Caring for others I do not know is foolish.
I learned that lesson after Delia died. I cared so much for her, and yet, in the end, she dumped a lot of mysteries and work for me to do. For example, the part about my second blood, my father's blood, is that it's smelly, wild, and animalistic.
I don't know about other people, but do you know how little that narrows it down?
There are so many species that are smelly, wild, and animalistic! How can I find my father's family, when I don't even know which race or species of people they are!? They could be demi-humans, or, my bio father's mother got a little funky with some animal and got impregnated by it!
Ignore that last part.
I sighed as I lied down on my bed, stressing about every little thing in my life.
I decided not to think about that anymore, and thought about the upcoming event next week; the rank battles.
In a week, there will be a competition to decide the 10 teams of disciples that will enter the rank battles. And then those teams will compete with each other, and the first team to get the highest points after the time runs out will be the ones to advance to C-Class.
I'm planning on joining and advancing to C-Class. If I become a C-Class disciple, then I won't get kicked out of the sect even if my "cultivation" hasn't made any advancement. I could probably become an A-Class Disciple right now, but I don't want to attract too much attention from the wrong people.
As I said before, there is a hierarchy in the disciples within the sect, aside from the ranks.
The more resources a disciple owns, the greater they are. Most of them are nephews and nieces of the high-ranking members of the sect, and almost all of them are gigantic assh*les. I know that because a lot of disciples have been talking bad about them behind their backs, and I heard them.
They said that these disciples have been kicking other disciples down on the rank ladders so that no one could get more resources than them, and they do that by bribing other rank teams to attack them during the rank battles. Most of the time, they have a specific target and that's why I don't want to gather any attention from any of them.
There are two things they will do once I became popular:
1. They will try to recruit me into their little groups.
2. I'll decline their offer and they will do everything in their power to get rid of me.
It's just annoying, and if I kill them, some elder might get pissed and try to attack me. I know Alexander will protect me but, even then, he is but a Soul Detachment Cultivator and all of the elders in the sect are in the Nascent Soul Stage. Even if he entered his vampire form and beat all of them, he will become nothing but a mindless monster since his vampiric genes are slowly erasing his mind.
Entering his vampire form will just make it progress faster.
That's why, if I want to advance into the ranks, then I'll have to grow stronger than I am now so that I could protect myself and my family!
Hmm, I have Christopher, who can teach me about magic, I only need someone that can teach me martial arts. I only rely on dirty tricks since I don't have any fighting style, and even though my power level is through the roof, Soul Detachment Cultivators can still kill me, heck, even an experienced Rainbow Core cultivator could kill me!
A higher power level doesn't mean that I can fight those that have lower power levels. Skills and experience play an important factor in a fight, and thinking that a power level is absolute is ignorance.
After an hour of thinking and lying down on my bed, I got bored.
So I went to Vane's house, around a few hundred houses away from mine.
Every house in district 8 looks the same, and the entire district looks like an illusion of how similar all the houses look.
It's like staring at a never-ending stream of the same house, over and over again.
It weirds me out but since this is the only place where I could live, I'll endure it for now. I'll probably move to district 7 once I win the rank battles to advance to C-Class, I hope that it's different there.
I arrived at his house a few minutes later, by using my wind magic to fly.
I landed on his courtyard and knocked on his door a few times.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
Vane opened the door and was delighted to see me. He wore a bathrobe and let his white hair down while trying to use wind magic to dry his hair. Yes, he has learned wind magic a bit and was able to do it in such a short time. It might be because he is talented that he was able to learn it.
"Auguste, I almost didn't see you. I'm surprised that you're not busy cultivating. Every disciple here is always trying to advance into the next level of cultivation, like, can't they enjoy life a bit, right?" He said.
I smiled at his joke, and said, "Yeah, some guy just got himself killed earlier from cultivating too much."
"Heh, did you at least help him though?" He asked.
"Nah, can't be bothered to help a stranger," I replied.
A bit of uncomfortable silence occurred between us, and then he said after a few seconds, "Why don't you come in first before any chatting? I have to prepare my dinner, would you like some?"
"Yes, please."
Then I entered his house, and somehow, just somehow, his house was a lot different than mine. First of all, it is cleaner than mine for some reason, and second, he has a larger bed. Why can't I have a larger bed? I want to roll around my bed and jump on it without falling because it is too small, DAMN IT!
"Make yourself at home." He said, then went to his kitchen to cook his dinner.
I sat on his sofa, and there was a glass table in front of me, I don't have that in my house. How come he could get this kind of stuff?
A few minutes later in his house, I got bored and started reading a book that I took out of my storage ring.
Then, I heard Vane say, "I'll be there in a sec, just finished cooking some baked macaroni with cheese, spaghetti, fried chicken, ham sandwich and hotdog sandwich, and some side dishes."
… How the f*ck did he cook so many dishes in a few minutes!? Is he also some kind of cooking genius!? How multi-talented is this guy!? Wow, maybe I should come by here every day to get multiple homemade meals for myself.
When Vane got out of the kitchen, carrying 2 trays full of food, I smelled heaven. The aroma of the food just smelled delicious!
"Wow, I didn't know you were also a cook!" I said.
He put down the two trays, and said, "Heh, maybe. I had to learn how to cook since I am, after all, living alone. Anyway, let's dig in."
I saw four big bowls full of spaghetti, baked macaroni, fried chicken, rice, and two plates also full of sandwiches.
I drooled a bit, and then shoved a hotdog sandwich to my mouth.
After some time, we finished eating the food he cooked, and my stomach looked a bit bloated since I didn't stop eating until all of it was gone.
I was putting the plates into the sink, when I asked him, "By the way, where is Cordelia?"
"Oh, she's with Flare. It's her time with Cordelia this week, remember?"
The 3 of us, Flare, him, and I, devised a plan of what to do with the baby.
Every week, we would give Cordelia to the other, and then back again, like a cycle. That way, the baby can't disturb our lives that much
Alexander would've been able to take care of her, but he left the sect after our second week in the sect for a long-term mission that the sect gave to him.