No Love Zone - 19

Juza, who was descending the stairs one by one to the first floor, frowned in surprise when he saw the figure of Yuri who was already dressed neatly sitting on the carpet leaning on the body of the sofa with Hiro who was being creative with his hair.

Juza glanced at the clock on the wall in the lounge and read seven in the morning. It was unusual for him to see Yuri so well-dressed this early.

"Oh Niisan. I just wanted to come to your room to tell you that breakfast is on the table."

Juza turned his head towards Goshi who had just come out of the kitchen. "Yeah, I'll eat it later."

Goshi nodded his head and now walked over to Yuri and Hiro.

"Yu-chan, do you want to bring some cakes for yourself and your sister for lunch?"

Juza who heard Goshi's question to Yuri frowned in surprise.

"Euhm, can I bring cake?" Yuri asked again which made Goshi chuckle.

"Sure, your activities today are quite busy, right? You and your sister are going to visit several schools in this city."

Yuri nodded her head in response to Goshi's question. "Thank you uncle Goshi for preparing cakes for me and niichan!"

Hiro and Goshi who heard Yuri's words chuckled.

"You're welcome, I'll prepare it for you."

After that Goshi walked away from Yuri and Hiro to the kitchen.

Goshi who saw Juza eating his breakfast menu also had a small smile on his face.

"Niisan, do you want me to prepare some cakes for you too?" Goshi asked which made Juza look at him with surprised eyes.

"No need. This afternoon I'm going to meet another client."

Goshi who heard Juza's answer, had a small smile on his face. "Okay. Then I'll just make juice for the tombstone."

Juza just cleared his throat in response to Goshi's words. After that, Goshi was busy making cakes that he would prepare for Yuri and Azami's lunch. Meanwhile, in silence, Juza watched his sister making a cake.

"Goshi-san, sorry for bothering you. You don't have to bother making us cakes for lunch." Said Azami who had just entered the kitchen and hadn't noticed that Juza was still there watching his interaction with Goshi in silence.

"You don't need to apologize Azami-kun. I'm just glad that today you two will go to school together." Goshi replied with a smile on his face.

"Is there anything I can help you with Goshi-san? At least I have to help you prepare my lunch with Yu-chan."

Goshi was silent for a moment before he pointed at the cupboard. "Perhaps you could pick and prepare the lunchboxes you'd like to bring."

Azami nodded his head. "Okay. Maybe I'll choose a medium-sized lunch box. Because later Yu-chan and I will go by public transport."

Goshi rolled his eyes in surprise. "Didn't I tell you to use the car in this house Azami-kun? Besides, today you guys are going to visit some schools right?"

"No need Goshi-san. After all, Yu-chan also agreed to use public transportation. He said it would be his first experience, so he was very happy."

Goshi let out a long sigh. "You guys. Fine if that's what you want. But if on the way you suddenly want to be picked up, you can call me or someone else."

Azami nodded his head in response to Goshi's words.

Azami still hasn't noticed Juza's presence at all who occasionally notices the interactions between him and Goshi.

"Uncle Juza, look! How do I look today? It's Uncle Hiro who puts my hair in a ponytail. Isn't that good?"

Azami who heard Yuri's scream gasped in surprise. Likewise with Goshi and Juza who became Yuri's interlocutor.

Azami was even more surprised when he just realized Juza was in the kitchen.

"Yes, your appearance today looks neat and good. Are you going somewhere? Juza asked Yuri which of course was answered with a cheerful tone.

Meanwhile Azami leaned closer to Goshi to whisper. "Since when has Juza-san been in the kitchen? I didn't notice him."

Goshi stifled a laugh at Azami's whisper. "My sister has been in the kitchen since before you came to see me, Azami-kun."

Azami rolled his eyes in surprise. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Goshi put a small smile on his face. "I thought you were aware of his existence, but you chose to pretend he wasn't there because you were nervous."

"No, I wasn't aware of its existence at all, Goshi-san."

Goshi reached out a hand to pat Azami's shoulder. "Never mind, my sister won't scold you if you ignore her."

Azami sighed, then nodded his head slowly and went back to helping Goshi prepare his lunch with Yuri.

While helping Goshi, Azami remembered that today he was on leave without telling Juza at all.

Azami drew closer to Goshi again to ask about him who had not asked Juza for leave.

Meanwhile Juza, who had seen Azami twice approaching Goshi and whispering to his sister as if he didn't want their conversation to be heard by him, somehow made him feel a little irritated.

"Uncle Juza. Are you going out again today?" Yuri asked who didn't notice at all that Juza's gaze was on Azami and Goshi.

Juza who was asked by Yuri also turned his gaze to the girl. "Yes, today I will meet with a client again."

Yuri pursed her lips hearing Juza's answer. "I think today Uncle Juza will have a day off. Actually, I want to take Uncle too to take a look at the school that will be my new school."

Azami who heard Yuri's words widened his eyes in surprise. "Yu-chan, you can't say that. Uncle Juza already has other plans."

Hearing her brother's words, Yuri took a deep breath. "Yes Niichan. But I think going with Uncle Juza would be fun."

Goshi chuckled at Yuri's spoiled words. "Maybe you can invite Uncle Juza if you start attending one of the schools you choose, Yu-chan."

Yuri was silent for a moment, before she nodded her head quickly. "Ah! You're right Uncle Goshi! Alright, later when I start school, I'll show it to you Uncle Juza! And also to the other uncles."

Azami, who was just about to reply to Yuri's words, fell down when Goshi tapped him on the shoulder while shaking his head.

Azami could only sigh. Seeing Juza who replied to Yuri's words and made his youngest sister squeal with joy.

After lunch was ready, Azami and Yuri said goodbye to Goshi, Juza and Hiro who escorted them to the main door of the house.

Yuri excitedly gripped Azami's fingers tightly with a bright smile etched on her face. Making Azami, who saw the expression of his youngest brother, chuckle in amusement. Hopefully today the two of them can find a school that matches their sister's interests.