Chapter 56: An Annoying Celebration

I sighed, and said, "So, why are you guys in my house again?"

Looking at my teammates- Alice, Scarlet, and Randy, I was rightfully annoyed because they showed up in the middle of the night, around 6 PM, when I was just getting ready to make my dinner.

Randy scratched his cheek nervously, and said, "W-Well, we thought that we could throw a party celebration since, you know, we won the first round of the tournament!"

"And what does that have to do with you guys coming to my house, exactly?" I asked, tired of this.

Scarlet pouted, and said, "You're such a party pooper, Auguste! Just for once, have fun!"

I looked at her, dead in the eyes, as I said, "Do you know how much I have trained for the past month? My master has pushed me to my limit every single day without any breaks. This is the only time I could rest because next week, I will have to train harsher than you guys do! So, for the love of god, leave me in peace!"

Alice turned to look at them, and said, "S-See? I-I said that we s-shouldn't disturb h-him."

"Shush, be quiet," Scarlet said, and I was instantly annoyed, "Look, we brought all of this so that we can celebrate on our first victory, at least have the common decency to accept us in your house with warmth."

She gestured to the plastic bags she brought, which were full of vegetables and meat that they haven't cooked.

Rubbing my forehead, I said, "And all of you should also have the common decency to celebrate somewhere else instead of my house!"

I might sound harsh but I'm really tired here. I can't be bothered to deal with their celebration party for our first win because, first of all, we will have to wake up at 6 IN THE MORNING to get to the meeting place early.

The meeting place is bigger than the stadium we fought on; it's basically just a bigger stadium with more space to fit five teams in a single stage to fight. And it's quite far from District 8, because it is stationed near the place where the rank battles will begin.

As I was staring at them, annoyed, Alice looked at me, barely restraining herself from crying, and said, "B-But A-Auguste, c-can't we j-just celebrate l-like normal t-teammates?"

Please don't give me that look, that's my only weakness! Please!

I tried to tore my vision from her, but I could only sigh as I said, "Fine! Just for one hour, I'll let you guys celebrate in my house!"

In the end, her adorable stare only made me agree to their unreasonable request. Well, it's not like it's THAT bad that I'll have to kick them out of my house.

Ugh, I hate myself sometimes.

"Yay! Finally, Auguste gave in!" Scarlet said, making herself comfortable in my sofa… in my f*cking sofa! That's my heavenly throne! That sofa is one of my most precious belongings!

I wanted to explode on her but I didn't want to be rude to her since she's Alice's friend, and, by extension, my acquaintance.

I sighed, getting really tired of this, and said, "Can we just get over this? Cook the food, celebrate, and then leave."

"You're so grumpy every time we meet you, you should loosen up a bit," Scarlet said to me.

I wanted to smile at her, and say, "How can I not, when you're here?" But I didn't, that's a bit disrespectful.

Randy took out a small cauldron filled with chopped beef, and said, "Hmm, how do I cook cream beef soup again?"

Am I hallucinating? Because I am currently seeing red all over my vision.

Ah, no, I'm just extremely angry at the moment.


(Moments Later)

I decided to play along and stopped minding the little things.

In the end, they will leave me alone soon. Yeah, just a few minutes from now, they will leave.

Randy's cooking wasn't so bad, for a beginner, that is. I still tried to enjoy it even though there was some burnt meat.

I'm not one to judge but if you're a teen, please learn how to cook. It Is essential for living.

"Yeah! Remember that one guy I kicked in the balls? I heard he's still in the sect's hospital, trying to repair his balls! Turns out, he's a lion demi-human and has been kicked out of the pride since he's so pathetic! All of them are lion demi-humans, and have been thrown out of their respective prides because they were so useless!" Scarlet said while shoving a mouthful of rice and beef into her mouth.

For a young lady, she sure is brutish.

"I-I think y-you shouldn't t-talk bad a-about them b-behind their b-backs, Scarlet. I-It's disrespectful," Alice said, trying to teach something into the fiery girl.

"Yeah, yeah, but they won't hear me anyways, so what's so bad for talking behind their backs? It won't hurt them," Scarlet reasoned.

I sighed, and said, "All right, since all of you are already finished, please leave and take the dirty plates to your respective houses and wash them on your own. Trust me, I'm not going to be somebody's dishwasher any time soon."

"But I'm still eating, so let's wait a little," She said.

"No, go eat that in your house. I'm not going to wait for you to finish your food." I was stubborn, I had to be so that I could rest soon.

I am really considering whether forming a team with them was a good decision or not. They are a bit annoying, except for Alice. Alice is a good and nice girl, unlike Scarlet who's so boisterous and has the temper of a tiger.

"Hmph, fine!" Scarlet said as she started to fix after herself.

"I-I'll do m-my own, t-too," Alice said, standing up to put her plate into a plastic bag.

Scratching the back of his head, Randy said, "Can I wash my plates here? The water in my house has already broken, the caretaker said that they will send someone to fix it tomorrow."

"Fine, just clean after." I said, then stood up to lay on my bed a little, leaving my plate on the table for me to wash it later.

The good thing about living alone is that no one can tell me what to do in my house. Why? Because it's my house, I'm the boss here!

But I'm kind of bored in here, there's literally nothing to do. I just wish I had the electronics from Earth, like the object they call "Phone" or something. I would love to watch videos there but, unfortunately, this world has not made anything like that yet. It might undergo a great change once the internet is created.

Honestly, I fear the thing they call "Internet" in Earth. It has so much power that no one can control it. If they make things like Sentient A.I's, it could take over the entire world in a snap!

I fear that, one day, this world I'm living in would create the internet, spreading it over to all ignorant people who would probably use it for their own monetary gain.

As I was thinking, I heard tutorial bot say: [You know, I can give you a phone that is inter-dimensionally connected to Earth's internet but you'll have to give me ten million Kill Points for that. Would you like to take a loan and buy it?]

I sighed, 'No thanks, I don't want to take a loan from you. Your interests are way too high.'

I heard an audible, "Tch," from him.