Saving Sakura

The very next morning Sakura heads off to work, Adam on the other hand still hasn't moved from the bed.

A few hours go by and its now 8:00am Adam finally opens his eyes, he had stopped crying few hours ago and is now ready to start his day

At first he sits up and looks around stretching his neck, back and arms

Lightning is in his shadow and Shadow is following Sakura

Adam gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom

He stood in front of the mirror

As he stares at himself he can see himself in a rough looking state, a wild beard, long hair and notices himself to have swollen eyes from all the crying

He notices some scissors by the sink, he picks them up and starts to cut his beard and hair

He cuts and cuts with the hair dropping all over the floor and sink

He brushes his teeth with the spare toothbrush and went off back into the bedroom

"Lightning come here"

Lightning emerges from the ground, Lightning having the biggest smile bows towards Adam signalling that he's happy that he's finally up

"I'm sorry I was a mess but that girl helped me and now I feel better, I need you to go and buy me some nice clothes to wear, clothes that won't let me stand out"

Lightning nods to signal he understood Adam

"Oh try and get a mask for yourself because of your skin colour you don't want people to think your a monster or anything"

Lightning zapped himself out like a lightning bolt out of the room

Adam began training, he first stretched and then moved onto doing pushups and sit ups.

The room had the smell of sweat due to Adam working out for a good few hours making himself sweat profusely

Sakura decided to check up on Adam because she had a genuine concern for him, she opens the door only to find Adam in boxers sweaty doing some push ups

She screams and blushes at his lean body

"Aaaaahhh! sorry sorry I didn't see anything!"

Sakura runs out the room and rests against the door holding her red face

She starts to imagine Adams body and than starts to shake her head wildly

"No Sakura stop thinking that, he's finally up so you can go back to work"

With that Sakura ran off to work

Adam confused as to why Sakura entered, screamed and ran off

"Weird girl I need to thank her next time, anyway where is Lightning he's taking ages"

Adam heads off to shower.

Once Adam finished showering he walks back into the bedroom with a towel around his waist and finds Lightning their with loads of different clothing laid on the bed

"Huh what's all this"

Lightning just smiled

"Erm I asked for a set of clothes not a shop" Says Adam as he rubs his face

He started to look through the clothes

"Lightning when will pink t-shirts be fashionable...

Erm what's this white t-shirt with a cat on it, are you crazy no thank you...

erm this jumper is for girls can't you see all the flowers"

Lightning just stared at Adam like a lost puppy

Adam searched and searched eventually found himself a plain white t-shirt with black jeans and a plain black hoody to wear

Adam who is 6ft 2 in height, lean body, with a hairstyle of short back and sides with medium hair length on top combed to the side and backwards, now wearing black jeans, plain white t-shirt and a black hoody and the last clothing item he wore was black designer trainers

Adam sat on the chair and called for Shadow

Shadow came out of a black hole and stood next to Lightning

"I'm glad you two are doing fine and before you jabber on Shadow I want you both to know something,

This past month my parents beat me and tortured me and all I thought of was why are they doing this...

But you see I have this rage and anger inside me and the only way for me to cure it is to kill them...

No actually I want to do more than kill, I want to break them, I want to make them suffer like I suffered and to do that I need both of you

So I will ask this once I know that we have formed a contract but the plan for revenge will be very difficult and It may even lead to both of you dying and not coming back alive so I want to know if you are with me or if you want out?"

Lightning and Shadow looked at each other

"Master do you know why I accepted the contract after you cheated in battle with me to win..

"Huh I beat you fair and square..."

"Master! please let me finish, The reason why I accepted the contract is because you said you were going to show us things we haven't seen before

And to be fair the journey with you so far has been annoying but pleasant as well so if you wish for revenge we are ready to take action even if it means we will head to the spirit land"

Lightning nods agreeing with Shadow

Adam smiles and starts to laugh

"Hahaha you poor b****** I hope you don't regret your decision, anyways before we get our revenge I need to repay my favour, the girl Sakura you've been following her these past few days, tell me what you know, who does she work for and what do you think of her?"

"Master she works for a man called Soo in-Guk, she wakes up at 5:00am and irons his clothes, she than heads off to a restaurant which is a 20 minute drive to pick up some breakfast and brings it to him along with a newspaper, she than answers all his phones, arranges his journeys and does all sorts of errands, Soo in-Guk isn't a nice man in fact he beats her and insults her whenever he wants, he forces her to do things that he knows is too much for her and the most interesting part of it all is that he is signing a contract today with the guild 'Divine Beast'"

"Well isn't that interesting, Sakura works for a s****y old man who has anger issues and they are about to form an alliance with Divine Beast,

One last thing what do you think of the girl?"

"If you are implying that she joins us than we agree with your choice, she's a kind girl and has a skill that completely healed you, but I have one concern and that is I think when ever she uses her skill she takes damage"

"Hmm ok I'll check her system and see what the issue is, anyways go and check up on her I'm going to sit here and plan my revenge"


During Adam stay with Sakura recovering from his injuries

Back at Lana and Jacks house there was a lot of shouting and arguing occurring with things flying about

"Boy who told you to go down their, you useless s*** do you know how long me and your mum have planned this and you just let him leave through the front door" Says Jack as he punches Alexander in the face dropping him

"I'm sorry father, I don't know how he escaped I locked the door and I didn't even go near him I just stood from a distance and went back up...

When I found he was missing I rushed out to find him and I found him with someone

I don't know who he was but he helped him escape I'm sure of it "

"Huh someone was with him, are you sure?"

"Yes father I'm sure how else could brother escape he was beaten pretty bad and didn't even have the energy to move"

"Hmm you are right how could he escape by him self, ok what we need to do now is find him and that person who came to save him"

Lana raises her voice

"I think we should call Richard, he might be able to help"

"Yeah he could, but he may asks us for another favour, right now lets try and find him ourselves and if there's no success than we'll call Richard"


Back in the hotel hours flew by and Sakura has finished work

She knocks on the her hotel rooms door scared to just go in

Adam opens the door

"Hi sorry about earlier I was just working out"

"Erm iii.. its o..ok may I come in" Say Sakura blushing and nervous

Adam lets her in

He stands there and says


She flinches and turns to look at him only to find him bowing his head

"Thank you for looking after me, someone you don't know...

And the words you said last night really woke me up from the pain I felt in my heart and I wish to repay your kindness"

Sakura shocked with the thanks starts to blush even more starts to wave her hands side to side

"No, no, no you don't need to replay me, I just found you injured and I just couldn't leave you that's all"

Adam smiles at her as he activates his title 'God Slayer' to look at her system as he could all see she looks unwell

[ Sakura lvl 87 UnRanked

Titles -

Hp - !!60/60!!

Strength - 28

Speed - 21

Intelligence - 215

Wisdom - 98

Magic - 376

Stamina - 58

Agility - 32

Defence - 15

Dexterity -10

Profession- Alchemist level 31

Skill - Water manipulation level 7 :ability to control small amounts if water for 30 seconds

Skill - Healing water level 63 : Player shoots out thick clear liquid from hand to coat creature to heal them uses up 5 magic points per second. If player wants to regenerated missing limbs player must use 20 magic points per second ]

"Hmm I see so your weak but have very unique skills..

Sakura I have just inspected your status and it seems you have explanation marks by your health could you tell me the reason for this?"

"Huh, how can you see my status window?"

"It's because of my title, if you can tell me about the explanation marks I may be able to help if"

"Erm I don't know my self when it appeared but years ago I was forced to drink all sorts of different poisons and while I was healing myself it randomly appeared, I recovered from the poison but my health won't go up..

Whenever I use my skill my health decreases and not only that but every day I lose 2Hp so you see I don't think you can help me"

"Sakura can I ask you how much was your health on before helping me?" says Adam with a look of concern

Sakura stays silent

"I understand...

So it's settled come work for me"

"Huh, I't, I am the of Soo in-Guk" nervously said by sakura who had a sad look on her face

"Did you just say your the property of Soo in-Guk, does that even make sense, did you sign a slave contract or something, is there a tattoo on your body that says property of....."

"Adam! please stop, Soo in-Guk was the only person to take me in from the streets and to repay my debt I will work for him until he doesn't need me so I'm sorry but I can not work for you"

Sakura storms off, while Adam is so very calm sits down on the chair smiling away

"That girl, just what has she been through to be so loyal to a man who treats her like dirt hmmmm"

The very next morning Sakura is standing next to Soo in-Guk who is handing over the final pieces of papers to complete the contract signing and to become an official supplier for Divine Beast guild

When Soo in-Guk starts to hand the papers to David Banks Adam pops up standing in the middle of the two

"Huh who are you?" says Soo in-Guk,

"I'm here to do business with you mister Soo in-Guk"

"Kid get lost can't you see I'm in the middle of a meeting" angrily said by Soo in-Guk, meanwhile Sakura stares nervously thinking about why Adam is here and is hoping that she won't get in trouble

"I can see that and that's why I came now"

"Hey kid Soo in-Guk is in a meeting with me if you don't want a beating then I suggest you move from here"

"Oh sorry, where are my manners who might you be?"

"I am ...."

"No one cares, anyways as I was saying Soo in-Guk..."

David Banks pounces towards Adam from his chair, Shadow using his black hole teleports Adam to a different seat near Soo in-Guk

"I wish to buy Sakura off you"

David Bank clenching his teeth, his eyes blood shot red turns to look at Adam

"You kid dare to mess with me, a rank D player, I'm going to kill you!"

David hands started to give off a purple smoke

"Skill activate 'Poisonous Hands'"


[ Skill - Poisonous hands level 23

Description - Anything player touches will be inflicted with a poison, 12 magic points used up every second]


David Bank charges at Adam swinging his hands wildly, Adam on the other hand smiling at David as he avoids every strike

"What's the matter David I thought you was going to kill me hahaha"

Adam antagonising David causing him to swing even more wildly

"Hey David shall I tell you something" Adam who was smiling suddenly gave a look of anger that caused David to flinch

"Shall I tell you something David"

Adam closes the gap between himself and David and grabs onto his head and starts to squeeze

David starts to scream in pain

"You made a bad choice in joining Divine Beast as I am it's destruction"

David who's breathing heavy, in agony grips onto Adams arm

"You little s*** you think you can crush my head with this strength, It's too bad I grabbed onto your arm, my poison is so powerful it can kill a level 70 beast easily haha"

[Poison Resistance activated]

30 seconds go by

Adam starts to laugh

"Hahaha your poison doesn't even tingle"

David shocked tries to pull Adams hand off his head panicking

"Skill activate 'Bad To The Bone level'"

And with that Adam crushed Davids head

He then turned to Soo in-Guk who was fearing his own life started to back away from Adam

"ge..get away from me, somebody help me!" Screaming to the top off lungs grabs Sakura and pushes her towards Adam

Adam stops Sakura from falling over after being pushed

"Hey Sakura just wait one minute I'll deal with this"

"Stop Adam everyone in this place has seen you kill it's best if you run away"

"Don't worry I'll be known as a killer one day so why not now haha anyways 2 minutes I'll be back"

Shadow forms a black hole that takes Adam to Soo in-Guk who was running away

Soo in-Guk stops and starts to stutter

"Wh..Whaa...what ww.waant?"

"I told you I came to make you a deal, here take this"

Adam gave Soo in-Guk his silly string bag 3.0 and inside it was 24 'B+' Beast cores and 2 bottles of red dragon blood

When Soo in-Guk looked into the bag and saw these items his face went pale white as if he has just seen a ghost

"Huh is this red dragon blood and class 'B+' beast cores do you know how much this is in the markets and how did you get soo many its hard to get B+ and above class items and this bag is one of a kind"

"Well you don't need to worry your fat head over it, If you wish to keep all those items all I want in exchange is Sakura"

"Huh you want that girl for all this ahahaha boy you sure are dumb, she's not even worth a class 'D' item"

Adam released an immense amount of blood lust that caused Soo in-Guk to freeze in his place and within milliseconds Adam had grabbed onto the neck of Soo in-Guk and lifted him up

"Don't you dare insult Sakura in my presence, do you understand"

"Yes, Yes I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please let me go" Says Soo in-Guk squeezing out his voice

Adam releases Soo in-Guk and starts to smile calmly

"So do we have a deal?"

"Yes Sakura is yours do as you wish with her, but I will say she doesn't have long to live"

"Hmmm and why is that?"

"She has so many different toxins and poisons in her body that her health is decreasing day by day and the only cure is a Phoenix heart"

"Thank you for that useful piece of information and as a thank you for letting Sakura go I'll give you a word of advice, don't join up with 'Divine Beast' they won't exist very soon"

And with that Adam left Soo in-Guk and walked up to Sakura who was sitting down nervously

"Hey Sakura I spoke to your boss and he said that your fired, and I know your unemployed at the moment so why don't you come work for me" Says Adam with an innocent smile on his face

Sakura starts to blush

"Erm ok" says Sakura smiling away with her face red as a tomato

"Great now let's go home"

Both Adam and Sakura went back to the hotel