Chapter 92: Helia Farnus

Around us, I saw the teams that were defeated by us. High Kings, White Tigers, Silent Monarchs, and the Mage Emperors. Vinir was with them though he wore the robe of the patients of the sect's hospital. He waved his left hand at me while smiling.

I tensed a bit but realized that this guy is probably weak right now. He won't be able to do anything.

He approached me, as he said, "Auguste, it's good that you won," He stopped in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked cautiously.

"It's about what happened a few days ago in the Rank Battles. I apologize for showing such behaviors, it was unbecoming of the Avanir Clan's heir. You see, whenever I enter that form, the Akasha Arts, my pride shoots through the roof. To this day I still don't know why that happened but nonetheless, it is currently my biggest weakness and shame. I would just like you to forgive me," The teen bowed, apologizing.

Feeling a bit awkward since the guy was so polite about it, I said, "That's, uh, fine. It's not like I am holding it against you."

He heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Truly? Then you have my gratitude. My clan will give you their support as you are the Patriarch's Disciple, and I say this as the Avanir's Heir."

This guy's a bit… formal? I'm not used to these kinds of things. It's like I'm some kind of noble, oh, wait, I am. I am the Patriarch's only Disciple, like, the only one in the entire sect. So, is this going to happen with every meeting with Clan Heirs now?

Anyway, now I feel a bit proud that my plan worked out at the end. What plan, you might ask? I wanted to let the other teams show their prowess, that's why I left the Combat Kings, Ultimate Emperors, and the White Tigers alone. And also, because they were not enemies outside of the rank battles. They are neutral to each other if we're talking about clans. And thankfully, none of them died, and unfortunately, the Combat Kings are currently suffering in pain because of me. But that should end soon; I already gave them Rejuvenation Pills after all.

"Anyway, Auguste, is it? Auguste, let's meet up sometimes to hang out. Does Saturday sound good?" He said, a bit too carefree this time.

After thinking about it, I said, "Sunday. We'll meet up on Sunday."

He nodded, "Then Sunday it is. We'll meet up right in front of the Divine Garden Restaurant, and I'll bring some friends. I won't mind if you do too. Anyway, I have to go now, I'll see you then," Vinir promptly joined the rest of the disciples, taking out a communication talisman and talking. Probably a call from his clan.

It seems like my master is still readying what he's going to do after looking around a bit. I decided to wait, seeing that I won't be able to do anything for a bit. Scarlet and Alice were too busy talking to each other while Randy was trying to… flirt? Yeah, he was flirting with the females in the teams we defeated. I didn't even know that it was possible for a loner like him to flirt with girls.

I took out a pocket book which contains a love story. I'm not really fond of romance but I sometimes find it heartbreaking. This pocket book is about an unrequited love of a man who gave everything.

As I continued to read, I didn't notice how the time passed before I heard my master's voice.

"Auguste, come here," I looked up from my book, and saw my master in the middle of the stadium, gesturing for me to come to him.


I simply vanished from my position, and reappeared right beside my master. My teammates also came with me, though they were nervous from all the attention coming towards them.

"Act cool," I whispered to them.

"How?" Randy whispered back.

"I don't know, just act cool. It's what I do whenever I'm nervous."

"Got it." He absolutely didn't get it.

I looked at my master as he announced, "Team Heroes will receive many rewards for coming in first place in the Rank Battles, with the Team Combat Kings coming in second place, but they are currently not available at the moment. Anyway, the rewards for first place will be: Elite-Grade Weapons, Rainbow Core pills, Cultivation, Martial Arts, and Spell manuals from the C-Class Library, and beast companions."

For a second, I heard the entire stadium quieted down. Of course I know why, and that's because of when he said, "Beast Companions". Beast Companions are extremely rare because it is hard to domesticate the beasts that exist in this world. But the sect does have a stock of them somewhere here, but they would only give them out in tournaments, specifically, those in the B-Class and up. But to give out Beast Companions in a D-Class Rank Battles is simply unheard of!

The sect only has a few hundreds of Beasts that have been domesticated and are ready to be companions of demi-humans or humans. To make domesticated beasts, they have to kidnap them right from when they were just young. Then, they would be trained by beast trainers for the rest of their lives until someone picks them up. It doesn't have to be mentioned but they are being fed well in their cages safely, so it's not like they're getting the bad end of the stick here.

But those things won't just make an entire stadium quiet down, no, it takes much more than that. The Beast Companions that are given out by the sect are beasts that came from powerful magical beasts such as the winged lion, griffin, thunder zebra, fire salamanders, etc. Only a few magical beasts gain intelligence when they gain the ability to use mana.

They get these Beast Companions from the magical beasts they've tamed in the forest above. Though I say "tamed" , those magical beasts can only take orders from the sect when they are fed with food. Some of them are intelligent so they sometimes trade young beasts to the sect for food and resources. But when those young beasts are too difficult to be Beast Companions for the disciples, they are to be returned but the sect won't take the resources back as that's simply a d*ck move.

It's not like they give much anyway.

Anyway, after a few minutes or so, the entire stadium erupted in applause and cheering. I don't know why they're doing that though, it's unnecessary. It's not like they're the ones receiving those Beast Companions.

"Please be quiet," My master politely said, amplifying his voice with mana so that everyone could hear him

The audience quieted down after that.

"I'm not just going to give them Beast Companions, but I'll also be giving the first place winners one-thousand points each. It would help them in the C-Class district, greatly so," He said, announcing our last rewards.

"And now, as you may all know, Auguste is my one and only disciple at the moment. It disappoints me that only one voted for him, and that one voter wasn't even an adult, it was just a child. For a child to have more foresight than the adults in here is simply astounding, and disappointing. I expected many of you to vote for him since, as his master, I feel that my disciple deserves more. But that's in the past and nothing can be done about it. For now, I call Helia Farnus to come down here to the stage," He said.

Looking around, I was curious as to who this child is. Maybe the child is the offspring of strong cultivators or something. Either way, I am a bit thankful that they voted for me, even though I hated what my master did, revealing my identity to people.

As I was looking around, I saw a child, no older than me, wearing clothes that were obviously too big for her. She arrived from behind the disciples, walking down the stairs, as I saw the guards chasing her.

Narrowing my eyes, as they were about to capture the child, I vanished. I reappeared right in front of them, and said, "Why were you chasing her?"