So, uh, Alexander dragged me back to the safe house to scold me for hours, awakening my siblings, and further embarrassing me. He didn't ask me about the sudden occurrence of my strength and abilities, he just scolded me about how dangerous it was for me to go to a goblin village all on my own. He said that I should've brought him with me so that he could be sure I was safe.
Strange man, indeed…
Anyway, at the end of his 5-hour scolding, he just smiled at me, and said, "Now, don't take this to heart. You're a smart boy, Auguste, very smart, so you should know the reason why I am scolding you. Listen, I was just worried that something had happened to you. You have grown stronger, I see, but please have some worry about your safety. You are, after all, my son."
I just replied with, "I-I was ambushed by them, the goblins, while I was on my way to return to the safe house. There were fourteen of them, and one of them was a goblin mage. I killed them without getting injured but in my moment of victory, I saw nothing but arrogance and I went to their village with the original plan of destroying everything they have. But as I sat down to think about my victory, I realized that there were times when I could've died while fighting them. I saw my mistakes and learned from them. I am sorry, Alexander, but this won't happen next time. I promise."
Then he brought me to the room I and the other 3 shared, and said, "Sleep for the day, I'm sure you're very tired from your little adventure."
I was fortunate that I didn't have a normal parent. If I had, though, I would've been punished way harsher.
I was told to take a bath since I stink of sweat and goblin blood.
Soon, he left me in the room with Vane, Flame, and Flare. I was too tired to even talk to them, so I just laid my back against my bed and slept like a baby… well, I am a baby. They didn't bother me since they heard what I did, and knowing their roommate killed more than a dozen goblins is very concerning since something sketchy might've happened to my young mind. But I can assure them, I am as fine as a happy man. The goblins' deaths didn't bother me since my brain is wired to never care for the creatures I kill, and that's good considering I am going to be a f*cking god once I'm old enough.
(March 29, 4 In The Afternoon)
I woke up, feeling rejuvenated. I yawned while stretching my arms, as I opened the door by jumping a little since I'm shorter than the height of the doorknob.
I saw everyone scrambling about everything. They were chatting, holding baskets of laundries, playing, and even cultivating with others. They didn't mind me as I walked down the stairs, hungry for some food. Maybe I should eat a bowl of cereal? Yeah, I think I'll go with that. There is plenty of food anyway.
As I walked down the stairs, I noticed that most of my siblings are already able to control their mana. They all must've entered the first level of the Mana Gathering Stage. It might seem strange that Alexander is teaching children how to cultivate mana but since our next destination is the Coexistence Sect, it is only obligatory for us to cultivate because he said that it is illegal for a non-cultivator to enter the sect, unless they are a special person.
They usually call non-cultivators "mortals" since they think that they are immortals, but in reality, they only have longer life spans. The word "mortal" is defined as creatures who are still connected to death, and all of the cultivators in existence can still die by other means. For example, someone unexpectedly stabbed them through the heart and they die even though they are cultivators. That is mortality.
Mortals are intertwined with Death, so why should cultivators differentiate themselves from mortals when they, themselves, are mortals? It is arrogant to call themselves immortals when they can still die.
Even f*cking Imprisonment Cultivators can still die if wounded enough.
Hmm, but I guess they never read books. These cultivators are too busy finding opportunities to reach the next stage and become stronger than the others, while they can just enjoy life as it is.
Maybe I should curb the arrogance of these cultivators in the future? Heh, now I'm sounding arrogant.
I sat on the table on the ground floor, as I put down my bowl of cereal and bottle of milk. I poured the contents of the bottle of milk into my bowl of cereal, then ate it. It tasted divine, divine I tell you!
As I was about to take another spoonful of my cereal, somebody suddenly lifted me while saying, "You forgot to brush your teeth, clean your face, take a morning bath, and fix your bed. You're old enough to do that, Auguste." It was Alexander.
"C'mon, can't I just do that later? I'm eating my cereal here!" I said, disappointed that I couldn't eat my cereal when I wanted to.
"No can do, son. These morning routines will make you a proper adult in the future." He said as he carried me to the second floor's bathroom and then put me down.
"Now, be a good boy and do your morning routine. I have to do this too with your siblings. Thankfully, your sisters are good girls as they've already done their morning routine." He said to me, then promptly left.
Well, since I'm already here, I should just do what he told me to do. I swear, once I'm an adult, I'll make my own goddamn rules.
A few hours later…
It is now 6 PM.
I learned that the women I saved from the goblin village were taken in as our maids until they can properly live by themselves. Terra said that if they want to live here, then they would have to work for it. Fortunately, all of them are familiar with housework as they were, well, not to sound sexist, village women, all except for one; Bluesette.
I found out that Bluesette is quite the slob, since her life as an adventurer basically revolves around drinking and partying all night, and she then hunts monsters to pay for her debt in the bar where she drained all of their alcohol and beers all on her own. I am not one to judge, well except I am, but shouldn't she live a better life? Alcohol is bad for the liver, as I've read in a book.
Drinking gallons of it is especially bad, and could potentially result in liver cancer.
But that's her life, anyways I decided to ask a specific request to Alexander for something.
I went to his office on the fifth floor, and then knock three times on his door before hearing a shout, "Come in!"
I opened the door, and a room almost the same as he had back at the orphanage was in front of my eyes. It's… strange, to say the least. It's like I am back at the orphanage whenever I go to his office.
Two sofas were facing each other with a glass table in the middle. I sat on one of the sofas as Alexander asked me this, "So, what brings you to my office, Auguste?"
"If you don't mind, could you accompany me and Vane to the goblin village? I have some… unfinished business in there." I said, immediately getting straight to the point.
"Hmm, sure. This is a fine way to train Vane and you at the same time to real-life combat anyway. But are you sure you are ready to slaughter thousands of goblins for the sake of something so little? I am not criticizing you, I'm only saying that are you sure you're just going to slaughter them because a few of their kind decided to ambush you? You know that there are young, innocent goblins living there." He said, his tone getting serious.
I nodded immediately, and said, "They do the same to other creatures; it is only right that they taste their own medicine. If they beg me for their lives, then they would be nothing but hypocrites! Besides, they might attack us if they found out about our existence. It's better safe than sorry."
Alexander smiled, and said, "You are not wrong, Auguste, but I warn you not to show the same hate for the goblins in the Sect because some goblins are also living with us there. Most of them are kind, and I'm even friends with one! So don't hate goblins, it Is just the teachings of others that made them that way. But I'm not going to stop you from killing them, but please, if you see any baby goblin, refrain from killing them as much as possible."
"Then is it okay that we go out at 10 of the night? That way they won't know about us until it's too late." I said.
"Sure, now go and enjoy some time with your siblings. I'm just going to take some stuff to prepare ourselves for our little adventure. Oh, and you and Vane can take all of their treasuries once we're done with them. I heard they have golds and magical weapons in their village!" He said, happy for some reason.
He is, indeed, a weird man. He treats this soon-to-be-massacre like we're going on a vacation.