Chapter 84: Answers

As I sat down in front of my master in the living room, a maid put down a cup of tea for him and a glass of milk for me.

Nodding, Yule dismissed the maid with a wave of his hand, and his expression changed.

"We sent Alexander to the borderlands, where the climate is always winter, to investigate about the countless magic beasts that exists there, and if necessary, he will have to hunt one if it's rare or uncommon," He said, waiting for my response.

"The borderlands? As in the border that surrounds the four continents? I thought that no life exists in there," I said, a bit confused.

He nodded, and continued, "It's understandable that you don't know about any of that, since all books containing information about the borderlands in the library has been tampered so that no one can find out about it. Yes, life exists in the borderlans, but not in the same way how life exists in the four continents and in the sea. Every creature in the borderlands is wild and untamed, and not only that, they are capable of mass destruction if unleashed in the continents. Simply put it, only creatures like us, dragons, can contend with their strongest. Thankfully, they haven't taken notice of our presence but we believe that it's only a matter of time before they do."

My face, full of disbelief, as I said, "And you sent Alexander there…? Are you guys mad!? How could he survive something like that!?"

"It was important for research, and your father figure agreed with that. The sect gave a lot of resources to Alexander, and he owed us a debt. When he returned, we decided that he must repay that debt and sent him with a party of 20 to the borderlands. This is just a test, and, as harsh as I may sound, all twenty of them were expendable. We had equipped them with equipment that will record their findings to us if they somehow die, and half of them were killed by the magic beasts that lives there," He said with his voice growing more and more impassive.

With each passing of his words, I was growing angry. It was showing very evidently on my face as I glared at the man I call my master, my teacher, for sending one of my most precious family member to certain death.

"Master…" I growled, holding a look that said, 'Choose your next words wisely.'

"I perfectly understand why you are angry, Auguste, and I hold no blame for you on that. And I am not going to make any excuses as to why I sent him there, it would be insulting to you. In the ten people that had died, your father figure was thankfully not one of them. But here comes a problem; approximately 15 days ago, we had lost contact with Alexander as he was engaged in a battle with two highly-dangerous foes, an adult frost titanoboa and a gigantus azure bear,"

"How did you know that?" I asked, as I did not know how it was possible for them to know what exact beasts Alexander was fighting.

"When he was fighting the two, he had another person with him, whom died while trying to help him. Unfortunately, the tracker we had on Alexander was lost after the fight. Though, I can certainly say that he hasn't died yet, if he did, then the recordings of his findings would've been with us," He said, and took a sip of his tea.


I stood up and floated above him with the use of my wind magic, as I glared down at the man I call my teacher.

"If he dies, it's on you and the entire sect. I promise you, I won't stop at nothing trying to tear this sect apart if he dies!" I boldly vowed in front of the patriarch.


After sipping his tea for a bit, he put it down on the table, and then calmly said, "If you want, I can send a couple elders to rescue him. It would be a waste for the sect if one of its most talented disciple goes rogue." He showed no fear of me, as I know he would. He is too powerful for me at the moment.

Calming down a little, I sat down, and said, "Then that's good, do it. He is too important for me to lose."

"Understandable. I would've no doubt done the same if my daughter got lost. Tomorrow, I will order the first and second elder to go search for Alexander. I assure you, we will find him, no matter the cost. Now, go back to sleep. You need as much rest as possible since the tournament will start a day from now, at midnight, May 18, Monday," Said he.

I nodded, albeit a bit hesitantly, and said, "Alright."

(Scene Change)

Fast forward a day later, midnight, 3 AM, all ten teams stood in the middle of the stadium as many citizens from the city came to watch their fight.

The lights shone upon us, its dazzle blinding us, as the people cheered for their chosen teams.

"Woohoo!! All ten teams have assembled, and now we're all ready for the party! Who's with me!" Arsus, the announcer, yelled as loud as possible.

The people cheered louder, and I would lie if I'm not a bit embarrassed since I've never had this much attention directed towards me… Well, us, I guess.

"We'll win this, right? Auguste?" Said Scarlet, fidgeting a bit.

"Of course," I said confidently, "I'm here, aren't I?"

Contrast to our previous uniform, this time, we were allowed to choose our own clothes. Randy wore his lab coat while wearing a black t-shirt and black pants under it, Alice wore a black robe with protective armor underneath it, and Scarlet wore her hooded shirt and red pants for the sake of normality.

I didn't dress up much, though, unlike the rest of them. I just put on the black skin-tight suit that I bought a year ago, and nothing more. The cool thing about this armor is that it can mold around my body. So, I can use it to cover all parts of my body to protect me much better, and let me tell you, when I have it in full-body mode, I look so badass.

Looking around, I noticed that all of the teams have separated and are talking in the corners, probably planning their approach later. Seeing that no one was around us, I said, "Randy, how much kilotons of bombs do you have?"

"Hmm, maybe around seven or eight. I didn't bother to count them since I almost overslept," He replied after thinking for a bit.

Scarlet deadpanned, "Really? An important event like this and you almost overslept?"

"Hey, don't blame me, blame my noisy neighbors! They were making out for the entire day!" He excused.

"Ew, gross. I can understand why now," Scarlet said, making a disgusted expression and a bit of sympathy for the bomb-loving guy.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep because I was up all day long, watching them through my telescope," Randy said like it's the most normal thing to do.

This time, we all deadpanned at the guy.

"Wow, can I take my sympathy back? I know it was just a little, but please can I have my sympathy back?" Scarlet said, her sarcasm shooting over the roof.

"Hmph, you don't know what it's like to have no sex life! Almost all disciples over the age of 12 already have boyfriends and girlfriends, but look at me, just a lonely 15 years old, who jacks off to dirty mags!" Randy confessed the tip of the darkness within him.

I sighed, and said, "This is getting us nowhere. Scarlet, I know you're disgusted by his behavior, but please hide your expression, it's probably hurting the virgin more. And you, Randy, stop spilling the disgusting things you did! Like, c'mon man, you're only embarrassing yourself, and confessing it to a 10-year old is not going to fix anything!"

Randy, a bit taken aback, said, "Now that you phrase it that way, it's more revolting than anything."

"Good. Now, what are you guys going to do? Alice is proficient with fire magic and healing magic, while Scarlet is more like a fighter, and Randy just throws special bombs."

Alexander, back then, taught Alice how to use light magic but she can only use healing magic, which is fine more than anything. Fire and Healing Light magic are her innate attribute, and that makes them a dangerous combination. She could heal while using her fire magic both at the same time, if she can get used to elemental dual wielding.

Elemental Dual Wielding is exactly as it sounds; wielding two elements at the same time. It's common for users of magic to use this, but it's hard to get used to it due to the fact that you'll have to divide your attention and multitasked.

Me? I can wield as many elements as I can since I am, after all, biologically perfect