No Love Zone - 17

"Azami-kun, have you decided which school you want to enroll Yuri-chan in?"

Azami, who was spraying water on the plants hanging on the second floor of the cafe, turned his head towards Goshi who had just left Juza's room.

"Ah, Goshi-san. I've already selected several schools and next Saturday, Yu-chan and I will go to visit those schools."

Goshi nodded his head. "If I remember correctly, there's an elementary school not far from home and a cafe."

"Yeah, you're right Goshi-san. If Yu-chan is comfortable when we see her later, then I'll enroll her in that school."

Goshi nodded his head again. "Later Saturday, why don't you just apply for leave Azami-kun? If you apply for only half a day's work, isn't that a pity? You and Yuri-chan can't linger visiting the schools you've chosen."

Azami who heard Goshi's words was silent for a moment. "Am I allowed to take time off, Goshi-san?"

"Of course Azami-kun. There's no prohibition on taking time off at this cafe. After all, we who work here don't work full time in one week either, do we?"

"Ehm, really? I didn't notice."

Goshi chuckled at Azami's words. "Yes. So on Saturday you just take your leave."

Azami nodded his head agreeing with what Goshi said. After that, Goshi and Azami returned to their respective jobs.

"Ugh, since we don't have any more models, the cafe's crowd level is back to normal." Haruko complained while stretching her joints.

"You, the cafe is too busy complaining, the cafe is not too busy complaining. You don't know gratitude at all." Toshiro's grumble was responded to by Haruko's innocent grin.

"It's not like that Shiro-san, it's just that if the cafe wasn't too crowded I would start to feel bored."

Toshiro raised an eyebrow. "If you're feeling bored, why don't you help Azami-kun and Daichi-kun tidy up the raw materials that just arrived yesterday? Looks like they both need one more help."

"Eh? I thought Azami-kun was going outside."

Wrinkles were etched on Toshiro's forehead. "Come out? No. I saw Azami-kun and Daichi-kun tidying up the ingredients in the kitchen."

Now Toshiro and Haruki exchanged probing glances.

"Shiro-san, when did you see Azami-kun tidying up the ingredients with Daichi-kun in the kitchen?"

Toshiro placed his index finger and thumb under his chin. "I saw it about twenty minutes ago, when you weren't here Haru-kun."

Haruko's brow furrowed. "I saw Azami-kun go out while I was delivering orders to customers. That means it wasn't long before I came here."

Toshiro and Haruko now looked at each other again.

"But I didn't see Azami-kun coming out of the kitchen at all." Toshiro objected looking at Haruko seriously.

"But I actually saw Azami-kun go out, Shiro-san." Haruko rebutted not wanting to lose either.

Tenma, who had just come out of the kitchen and listened to the debate that took place between Toshiro and Haruko, walked over to the two colleagues.

"Shiro-san, Haru-kun. What are you guys arguing about? It looks very serious."

Toshiro and Haruko, who realized Tenma was coming towards them, immediately asked their questions about Azami.

"Tenma-kun, in the kitchen Daichi-kun is tidying up the stock of raw materials with Azami-kun right?" Toshiro asked which made Tenma pause for a moment before he shook his head.

"No, Daichi-san tidied up the stock of raw materials in the kitchen by himself."

Haruko who heard Tenma's answer exclaimed happily. "Well! That means I'm right Shiro-san, if Azami-kun is going out of the cafe."

Toshiro, who didn't agree with Tenma's words, gave a rebuttal. "That's impossible, I was sure that I saw Azami-kun enter the kitchen to help Daichi-kun tidy up the stock of raw materials. Then until now I haven't seen him come out of the kitchen at all."

Tenma frowned in surprise. "But since earlier in the kitchen it was just me and Daichi-san, no Azami."

Toshiro narrowed his eyes. "But I'm pretty sure it was Azami-kun who entered the kitchen."

Haruko and Tenma glanced at each other. "Maybe you're tired Shiro-san."

"No, I'm not at all tired." Toshiro's evasion made Tenma and Haruko sigh.


"Ah, what a coincidence. Tenma-san, Shiro-san, Haru-san, have any of you seen Azami-san? There's someone outside looking for her." Reki asked who had just entered the cafe and approached Tenma, Toshiro and Haruko.

"Azami-kun is going out, Reki-kun." Haruko answered confidently.

Reki furrowed his brows in surprise. "Going out? Why can't I see him at all."

Not only Reki who was surprised, but Toshiro, Tenma and Haruko now furrowed their brows in surprise at Reki's words.

"Ehm, Reki-kun. How long have you been outside?" Tenma asked trying to make sure.

"I've been outside since the new cafe opened. Today it's my turn to tend the plants outside and greet customers." Reki replied casually but managed to make Haruko roll her eyes in surprise.

"B-but I saw Azami-kun walking out earlier." Haruko dodged which made Tenma chuckle.

"What's wrong with today. Shiro-san said he saw Azami-kun walking into the kitchen to help Daichi-san tidy up the stock of raw materials. But what really happened, in the kitchen there was only me and Daichi-san."

"Then now, Haru-kun said he saw Azami-kun going out of the cafe. But Reki-kun, who said that since the cafe opened until he was outside, he didn't see Azami-kun going out of the cafe at all."

Toshiro, Haruko, Reki and Tenma were now throwing their gazes at each other seriously.

Kuroo who was standing behind the counter and Julian who was making drinks for customers tried to ignore what the four colleagues were arguing about. Even though they actually know where Azami is currently.

"Azami-kun, thank you for helping to tidy up some of the documents in my study and tombstone."

Tenma, Toshiro, Haruko and Reki who heard the word 'Azami' immediately turned their heads to the source of the voice, where they saw the figures of Goshi and Azami walking down the stairs from the second floor.

Right now, a frown was completely etched on Toshiro and Haruko's foreheads.

"Azami-kun!" Toshiro and Haruko exclaimed at the same time which suddenly made Tenma, Reki, Kuroo, Julian, Goshi and especially Azami whose name was called, startled.

"Yes, Shiro-san, Haru-san. What's wrong?" Asked Azami who was still walking with Goshi towards his co-workers who were gathered at the barista table.

"Azami-kun, weren't you helping Daichi-kun tidy up the stock of raw materials in the kitchen? Why are you now on the second floor with Goshi-kun? When did you come out of the kitchen? Why didn't I see you come out of the kitchen at all? ?"

"No, no! I clearly saw you going out of the cafe. But how come you were on the second floor with Goshi-san? When did you go back to the cafe and go to the second floor? Why didn't I see you go back into the cafe at all? ?"

Azami, who was asked questions by Toshiro and Haruko, was confused about which question to answer first.

Goshi, who realized that Azami was confused about which question to answer between Toshiro and Haruko, chose to open his voice.

"Shiro-san, Haru-kun, what's this? Why are you throwing so many questions at Azami-kun?"

Toshiro and Haruko were now glaring at each other, coded which one of them explained to Goshi first.

"So it's like Goshi-kun, earlier when I was making drinks for the customer's order, I saw Azami-kun walking into the kitchen and he said he wanted to help Daichi-kun to tidy up the stock of raw materials that just arrived yesterday. But Haruko-kun objected and said if he saw Azami-kun walking out of the cafe, I didn't see Azami-kun walking out of the kitchen at all."

"Yeah, I saw Azami-kun walking out of the cafe. He even greeted me. But earlier Reki-kun said he didn't see Azami-kun going out of the cafe at all, because he's been outside since the cafe opened to shift care for the plants outside. and welcome customers." Haruko continued following Toshiro's words.

"Ah, Tenma-kun also said he didn't see Azami-kun helping Daichi-kun tidy up the stock of raw materials. But I clearly saw Azami-kun walking into the kitchen." Toshiro continued adding to what Tenma had said earlier.

Goshi frowned in surprise and now turned his head towards Azami.

"Azami-kun, can you explain to Shrio-san, Haru-kun, Reki-kun and Tenma-san? Looks like they really need your explanation right now.

Azami glanced his eyes at Toshiro, Haruko, Reki and Tenma in turn, then nodded his head.

"Alright Goshi-san."

Now Azami turned his head to look for the whereabouts of Kuroo and Julian.

Toshiro, Tenma, Haruko, Reki and Goshi who saw Azami turning his head also followed where Azami's gaze was currently directed.

"To be more convincing seems to need Julian-kun and Kuroo-kun too, since those who saw me came out of the kitchen and also went back into the cafe." Azami said looking at Toshiro, Tenma, Haruko, Reki and Goshi in turn.

"Okay, I guess it won't take long. The cafe isn't too busy either. Ah, do you also need Daichi-san to be more confident, right?" Asked Goshi who immediately responded by nodding his head by Azami.

"If Goshi-san allows it, it will be more helpful."

Goshi nodded his head and walked towards the kitchen to call Daichi. Meanwhile Reki walked over to Kuroo and Julian.

When Daichi, Kuroo and Julia had gathered together, Azami now turned his head to Daichi.

"Daichi-san, sorry to interrupt your work. I just wanted to ask you for confirmation, it won't take long." Said Azami which was responded by a nod of the head by Daichi.

"Yeah, no problem Azami-kun. Besides, my work will be finished soon."

Azami heaved a sigh of relief, then nodded his head. "Daichi-san, it's like this. I actually don't quite understand what's really going on right now. But I just want to confirm, if I was really helping you to tidy up the stock of raw materials in the kitchen, right?"

Daichi frowned for a moment, before nodding his head. "Yes, earlier when you were spraying water on the hanging plants on the second floor, I asked for your help to help tidy up some raw material supplies when you finished your activities. Then I told you to buy adhesive glue so that some supplies of raw materials were in the sack. don't spill out. I also gave you a sample of the adhesive you should buy."

Azami nodded his head. "Yes, so. After I sprayed water on the hanging plants on the second floor, I immediately walked towards the kitchen. I also took the time to answer Shiro-san's greeting who was making drinks for customers. Then I helped Daichi-san tidy up the raw material supplies in the kitchen. Not long after, Daichi-san told me to buy adhesive glue according to the example he gave me."

"When I was about to leave the kitchen, I accidentally dropped the glue sample that Daichi-san gave me and the glue rolled onto the customer's table over there. Earlier when I was chasing the glue roll sample, I posted my body. Maybe that's what made Shiro -san didn't see me coming out of the kitchen. Besides, Julian-kun earlier saw me and greeted me too."

Julian, whose name was called by Azami, nodded his head. "Yeah, I saw Azami-san earlier. I was wondering why he was walking with his head down so I greeted him and it turned out that he was following where the glue was rolling."

"Ah, that's when I saw Shiro-san picking up a glass. So it's only natural that Shiro-san didn't see Azami-san walking out of the kitchen with her head down." Julian continued, this time his gaze turned to Toshiro.

"Um, I see. It could make sense why I didn't see Azami-kun walking out of the kitchen." Toshiro replied which made Julian roll his eyes lazily.

"Then, you actually went out of the cafe earlier, didn't you Azami-kun? But why did Reki-kun say he didn't see you coming out of the kitchen at all?" asked Haruko who couldn't wait to hear Azami's explanation.

"Ah, that. After I managed to get a sample of the glue that fell, I immediately walked towards the cafe door. I also greeted Haru-san who was delivering orders to customers. But when I was just one step out of the cafe door, I remembered that I should ask Goshi-san for permission first before going out of the cafe."

"When I was about to go back into the cafe, I saw Reki-kun humming while watering the plants outside. Actually I wanted to say hello to him, but I didn't want to disturb Reki-kun who was busy watering the plants. So I immediately went back into the cafe."

"I also saw Haru-san chatting with one of the customers, so I immediately passed Haru-san just like that. But when I was about to climb the stairs to the second floor, Kuroo-kun who was guarding the cashier greeted me." Azami answered which made Haruko and Reki nod their heads.

"Yes, that's right. I saw Azami-san as if she was in a hurry to the second floor, greeted her briefly to ask about what made her so hasty." Kuroo replied clarifying what Azami said.

"After that fine, I went up to Goshi-san's room to ask for permission. But Goshi-san said I don't need to go out to buy because he has some supplies of such adhesive glue." Azami said and was approved by Goshi.

"Yeah, I also asked Azami-kun for help to tidy up some documents in my room and niisan." Goshi continued which made Daichi, Toshiro, Julian, Kuroo, Reki, and Haruko nod their heads.

"Wait, but I'm still surprised Daichi-san. I didn't realize Azami-kun had the chance to help you tidy up the raw materials in the kitchen." Tenma said which made Daichi roll his eyes lazily.

"It's natural that you don't realize Azami is helping me. You were busy making customer orders and after that you received a phone call from someone." Daichi's reply made Tenma frown in surprise, then flashed his innocent grin.

"Oh hahaha, I see."

Daichi could only sigh and turn to look at Azami. "Azami-kun, so you got the glue that I wanted right?"

Azami nodded his head and held out the glue he got from Goshi. "This is Daichi-san. Is there anything else I need to help you with?"

"No, I've almost finished it too." Daichi answered while taking the adhesive glue given by Azami.

"If this misunderstanding is resolved, then I will go back to the kitchen first. You guys, if you still have something to discuss, discuss it without me."

After that Daichi walked back into the kitchen.

"Hah, thank God if it's just a misunderstanding. I think our cafe really has a mystical air" Haruko said which made Toshiro snort in amusement.

"Seriously. I don't believe in anything that has to do with unreal beings."

"I think, you should watch less horror movies Haru-kun." Goshi replied which made Reki, Julian, Kuroo and Azami chuckle.

"That I won't be able to do Goshi-san."

Goshi just shook his head with a sigh.

"Never mind, we'd better go back to our positions." Said Julian and agreed by Kuroo, Julian, Toshiro , Haruko, Azami and Goshi.

Reki who saw Azami was about to leave too, held her wrist. Making Azami now turn his head towards him with confused eyes.

"What's wrong Reki-kun?" Azami asked which made Goshi and the others who were just about to return to their work place pause for a moment.

"Um, there was someone looking for you outside. I told him to come in, but he said he would just wait outside." Reki replied which made Azami even more confused. Likewise with the other Goshidan.

"Ah, I see. Alright, I'll go out to see him. Thanks for the information Reki-kun." Azami said, then now turned his head to Goshi for permission.

Goshi nodded his head. "Yes, you can meet him Azami-kun. Maybe it's something important."

Azami nodded his head and walked towards the entrance of the cafe, leaving Goshi and his colleagues who were now staring at him with a surprised expression.

"Reki-kun, if I may ask. Who is the person looking for Azami-kun?" Goshi asked which made Reki rub the back of his neck gently.

"I didn't ask what her name was. But the person was a middle-aged woman and seemed to want to talk about something very important."

Goshi and the others were even more surprised to hear Reki's words. They have their own thoughts but without them realizing they think each other is the same. It was possible that the middle-aged woman was a member of the Azami family from Tokyo.