Chapter 97

I saw another man in his early twenties. His long green hair was the definition of grace and elegance, his slanted sharp red eyes were the mirror to his unambiguous soul, and his white turtleneck suit simply blended in with his appearance.

He approached us, Avian specifically, as he says, "Ah, bonjour ma douce, Avian! It's been a long time since we met, haven't we, my fiancé?"

Hmm, a bit surprising that someone from the Bronze Continent could learn the language of one of the countries in the Platinum Continent.

A bit annoyed, Avian asked, "What are you doing here, Verte?"

"Mademoiselle, it's been months and this is how you treat your future husband? Yet, even with your coldness, mais mon cœur brûle vivement, essayant de chasser ta froideur!!"

(Translation: "But my heart burns brightly, trying to sway away your coldness!")

"Stop speaking in Larrein, and just tell me why you're here!" Avian almost shouted, barely containing her anger and annoyance.

The guy, Verte, quitting with his funny expressions, just sighed, and said with a frowning face, "Both of our parents have decided our wedding day after the day your brother died, and you may not know of it as you have been doing so many shenanigans."

With an angry expression, Avian said, "I don't care about that, they can decide our wedding day whenever they want. They just have to leave me a few months to do my own thing and I'll go to their stupid arrange marriage."

Frowning even more, the Verte guy said, "That's the thing, you don't have a few months; you have one month at most to sort your stuff."

"July!? How stupid can they get!? My brother JUST died, and they want our wedding to be this year!? Their stupidity truly knows no bounds!" Avian yelled, pissed.

I felt a bit awkward since this is the first time I saw something like this.

Cecelia looked at me apologetically, and whispered, "On behalf of Avian, I am really sorry about all this."

I brushed it off, and said, "It doesn't matter. Just… tell them to make it quick, I don't have all day."

"Calme toi, Aviaire. Your anger will do you no good, my fiancé. Just make your 'stuff sorting' quick. Maybe I'll join your mission, if you'd like," Verte said, trying to calm his fiancé down, though he glanced at me for a bit but quickly looked away.

Avian only huffed for a moment, and said, "I'm calm. And don't pick your nose into my business, Verte. This is something I must do on my own."

Verte smiled at her, and said, "You don't have to worry, I won't. It's just that I'm also low on points. My family refused to give me some money to let me live my luxurious life, as I should, so here I am. I was going to look for a mission with good pay but I heard that you were going into a mission, and that you needed one more teammate. So, can I join?"

Avian only snorted, and said, "Hmph, it's not my call; it's the little guy," She pointed behind her, towards me.

Looking behind her, Verte saw me, and said in his confusion, "This toddler? He's a C-Rank disciple, too? Hmm, but I think I've seen you before… Aha! You're that baby who's the only disciple of the patriarch!"

At this moment, I wondered whether I should kill this guy or not. Why, you might ask? Because everyone is currently looking at me, gasping and muttering with each other.

"Oh my lord, it's really him! Our handsome patriarch Yule's disciple is really here!" One female disciple said, chatting with her friend.

"Hey, maybe we should talk to him now? You know, to form some bond. I heard a lot of little boys like older girls nowadays," Her friend said to her, a bit lustful, and I felt creeped out.

"Aw, Mera, you're such a slut~. But I do like that. The boy's cute too!"

"Tch, pedos," One guy said, picking up his mission paper and going out of the lobby in disgust.

I just looked at Verte, robotically, and said, "If you would mind, people are gossiping. Let's just sign the paper and accept the mission. As I've said before, I don't care who my teammates are as long as I can do this mission." Actually, I do care and I would've never added this guy if it weren't for the people gossiping around me. For some reason, many girls in the sect like poor little boys like me. And I swear to god, this sect is probably home to pedophiles as I've seen dudes looking at little girls as well.

Verte nodded, understanding my plight, and smiled at me, saying, "Understood, little boss!"

After that we all signed the mission, and then, a few minutes later, the clerk called the mission requester and told them about us. Soon, she dropped the call and told us to meet the merchant in the city, in the shop called "Great Food Shop!".

I was surprised that someone with a shop that has a bland name such as that has so much money to pay us for this mission. But anyway, I didn't care about that and we moved on to the said location we were going to meet.

As usual, the city is bustling with a lot of people going about their lives. I saw demi-humans, humans, and monsters coexisting. Some were playing chess, some were chatting with each other, and some were just making a living.

Even with their differences, these beings contain one single connection; they were happy. None of them were suffering as the various people I saw were smiling, playing with their family and friends, chatting with other races beside their own, and most importantly; they were free. They had their own freewill here, and none have taken advantage of that so far except for a few.

I noticed that Karduk was silent as we were walking in the crowd, and I couldn't help but imagine why. Verte was smiling, winking occasionally to the women he passed by. Cecelia held herself in a polite way, smiling and nodding at the people she knew around here. Avian was in a bad mood, probably because of what happened earlier.

And here I was, walking beside them. I didn't know anyone in the city for I have not gone out of my house that much, and even if I did, it was with a purpose.

I felt a bit lonely, knowing I have so few friends, yet I also felt happy knowing that I have my family. Vane, Flame, Flare, Sarah, Vivian, Ordea, Harry, Alexander, and everyone else.

Then, suddenly, as we were walking, I noticed a man wearing a black fedora yet I saw his face; there was nothing in it. It was as if he was wearing a mask. He dressed just like my father figure; white suit, white gloves, shiny white shoes, and that hat… that hat, that hat was the only thing different about him.

Time slowed down in my perspective, and he passed me by without doing anything but I felt his gaze linger around me for a fraction of a second.

Out of curiosity, I stopped to turn around and… he was not there anymore.

"What happened?" Cecelia asked.

My gaze remained there for a few seconds, before I shook my head and said, "Nothing." And we continued our walk.