Chapter 13: “Gyaaaaaaaahh!!”

More time passed, and we quickly absorbed the knowledge given to us by Alexander. We learned about cultivation, rules of the Coexistence Sect, other races, and many more. Everyone finally started cultivating for real this time since Alexander gave them a manual for basic cultivation.

Now, it came to me as a shock, but did anyone know that nobody can cultivate without a cultivation method? Yeah, I just learned that and was shocked to realize that Vane didn't have a cultivation method when broke through all the levels of Mana Gathering in such a short time! Alexander said that Vane, without any cultivation manual to lean on, created his own cultivation method to suit his needs! And he did that in a matter of minutes, while most cultivators take up to a lifetime just to create their own methods to be passed on!

Vane is a cultivation prodigy not seen in many years! Even Terra had to agree to that, and that's big coming from her. She said that when the old fogies in the sect learns about Vane, he'll be treated like the most valuable creature in the whole world and try their best to have him as their disciple! At this point, I am even considering cultivating and tutorial bot was fast enough to stop me from picking up the manual. He said that I was going to my death if I cultivate, so with a lot of hesitations, I backed down and never touched the manual ever again.

While I would receive fame for being a "prodigy", I can't risk my life when I have a safer method of growing stronger. Not now, not ever.

I was the only one not cultivating due to Alexander banning me from doing it, along with tutorial bot unknowingly. He said that I was too young to cultivate, and Alexander had a point there since cultivation rotates the amount of mana inside the cultivator and turn it into an absorbing machine for mana. Most of the mana inside a cultivator is being used to absorb more mana from the world, and mana is the source of life for every being in the whole world. And if a toddler cultivates, he might as well commit suicide because the mana inside his body won't be enough to sustain himself.

Anyway, it's now March 20, and Flare has been awake since 3 days ago. She, of course, was too weak to walk or even stand up when she first woke up but Alexander and Flame has been helping her. They would feed her, help her go to the bathroom to do her, uh, business, and would bring her stuff to entertain herself. She was thankful to Alexander but used his alias "Damon", which we corrected over time.

She didn't know I was the one who gave her the medicinal pill because Alexander hasn't said anything about it to her, and that's fine. I didn't want any attention from her, I just wanted to repay Alexander back then since he was troubled by her condition. If it was any other time, I would've just left her to her fate. I am not a good person (Bold for a 2-year-old to say that) and I am definitely not a saint. If it wasn't for Alexander, she would've been a goner.

Since we four shared the same room, we have been chatting with each other about any topic, honestly. There's not much to do inside the safe house but we could always play in the tunnel, albeit with a need for light. Some of the older kids made torches to light up a small part of the tunnel but proved to be quite irresponsible on their part because the tunnel is a closed space and by lightening it with fire, it would only grow hotter inside.

While the tunnel is quite big, the torches still made it hot and most of them couldn't play in the tunnel. So they took down the torches and then used them to just light up the candle lamps, which now worked but it's still quite dark though they can still play.

I didn't want to play with them because for one, it's dangerous, and two, most of them are annoying. I'd rather stay in our shared room and talk with Flare all day than play with some kids.

Only Flare and I were left in the room because Vane was taken by Terra, saying that she will get a head start from those old fogies in the sect, and I now feel sorry for my dear friend, and Flame was being taught by Alexander about cultivation along with the other children.

I didn't go with them since I've got better things to do other than learning about cultivation, and it's reading books. Books have been a big part of my life so far and I'm not changing that for some shallow immortal techniques. Books are more important than cultivation or immortality, they could suck my small, little, baby wiener if they want me to cultivate mana because it's never happening.

"Oh jolly!" I sarcastically said when I finished the last of the books given to me by Vane, "Now what? I don't have any books to read… oh wait!" A sudden idea entered my head, and it's the best idea I've ever had!

I forgot that I had the goddamn [Shop]!

Then, tutorial bot's voice rang inside my head: [Hmm, so you want to buy books in the shop? Well, each and every one of them would cost you 100 KP or more, and I believe you are saving your Kill Points in case for emergencies]

Tch, you should've let me act upon this bad idea. So what? It's not like it's going to harm me in the future!

[Don't take the future lightly, Auguste. Many things could happen. What if Alexander gets a very terrible illness? What would you use to heal him? If you don't have Kill Points, you can't do anything as of currently. You are weak, pathetic, and also a toddler. Can't you grow stronger faster? I know many people that were stronger than you when they were your age!]

That's not possible! Even the most talented person in the world can't do that! (Albeit I don't really know anything about them, but still!).

[Your creator was already one of the strongest being the moment he was born! He CREATED YOU! You are the perfect creation he worked so hard to make! The least you can do is grow stronger, Auguste]

… Screw you, f*cking asshole. I'll become stronger once I can. The only thing I'm relying upon right now is my clones, and wasn't that his will? For me to stay idle while my clones do all the work for me? Don't worry, soon, very soon I will grow stronger. Five years, that's all I need. Heck, even a year is fine. In a year, I'll dispel all my clones and hunt for my own Kill Points. You don't have to worry about anything, tutorial bot.

[That better be the case]

Then he went silent. He left, just like that. What a f*cking prick!

As I sat on my bed, I heard Flare groan. I turned to look at her and saw that her mouth was moving but I couldn't hear her voice. She still has her eyes closed but her movements were becoming strange.

I jumped down from my bed and slowly approached her, and just as I reached the metal of her bunker bed, she suddenly grabbed me forcefully.

'Guh! She's strong!'

Then, like a teddy bear, she hugged me closely while she was still sleeping. With a smile, she said into my ear, "You're so fluffy, I'm going to rub you all day long~." And it creeped the heck out of me, so I started sneaking away but her grip on me was too strong for a recently comatose girl and I couldn't get out. As I tried getting away from her, she started rubbing her hands all over my body. I was cringing and I felt like I was being taken advantage by her.

I tried struggling more to get away from her grip, when her hands touched a certain no-no place of mine.

Tears came out of the corner of my eyes, and then with a hick, I screamed.
