Chapter 10: "Safe" House

Contrary to the popular belief around the world, Hidden Sects aren't only for humans; demi-humans and monsters can also create their own Sects. But all over the world, demi-humans are despised by humans and are either kept as slaves or slaughtered like livestock. There are even some rumors that nobles from the Silver Continent have a farm of demi-humans, and they eat them out of nonsensical hatred.

Monsters are even treated more harshly because they are, well, monsters. They are hated by the two other races because they eat and destroy the civilizations of humans and demi-humans alike. But there are some species of monsters who have changed their ways and have become more peaceful than before, and the demi-humans understand that but for humans… they still continue their hunt for any kind of monster.

The root of all this hatred are humans because they just won't change their ways. They teach their young to hate both monsters and demi-humans, instead of finding ways to coexist together in harmony. In their society, they spread fake news of demi-humans doing bad stuff when in reality, most of them are just living peacefully in somewhere humans won't reach.

This cycle of prejudice to each race can never be fixed unless someone steps in.

So here comes a sect, a sect that had taken roots in all four continents; The Coexistence Sect. This sect is a sect that doesn't discriminate and accepts any of the three races. They would even help demi-humans that are in need, even monsters were not spared from this grace. Discrimination cannot be tolerated inside the sect, and many punishments have been enacted for this kind of sin but the punishment that stood out the most is… execution.

While the Coexistence Sect is kind and giving, they are also ruthless when racial discrimination is involved. Of course, they'll give someone three chances for atonement but if they still keep being disrespectful to other races for no reason other than their race, then they would be free to leave the sect… just as long as they leave their f*cking heads behind.

Many species live within the sect, dragons, elemental spirits, cat people, dog people, wolf people, or even tiger people. They live in harmony but, of course, the sect still needs a little bit of competition for the disciples to advance in their cultivation stage.

Every 6 months or so, there would be rank battles. There are ranks for the disciples within the sect, these are D-Class, C-Class, B-Class, and A-Class. There is an S-Class but they are special, you can say that they are unique due to their abilities.

In Rank Battles, disciples can advance through ranks with the points they can get. Once a disciple reaches A-Class, they could either become an Elder or fight in a competition for the rights to become the Patriarch's disciple, which would automatically make them superior to all disciples and even some elders. Many chose to become Elders since they're not guaranteed to become the patriarch's disciple.

More on this topic later, for now let's continue on with the story.

(Scene Change)

We slowly tread the dark tunnel, watching out for each other.

It's been 3 days since we entered the tunnel, many of the younger children tripped on the ground because it was dark but, so far, no one was injured.

The atmosphere was somber and gritty, maybe it's because we have spent so much time in the dark? But that doesn't matter, I just want to reach the end of the tunnel and have a long and nice bath and sleep on something soft. Many of the children were already complaining at how hot and dark here, but after they said that, strangely, the area around us became quite cold. Damon must've used his magic, I guessed.

The light we used, the candle lamps, ran out of fuel and we couldn't see anything after that. Damon used his magic to light the way but said that this is temporary because magic uses mana, and he has a limited amount of it.

Soon, after a bit of difficulty, we reached the end of the tunnel. At the end was a stair and on top of that stair was a wooden door with a lamp attached on top of it.

We saw lights from inside, so there must be someone in there.

We all went inside, and, contrary to our expectations, the inside was big. It's 20 times larger than our living room back in our previous home. The walls and the floor were squeaky white. There was also a staircase leading upstairs at the corner. There was a fridge right beside the staircase, but it's quite small. This is weird because electronics don't exist in the Bronze and Silver Continent, only in the Golden and Platinum Continent do they exist. And in the case of the Golden Continent, they aren't even using electricity, they are using magic to fuel their electronics.

(Note: Yes, modern equipment exists in this world but only the two big continents have them. I'll explain later as to why that is)

Vane took out a folding bed from one of the backpacks they were carrying, and when he finished setting it up, he carefully laid Flare on top of it. Without the constant burden on his back, he could finally stretch and relax properly. He's been carrying her for four days so his back must be hurting.

They all dropped the bags they were carrying to the floor around the south-west part of the place.

Harry also put me down so that he could take a rest.

The fat teen immediately went to the small refrigerator, and when he opened it, he was so dazzled by something that he just stared at it and then screamed out of joy.

"Guys! Look at this thing! Even though it's small, it has tons of food inside it!"

Everyone looked at him, not believing his words they went to see it for themselves. And when they saw what's inside, they, too, were shocked because not only does it have tons of food, it has mountains of it! There were pastries, meat, cake, breads, donuts, beverages, and many more. Some can't even be found on this continent because as far as they know; Dragonic Caviar.

This kind of caviar comes from a fish that inherited a dragon's blood by chance and were able to continue on existing for generations. This fish is so rare that there were only 10 of them sighted for the last centuries, and the people hoarding those ten are a caviar company in the Platinum Continent. They can't even think of tasting one in their lifetime, and yet there are so many of them in here?

As Harry was about to grab a cup of it, someone threw a brick on his head and he fell on the ground, unconscious

"Hey brat, did you really think you could taste these caviars? Not a chance, my fishes made them so they are mine." A monotonous yet appealing female voice sounded, and they all turned to the location of the voice and saw a beautiful lady descending down stairs. Every move she made was graceful, her beauty, unparalleled, but her expression said another thing. She looked like a female ruffian, except she looks more like a noble woman. They are kind of in between.

"Are these your brats, Alex?"

Damon removed his black cloak and revealed a white suit with not a single sight of stain. He was as clean as the floor.

He then said, "Terra, long time no see," He bowed mockingly, "How's our future grand elder?"

"Stop with the jokes, and tell your brats to clean up upstairs. I don't want them dirtying everything they touch."

He just raised his arms and shook his head, "Couldn't you've been more gentler? He's a child for god sake!"

'What? Who is this woman?' I said in my thoughts as I stared at the scene in front of me.

[I don't know who that is but you have to be careful, Auguste, she's strong, the strongest person I have seen in this world so far] Tutorial bot said with a lot more cautiousness in his voice.

'How strong is she?' I asked.

[Imagine a dragon and then combine it with a leviathan]
