Chapter 89: Rest

I thought my teammates would've defeated them by now, but I guess not. It's still unfair that Scarlet is the only one fighting all three of them with each of them being as strong as her, and Randy and Alice aren't exactly the fighter types. I'll probably have to teach them how to fight and how to support the team better in the future.

While I really hate to say this, especially to my sweet Alice, the two of them are extremely useless right now. Randy is only good for wide-range attacks and luring opponents, while Alice can only heal and fire fireballs, but that's it. Randy cannot use his bombs, the wide-ranged attacks, because it might hurt his teammates, which is us, and Alice hasn't had proper training with her healing and fire magic.

And most of all, they cannot fight melee battles properly. Most of the time, opponents would save their mana for bigger surprises and use their weapons to fight their enemies, and these two would've been obliterated if they met one of the stronger teams like the Combat Kings. I need them to be capable of battling stronger opponents since it might just save their lives one of these days.

Anyway, when I arrived there, I saw Scarlet and the brown-haired guy clash for a bit before they retreated to their own teams. I gotta say, Scarlet is a tad bit too strong for a 10-year-old, but that would be ironic if I said that since I am just 4 years old and already capable of destroying empires with a single cleave of my weapon.

I decided to take my entrance, and said, "Since Vinir has been defeated by yours truly, you three are all that's left of your team, and I know just how weak all of you are."

My smug tone and arrogant voice were clearly perfect, but they ignored that perfection as the brown-haired teen said, "A toddler? So you must be this team's ace! And what do you mean you've defeated Vinir!? He is unstoppable once he enters that form!"

I snorted, and then said, "Unstoppable my ass! A single mana-enhanced slap was more than enough to take him out."

"Impossible! That's simply impossible! You're lying!" It seems like the brown-haired guy is in denial.

"Believe whatever you want, I just told you the truth. Now, nighty-night!" I disappeared, and, in a flash, I was behind them and the three fell to the dirt. They disappeared as soon as they were knocked out.

Counting our points, it should be around [97] now. Right now, we have the highest amount of points and we could just basically wait until the others have defeated each other and we'll just target the winner.

I turned to look at Scarlet, and I softly smiled at her as I said, "Good job holding on for this long, Scarlet."

Her face turned into the same color of her face, and she turned her head away out of embarrassment, as she said, "D-Don't suddenly tell me something like that, stupid!" Then, she fidgeted as she muttered, "But thank you anyway…"

He's really weirded out by Scarlet's sudden change of personality. First, she would smother him, then she would act like she's in a Rom-Com and turn all blush and like, then she would get angry at him, then she would act cute and mutter something. It's confusing! Are all girls like this?

Alice had this sad look on her face and walked towards me, then she said, "I-I apologize f-for not b-being u-useful t-to the t-team, A-Auguste."

I floated to her head-level, and ruffled her hair, and said, "Don't worry about that. I told you guys from the beginning that you don't have to do anything. In fact, I should be the one apologizing for making you guys fight. But now… don't worry, I can confidently say that no one is a threat to us anymore on this battlefield. We just have to wait."

"Wait?" Randy asked as he came closer.

I nodded, and elaborated, "If we just wait, the other teams would eventually fight with each other, and once there's only one team left, we could just swoop all of their points after defeating them. We have the entire week for ourselves here, and I have more than enough rations in my storage ring to last us a year here. So, what do you say?"

*Grumble* *Grumble* *Grumble*

All three of them all had their stomachs make noises, and they all smiled sheepishly.

"I guess we can take a break for a moment, but not before finding a great base for hiding," I said, then I looked around. The entire area around us is basically just trees after trees, so I decided to bring my team somewhere. Somewhere where the other teams won't check.

The depths of the ocean.

(Scene Change)

I carried them all with my wind magic and was also able to experience the feeling of flying.

"This is fun!!" Randy yelled as flapped his arms in the air, to look more like a bird.

"Y-Yeah!! T-This i-is my f-first t-time d-doing this!" Alice said, trying not to get scared of the height.

"Woohoo!! Are you guys feeling this? This is the best Waahoo!" Scarlet, though, was spinning in the air as I controlled their flight.

I simply smiled at their immature actions, and continued to go towards the ocean's end. This is a dimensional box, so there must be an end. If we could reach, we should be able to get far away from the other teams.

Though, as we flew, I didn't notice something in front of us…

*Pang!* *Pang!* *Pang!* *Pang!*

We all hit our heads into the invisible barrier in front of us.

"F*ck!" Randy cursed as he rubbed his hurting head.

"T-That h-hurt…" *Sniff* Alice also rubbed her head to at least ease the pain.

"Owie. Why didn't you warn us, Auguste?" Scarlet said, seemingly enduring the pain.

I rubbed my forehead, and said, "Do you think I would've hurt myself if I knew there was an invisible barrier right in front of us? God, this hurts!"

She just shrugged, and said, "Fair, I guess."

The audience outside must be laughing their ass off by now. Tch, I'll get my revenge on them someday, especially to my master.

Anyway, I looked around, and saw that the island was a bit far away from us right now. So, I used my earth magic to raise a platform on top of the water, and we all landed there. And with that, I built walls to surround us and then we all sat down.

Randy, still rubbing his head, said, "So, uh, the food…?"

"Don't rush, I have it all with me. What do you guys want? A steak? Chicken Fillet? Fish Fillet? Spaghetti? Bacon and Egg? Roasted Chicken? Roasted Pig? Just ask me for anything, and I'll serve it," I said with a hint of boasting in my voice. The reason I have all this food with me is because the servants helped me prepare the food the day before the tournament. All of the maids were great cooks, and were able to cook all of this in just one day. Of course I didn't let them do this for free even when they wanted to. I gave them a ton of gold for compensation. That's a lot of money, especially in the Coexistence City or outside of the sect. If they get their vacation days, they could go out of the sect to spend their wealth.

"I'll pick the roasted pig, please!" Randy said.

"I-I w-want t-the s-spaghetti, A-Auguste," Alice sweetly said.

"Hmm, give me all types of fillet, bacon and egg, and for dessert, chocolate banana!" Scarlet said, trying to get as many foods as possible.

"Okay, coming right up! Oh, and Scarlet, I'll only give you chicken and fish fillet, no bacon and egg or dessert," I said as I raised an earth table in front of us.

"Aw, c'mon!"