Adam realised that there was another way to save Sakura
"Sakura there is another way for you to live and that is to be a slave of mine?
If you want to live then you can stay alive a little longer, but if you don't wish to then it is a goodbye"
"I want to live"
Adam pulls out his dagger and stabs Sakura in the chest killing her
He places the body on the bed
"Demon Slave activate"
A black circular symbol formed over the body of Sakura
[Contract initiation processing
Contract Accepted]
Sakura emerged out of Adams shadow
"Master please can you give me a name"
"Lets keep the name Sakura"
[Contract completed Sakura is now your slave
Sakura rank Private]
In New York a gate had opened up,
A man dressed up as a clown with a white one piece outfit with different colour buttons down the centre, the man had white face paint on wearing a red nose. Using red paint made his lips bigger. He also wore clown shoes and a red afro wig on. He had a green flower pinned to his chest and wore red gloves.
"Finally! the joker has arrived hehe huhu haha!"
"Shut up ....
Yeah get out of here clown...." people around him begin to shout abuse him,
however Joker took no interest in them and just continued walking around.
He walked around admiring all the tall building, and using a fat marker started to scribble random drawings all over the place including the ground.
While skipping around everyone around him just stared at him and kept bait of a distance from him.
"Mummy, mummy look it's a clown" says a little girl wearing a red dress pointing towards Joker
"Stop pointing it's rude" says the mum to the girl
"Sorry, mr she just likes clowns"
Joker walks up to the little girl smiling away and takes his red nose off and places it on the girls nose.
"Now you can be a clown too hehe huhu haha"
Joker skipped away laughing and barges into a man wearing a grey suit
"Hey watch where you're going, I'm a rank 'E' you dumb clown so you best apologise!" shouts the guy,
But Joker walks up to him laughing
"Hey smell my flower"
"Huh I'm going to ki..." While the guy was shouting Joker stops him mid sentence by spraying a liquid onto the mans face momentarily blinding him and walks away whistling
The man wipes his face fuming, his pupils turned grey, and he starts to look around for the clown
"Where the f*** are you clown, I'm so going to kick your a**"
As the guy looked around he notices a little red goblin next to a women
He starts to scream
"Monster!, everyone get out of here I'll take care of it"
The guy rushes towards the red goblin and started to attack it uncontrollably, after a few minutes of attacking the red goblin the guy stood up and started to catch his breath
"Huh where did the red goblin go" says the guy as his pupils turn back to normal
He looks to his left and sees the women crying on her knees holding her little daughter
"Hey lady are you ok what happened, did the monster get her?"
"Your the monster!, you attacked her and now you're asking me what happened!" The lady screaming out loud
The people around watching the guy attack the women started to pounce on him, trying to retain him until the police come.
Joker continued skipping away laughing at the chaos he caused