So, after all of that, Alexander and I looted the place. I took all of the equipment in their armory, and I found a lot of short swords, shields, armors that only fit goblins, and bows and arrows. There were also bombs there, and I took them all into my storage ring. I also found a lot of gems that weren't ruined by the destruction I caused, and Alexander said that these gems can fetch up to 50GN in the auction house in the Sect.
We also found a lot of ores like gold and silver.
We took everything we could find and left the destroyed goblin village through the tunnel.
In addition, he told me the reason he was gone from most of the fight; he was rescuing the young goblins. He took them away from the village, put them to sleep, and came back after seeing a 200 feet tall hulking figure bashing me from the sky.
He apologized to me for being late to help me but it was fine since I completely forgot about not killing the goblin children. I decided not to tell him that I almost killed the baby ogre.
Speaking of the baby ogre, he took it with us along with the many goblin children. They were, of course, rightfully mad at me. They even threw rocks at me! But I let it go since I was the one who took everything from them anyway.
Alexander plans to send them to the sect by using a teleporting talisman, which only works for the Coexistence Sect. And since there are goblins in the sect, this is a very good idea.
(Date: April 6, Year 1335)
A week passed since I slaughtered those goblins and destroyed their village, and everything's been a bit better knowing that there is no longer any known threat to my family at the moment.
Me and Vane got along a lot better, along with Flame and Flare since we stay in the same room. We have this game where we create small human replicas with our mana and control them to fight or build something. I was the one who thought of this game because I was bored from reading too many books.
Nothing interesting happened this week. I bought books from the [Shop], in which I found out that whenever I finish reading a book I bought from the [Shop] I would get a boost of [Mana] stat, around 10 percent for every book. In this week only, I read around 30 books to boost my [Mana] by 300 percent!
I'm a fast reader.
I currently have [511,000] Power Levels, which is a huge boost for me. The only problem is that I cannot read the same book twice and get another boost, it doesn't work that way. There's also a limited amount of books in the [Shop] which is a huge disappointment for me. But the books are great, almost all of them give me an existential crisis whenever I finish them.
They talk about how vast and big the universe is, and they take the time to explain what is a universe. Now, there are no books about the universe or the galaxies, or any kind of space stuff in this world. Because, for some reason, they don't exist yet. With all the technologies that Platinum Continent and the Golden Continent have, they still haven't made it to space. There is no explanation for why that is, and that really confuses me.
And that got me thinking; what if someone is hiding the truth from the public? No one knows anything about the universe that we live in, heck they don't even know we live on a solar system! I asked Alexander all about what I learned, and I even gave him a book from the [Shop]!
He said that this knowledge is new to him. He also said that whenever some kind of object, or person, flies too close to the end of the sky, they suddenly fall. The sky was the limit for every cultivator in the world, he said, and no one knows how to reach past it.
So, something is indeed up with this world. The books from the [Shop] gave me a lot of explanation as to how the universe formed, and how it would reach its end someday. But even then, the universe is alive, it is a sentient being that grows infinitely. It is invincible, yet it is also frail. Its only weakness is time. The books explained all sorts of stuff that I didn't know before, and I was shocked to learn so many things.
There are big metal objects that can fly in the sky with a lot of people in it, rockets that can be built for space exploration, and then planets that vary from the weirdest to the most dangerous. The books explained how there are other beings out there in the space that lives without mana, and only used their intelligence to grow into a worldwide super-organism. They conquered the land and seas, cancer, diseases, and even went against physics itself by creating weapons of mass destruction.
Those weapons, the nuclear bombs, can destroy a whole continent in a matter of minutes!
I was filled with all the amazing stuff that those books provided me with. I saw even more "Earthly Stuff", as they were called, in the [Shop]. I bought these recorders that sang me great music! But I heard from tutorial bot that the singers of these songs are underappreciated, and most of the time, they are taken advantage of by other people.
I heard songs from other languages they have, and many of them were beautiful.
The songs they had, had this poetic feeling into it while adding great beats as they sang their hearts out. Most of the songs I heard from the village back then are mostly traditional. They were just singing without the feelings and the emotions needed.
I wish I had known the things about Earth earlier. Their culture, ideologies, and even how they traveled past the heavens, were beautiful. Some were bad, and some were good. Maybe, someday, I'll visit this planet "Earth". Someday, when I'm strong enough.
I laid there, on my bed, dreaming about all the things that Earth showed me. I fantasized, walking down the streets of Earth, sipping on these things they call "Latte" and while eating some expensive donuts.
It must be nice to live on Earth…
(Later, I would cringe whenever I remember saying this in my head)
(Scene Change)
Faster than the blink of an eye, it was May 1 already. I dispelled all of the clones working on my [Training], and got a huge power boost! My power level had reached 1,120,000! I'm so f*cking strong, right now! Each one of my punches can destroy a whole building in a sec! Don't worry, I tested that theory by destroying what's left of the goblin village.
My ego was boosted by my strength, but when I later saw Vane… already at Level 8 of the Rainbow Core Stage… sh*t! Nobody likes an overachiever, Vane!