tears which were now flowing down his blushed cheeks.

As Lana walked towards him, it was as if his heartbeat managed to synchronise with her footsteps

"Adam... Adam is that you , my baby Adam I missed you soo much!"

Lana drops her shopping bags and runs towards Adam embracing him.

It was a warmth he had not felt for years. He found himself crumbling in his mothers arms, burying his face.

It was like he was 5 years old all over again...

He finally managed to look up and could see his father approaching from a distance.

Overwhelmed with emotions, he struggled to speaks his mother continued to squeeze him whilst telling him how much she missed him.

The anger Adam once felt for his parents didn't feel so important anymore. Yes, they abandoned him, but surely now that he was back, they would want him in their lives, wouldn't they?

By now, Jack was also involved in the embrace.

"Come son, lets take you home..

Bet you haven't even eaten anything in so long" says Jack

Adam felt slightly bewildered, even though he hadn't seen his parents in 20 years, it was as though they had never been separated.

They eventually pulled up to a house. well, if you could call it a house, it was about the size of a football pitch

Adam had many questions he wanted to ask, but stayed silent throughout the whole journey. It took some time for him to absorb what was happening.

Any questions or doubt that came to Adam's mind, were ignored

After all he found his parents and he was home.

"Come on Adam lets get you inside so we can cook you some dinner

I'll make your favourite chicken, potatoes and gravy"

Adam found himself salivating at the thought of having a home cook meal.

His mother would make it for him every Sunday and it brought back memories of them all sitting around the dinner table.

Eventually Adam spoke

"Thank you, that would be nice"

"I know everything may look different to you Adam but make yourself at home.

I won't be long, i'll just get this chicken in the oven"

Adam found himself staring at each wall in the room he was in.

Nothing was how he remembered. How did his parents afford a house so big? He ket glancing around timidly until he saw a photo.

It was hung up on the main wall

He walked towards the photo and saw that it was a picture of his parents and a little boy, only the boy was not him.

Did he have a brother? if so, where is he?

thoughts raced around Adams mind as he felt a huge lump in his throat.

He didn't know whether he was about to vomit or cry, either way it was one of the most unpleasant feelings.

He walked towards the kitchen where his mother was cooking, ready to march in and demand to know who was in the picture frame.

As he rushed towards the kitchen he felt embarrassed that after all these years, he was not even angry at his parents leaving him for dead, no, he was jealous that they could have had another son.

A son hey didn't abandon, a son they loved more than him, after all there was no trace of Adam in his parents lives.

Adam barged into the kitchen, flustered and ready for war...

That was until he saw a man standing with his mum in the Kitchen.

"Adam, this is your brother Alexander" said Lana nervously

"I did want to introduce you both properly, but there's no time like the present"

Adam found himself once again crumbling inside, but managed to mutter a


To his brother. This was not reciprocated

Alexander looked at him with a blank expression and simply walked away, as he walked passed Adam

Alexander who is tall and bulky towering over Adam

"I'll be back down for dinner" growled Alexander with his heavy voice ignoring the encounter,

Lana ushered Adam to his seat at the table ready to eat.