[Name: Auguste]
[Age: 2 Years, and 270 Days]
[Power Level: 1]
[Physical: 0]
[Mana: 0]
[Fighting Skills: -0]
{Kill Points: 39}
{Dispel Clones – Yes or No}
{Numbers of Clones: 20: Max - 100} (All Working)
{Physical Training}
Running – Clones*2 (Gain +10 [Physical] Every 10 Days)
Pushups – Clones*3 (Gain +10 [Physical]Every 24 Hours)
Sit Ups – Clones*3 (Gain +10 [Physical] Every 6 Hours)
Swimming – Clones*2 (Gain +10 [Physical] Every 5 Days)
{Mana Training}
Meditation – Clones*10 (+5 [Mana] Every 2 Hours)
The maximum clones I can buy is 100 at the moment, tutorial bot said that I need to beat my first god before I can increase it. I'm not that sure either, since there are no options about battling gods and stuff. Then he explained to me that the moment my [Mana], [Physical], and [Fighting Skills] reaches the number of a million each, then I'll be able to unlock more functions.
About my clones, I'm not going to dispel them until 5 years from now, when I'm 7 years old. But if an emergency does arise, I'll dispel them.
I wonder where those clones are sent to. Obviously they are not in this world but where would this thing send them? Another dimension, maybe?
[They are sent to a virtual training program that your creator created for your clones. They are going to work tirelessly there and never get tired, but don't feel sorry for them because they don't have a single shred of consciousness. They only do what they are told to do]
'… That's kind of dark, actually.'
[Not really. In this world slavery is a legal thing to do. If you were a slave in this world, you wouldn't be getting this much resources to keep yourself alive and healthy. Every royalty that lives in this world condone slavery, in fact they themselves have slaves as their servants. Remember this, Auguste, every person that has walked this world is a hypocrite in their own way. While the Sunlight Empire preaches about "peace" and being "pacifists", they, too, keep sending people to war against the Albion Empire. Women, men, old, and young, the royal family of both empires don't spare anyone from being sent to war except for those they love. They are simply hypocrites]
'I'll keep that in mind.' I said in my thoughts.
Hypocrites, huh. I wonder if I'll ever become one of them.
(Scene Change)
After getting the medicinal pill and arranging my clones to which training they should do, I quickly went up to the stairs to get to Damon's office while holding the pill in my right hand. I was excited whether he'll be happy or not.
When I reached the front door of his office, I rapidly knocked with my left fist and then I heard someone walking behind the door. Damon opened the door and was not that surprised to see me.
"That was fast, little Auguste. What was that? Like an hour? So, have you finished your little alchemy experiment?" He said, smiling playfully at me.
I had to catch up to my breath before I was able to speak properly, "I- *gasp – I didn't just finish it, I was successful! I created a medicinal pill that will cure Flare's poisoned condition!" This, of course, was another lie.
I opened my hand and Damon saw the pearly white pill. Fascinated by it, he took it and inspected it.
"Wow, you're right! This is indeed a pill! Not only that, it is also quite good! Are you sure you made this with those insects? Only a professional alchemist could've made this." Damon asked, his eyes narrowing at me.
I just shrugged, hiding my nervousness, and said, "I don't know, I just burned the insects and put some leaves in it while they were burning, and when the fire finally went out I saw this shiny pill on the ground. But that doesn't matter right now! This pill can heal sister Flare back to full health! C'mon, hurry1" I urged him.
Damon sighed and shook his head, "Unfortunately, I can't put this into her mouth just yet. The pill needs to be inspected by a real alchemist," He saw my eyes widening in horror, and continued, "Don't worry, I won't mention your name. I'll say that I've been experimenting on pill making lately and by a fluke, I made this pill. Sounds good, right?"
"Yeah, that sounds good." I heaved a sigh of relief because being known by a real alchemist would be problematic for me right now. I once read in a book that alchemists are obsessed into finding new recipes for their research of multitudes of enhancing, augmentation, and healing pills. Many recipes of pills were lost in history for some reason, and that's the thing that I don't understand because I've been reading the entire history book for days and I haven't found a single clue as to why many of the world's history were missing.
Maybe I missed some parts? I'll read it again from scratch later.
Anyway, I'm just relieved that I won't be meeting some old geezer that wants to open my head and inspect it.
As I was deep in thought, I was woken up by Damon's voice reaching my ears, "Here, take this book of short stories. It's a great book but the themes are heavy, I bet even you won't understand them right away." He said as he handed me a book.
Even though he called it a "book", it's more like a pocket book. Anyhow, I accepted the book and he said, "I'll be gone for today, your older siblings will be the ones to cook dinner today as I've already bought the necessary ingredients."
"Where will you be going?" I asked him, worried.
He messed with my hair as he patted me on the head, and said, "Don't worry, I'll still be in the village. I'm just going to visit an old friend of mine."
"Okay. I'm going to read this book after I get back to the bedroom."
And with that, I went on my way while humming and carrying the pocket book in my right hand, which is my dominant hand. I passed by some of my fellow orphans, or siblings if that makes Damon happy, and entered the bedroom as soon I reached it. And like many other days, the room is as empty as a century-year-old tomb. All of my roommates are playing this game called "soccer". It's basically just kicking the ball to the goal and sometimes, and I mean oftentimes, some child would get hurt due to tumbling three meters away from their original spot while chasing for the ball. But that didn't stop them, oh no, they are always playing every single day.
But in the end, it doesn't matter to me because for 1, I'm 2 years old and I don't have enough strength to even kick a ball as large as I am, and two, Damon won't allow me even if I wanted to play. Maybe when I'm older, I'll play the game. But for now, books are my priority.
"AAAAAHH! MY LEG! MY LEG!" A loud scream sounded from the front yard.
Aaaand, there it is. Another injury for Damon to treat.
(Scene Change)
I munched on some soft bread as I read the pocket book Damon gave me.
There are only two short stories in this thing: The Wanderer and The Forlorn.
The Wanderer is about a 30 years old man trying his hard to survive in what the story calls "A Nuclear Apocalypse". I don't know what "Nuclear" is but I do understand what apocalypse means. The man's story is about his slow descent to madness.
At the first part of the story, he was still sane and was trying his hardest to scavenge for food. But most of the time, the little food he was able to find were contaminated with nuclear radiation. They were basically poisoned, so he couldn't eat them. Then he would spend more time searching for any kind of sustenance during the night, which is dangerous because monsters lurk the dark.
Those monsters were the result of the culmination of human corpses and with this thing called "nuclear zombification" they became alive, partially anyways. They could only stay in the dark due to their skins being sensitive to sunlight. During the night, they were pretty much active and would hunt down anything that is alive so that they could eat.
Lions, tigers, dogs, cats, whatever they found alive were eaten.
The protagonist, the man, spent months in this kind of environment with no one to lean on. He was alone, no one was there for him when he became a mess as he cried silently under the ever indifferent night. He wasn't able to speak with anyone due to the fact that no one was there. He tried the radios but no signal came, and when the time came that he was about to die, he was already mad. Not a single shred of his sanity was left, only his own, lonely insanity.
Even though the story was short, it left a deep impact on me. Obviously, there's a reason why Damon gave me this book. It must be because I basically have no friends in the orphanage and that worries him. He must think that spending my life into solitude I would grow into someone cynical.
Maybe it is indeed time for me to make friends? Now that I think about it, most of the time I spent talking with the other children here was spent to have something for my own benefit. For example, I bribed Flame with candies so that he could sneak out the bottle of oil out to the backyard.
Maybe it is time to change my ways… No, not just yet. I'm still not strong enough. Stories tell that you become stronger when you have something to protect, so I should grow stronger so that I could protect my loved ones in the future. Maybe that's my purpose? I don't know.